Causes of American Revolution

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Cause of the Revolution Flow Chart

Year Event Description Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) British colonies fought alongside with British but the British treated the colonists with contempt and the colonies started getting angry. Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) England won the war so they were declared as the dominating power in America and the strongest navy in the world. How it led to the American Revolution. Because the British thought the colonists were lower, the British treated the colonies with not much respect and this really angered the colonists.


French and Indian War

A war between French with Indians and British for the land of America.


Proclamation of 1763

Restricts the colonists from moving across the Appalachian mountains.

Colonists were upset that the British took away the colonist's land that they fought for.

England did this with the thought of preventing any further fighting in mind.

The colonists wanted more land


Sugar Act

Implemented by Parliament of Great Britain that put taxes on molasses and sugar.

Caused the colonists to smuggle the goods across now

Began to enforce the Navigation Laws more strictly in order to control trade of the colonies.

Made colonists upset that they had to pay extra for goods





Stamp Act

Required that all legal papers and documents required stamps.

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) Colonists were infuriated and started tar and feathering officials, making parliament revoke the act and letting colonists think they can do this for anything they disliked.

Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) Had to repeal the tax

How it led to the American Revolution. Colonists feel more empowered by the protest and how the English repealed the tax


Quartering Act

Required colonists to quarter the British or take them in and feed the British soldiers stationed in the colonies. Stated that the rights of parliament in Britain were the same in the colonies and they would be able to do whatever they wanted. Came along with the Stamp Act repeal.

Resistance among colonists to quartering the soldiers

British soldiers were not polite and they just stormed into the house and took control.

Caused even more anger in the colonies and showed that the British think they were still above the Colonists as they thought they could take whatever they wanted. Americans wanted more freedom


Declaratory Act

Angered many colonists because they knew that this meant there were going to be more acts and taxes.

Gave more power to Parliament in both England and America.





Townshend Duties

Passed by Parliament Named after Charles Townshend It was another tax on goods such as paint, lead, and others.

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) The colonists stopped buying the goods of the British in order to protest.

Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) Britain assigned more troops in the colonies

How it led to the American Revolution. Caused the Boston Massacre Colonists also started realizing that the acts were really just disguised taxes.


Boston Massacre

A protest in the colonies against the Townshend act. British soldiers started shooting at the colonists.

Upset the colonists because soldiers killed and injured colonists Helped spark the American's wanting for independence

Two soldiers sentenced for murder

Made the colonists even more angry towards the British


Tea Act

Act passed by Parliament to aid the British East India's company survive financially from all the excess tea.

Colonists saw through parliament's attempt to make the colonists agree to parliament's right of taxation. Boston Tea Party created

Tea forced into Boston Harbor at a lower price to trick the colonists to buy the tea

Boston Tea Party threw tea into the water parliament passed intolerable acts.


Boston Tea Party

British tea dumped into Boston Harbor by people dressed as Indians

Boston Harbor shut down Colonists angry

Led to the Intolerable Act

Intolerable acts created





Coercive/ Intolerable Acts

Acts passed by parliament that limited and restricted town meetings. Boston Harbor closes until the tea is all paid for.

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) Colonists enraged and displeased

Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) Allowed British troops and soldiers to house anywhere and conquer more Americas

How it led to the American Revolution. Colonists very angry towards the British now


First Continental Congress

Agreed to boycott the British and meet once more if the British were to not change their policies.

Colonists boycott the English

British not receiving money because colonies are boycotting by not buying their goods.

King declined appeals by the colonists and sorting out with king is out of the option


Battles of Lexington and Concord

Battles of the American Revolution British went to Lexington and Concord to get the gunpowder and guns

Americans won and showed that they could fight.

British were embarrassed because they lost the battles

Start of the Revolution. First battles of the American Revolution





Second Continental Congress

A congress with all 13 colonies represented. Made Appeals to the king but denied Raised money for an army and Navy

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) Prepared the colonies for an all out war Ones to choose George Washington who helped win

Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) England denied the appeals and started war with the colonies.

How it led to the American Revolution. King denied the last hope for any peace at all between the two countries


Publication of Common Sense

A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that sold 120,000 copies. Said what colonists were doing is opposite to common sense

Encouraged colonists to fight for freedom because Paine used logic to say that the smaller thing can't control the larger one

Lost possible supporters for the British

Made colonists see they should not be controlled by the British


Declaration of Independence

Henry Lee has idea that the United Colonies should be free Approved by Congress on July 4, 1776

Separates from England Changed positions of colonists. Instead of being the King's subjects they are now rebels

Separates England from colonies making the King angry.

War is actually between two separate countries now.

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