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Autobiographical Essay Melinda Taylor Dr. David Makings Education 201 Foundations of Education Online, Fall 2012


Autobiographical Essay Late nights, early mornings, stress, confusion, these are all things I found myself feeling during my education. I know most of my peers felt the same way. The early school years are a difficult time for youth. As an Elementary Education student, I hope to prevent future students from feeling this way. Helping students excel in their education and love to learn at the same time are my goals for my future education career. I believe that there is more to being a teacher than what you learn in college. Passion and a desire to help are crucial characteristics of a good teacher, which I believe I have. Educational Background As a child, I attended Goodsell Elementary as well as Stuart Elementary in Shelley, Idaho. I began middle school at Hobbs Middle School in Shelley and continued to Eagle Rock Jr. High School in Idaho Falls, Idaho. I then attended Skyline High School in Idaho Falls where I graduated in May of 2012. I continued my education at the College of Southern Idaho studying Elementary Education. During my high school career, I was able to participate in many AP and honors programs. Honors Freshman and Sophomore English, AP Junior English, AP US History, AP Government and Politics, ENG 101 and ENG 110 were all classes that I took and passed. I received several college credits. I also participated in an Early Childhood Development program, including FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America), which I also received college credit for. I received many academic awards and graduated in the top half of my class. My experiences have helped create who I am. I have learned the importance of teamwork, confidence, and perseverance. I have become a leader and an example to others. I


have acquired lifelong skills such as effective communication, critical thinking, and problem solving. I hope one day to instill these same principals into my students as I work to become a teacher and, more importantly, a lifelong friend. Work History I began my first real job when I was 16. I say real because I babysat quite a bit as a younger teenager. I worked as a sales associate at Old Navy at my local mall. I had many different responsibilities including cashier, sales floor, fitting room, shipment, markdowns, facilities, etc. I was awarded employee of the month in March of 2011 and was frequently rewarded for my performance. Recently, I changed jobs and am now a cashier at Wal Mart. My only responsibility is to run the cash register. Two months after beginning my work at Wal Mart, I became a four-star cashier for being fast, friendly, and clean. Working retail has definitely been a learning experience. I have learned to have patience. When a customer decides to mess up the very nice, neat, pile of shirts you just folded, you must be patient and keep quiet. I have also learned the importance of a good work ethic. In my two years at Old Navy, I never once called-in. Honesty has also been a major part of my work experience. When working with a cash register, it is very important to be honest with higherranking individuals. It is easy to mess up when working with computers however, it is crucial to point out your mistakes so that they can be fixed. Service and/or Extracurricular Activities I have participated in many extra-curricular activities. I began dancing when I was three years old and continued until I was a junior in High School. I participated on a competing team for three years. Ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, hip hop, and modern were just some of the styles of


dance I learned and performed. I also was a member of my junior high and high school bands. I began playing the flute in the 6th grade and continued to learn the piccolo. I participated in concert, jazz, marching, and pep bands. I was first chair flute all of my junior and senior years. I also auditioned for and made the Gem State Honor Band my junior and senior years as well as the All-State Honor Band my senior year. Piano lessons were also a part of my childhood. I took lessons for four years and played occasionally in church and at special events such as funerals, weddings, etc. Participating in all of these activities also taught me quite a bit. Being a dancer, I acquired self-confidence and performance skills. I learned the importance of physical activity and taking care of my body. It was also a social activity for me. Being a part of a team meant you were not just in it for yourself. As for band, I learned that practice really does make perfect. I learned the importance of music in a persons life and how it brings people together. Auditioning for honor bands helped with my confidence and rewarded my hard work. Playing the piano made me the most nervous out of all of my hobbies. My hands always shook when I played in church even though they didnt when I danced or played the flute. Perhaps because I had not been doing it nearly as long as the other two. However, playing in front of people I was close to become easier as I continued to do it. Reasons for Choosing Education as a Career As a first grader, I knew I was going to become a teacher. I have no idea what inspired me but I have never once changed my mind. I love children and love watching them grow and develop. Watching their little minds work to figure things out is fascinating to me. I had a class out in a daycare in high school and seeing the children interact with each other and learn new


things on a daily basis was an incredible experience. I have never really considered any other careers. I might possibly teach dance or music on the side but I would not make a career out of those. Eventually, I would like to get my Masters degree in Educational Leadership and become a Principal of an Elementary school. That would be a ways down the road though. I hope to become an incredible teacher who inspires my students and my colleagues. Professional Goals As I mentioned in the last paragraph, I would like to eventually become a Principal. First, however, I would like to earn a bachelors in Elementary Education. I hope to teach somewhere in the third or fourth grade range. My short-term goals are to continue working towards my degree, earning at least 12 credits per semester while working, so I can pay for school myself. I would like to have my associates degree by fall of 2014. Teaching is not simply standing in front of a class and lecturing. It is being passionate about the things you teach and giving your students the same passion. It is about being an inspiration and an example to those students who look up to you. As a future educator, I hope to do these things every single day in my classroom.

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