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Overview of the TOAD SQL*Loader Interface

Mark Lerch October 25, 2000

Overview Examples Inserting from a single data file, with one error, into one table specifying table level parameters Loading into multiple tables by extracting multiple logical records Conditional load into partitions Loading from several data files, each with a different format Column-level delimiters and conditions, command-line options and constraint exception management Using the Scheduler Execution Options Frequently Asked Questions Executable Location Executable Names per Oracle Version My Environment Future Enhancements In Summary

The TOAD SQL*Loader Interface is a utility which allows the user to graphically build a control file for use with SQL*Loader. It also has the capability to run SQL*Loader with the control file, optionally running in either the foreground or the background. It can also schedule the SQL*Loader execution as a Windows Job for later execution. Most of this document consists of real-world examples in using the loader, since that seems to be the best way to learn about it. In the first example I will explain step by step what each tab in the window does, so it is worth looking it over to get an understanding of the GUI.

These example runs will start with the most common uses and increase in complexity to demonstrate some of the more advanced features of SQL*Loader.

Inserting from a single data file, with one error, into one table specifying table-level parameters
Lets start by creating and populating a sample table. Heres the script you can copy and paste right into TOAD:
create table MarksFavoriteFoods (Name varchar2(30), Rank number) insert into MarksFavoriteFoods values ('Tuna', 1) insert into MarksFavoriteFoods values ('Salmon', 2) insert into MarksFavoriteFoods values ('Broccoli', 3) insert into MarksFavoriteFoods values ('Asparagus', 4) insert into MarksFavoriteFoods values ('Bell peppers', 5) insert into MarksFavoriteFoods values ('Chicken', 6) insert into MarksFavoriteFoods values ('Yogurt', 7) insert into MarksFavoriteFoods values ('Brown rice', 8) insert into MarksFavoriteFoods values ('Carrots', 9) insert into MarksFavoriteFoods values ('Lean ground beef', 10)

(I happen to be eating Salmon, brown rice and bell peppers while typing this). Start up Schema Browser, find the table, select the Data tab on the right, right-click, select Save As, choose ASCII, Comma delimited, select Save To File on the bottom and choose C:\MarksDiet.Dat or any other filename you wish. Select OK. Now lets empty our table with this line:
delete from MarksFavoriteFoods

And you can verify in Schema Browser that it is empty. Here is what the first couple of lines look like from our data file: Tuna,1 Salmon,2 This is our data, or input, file. What Im going to do is open up Notepad and edit the first line, replacing the comma with a tab, to intentionally create bad data. Here is what the first line now looks like: Tuna 1 Save the file.

Open up the SQL*Loader interface (DBA | SQL*Loader Interface). The first tab is Source Files. Here is where we enter the list of the data files we want to load into one or more tables. At least one input file is required. Let me briefly describe each: Input file This is the actual data file. It can be in three different formats: stream, fixed and variable. Stream format is the default. With stream format, lines are read until an end-of-record marker is found (end of line character, by default). With fixed record format, each record must be a fixed number of bytes in length. With variable record format, each record may be a different length, as specified by a special field the first field in each record. The user must specify the length of this field. Examples: Stream record format, end-of-line character the default: Tuna,1 Stream record format, | character specified: Tuna,1| Fixed record format - all data records must be same length Variable record format, specifier field is 3 bytes long: 006Tuna,1 Bad file This file will contain rejected records. By default, it gets named the same as the input file, with a .BAD extension. In our example, this file should (if everything works right!) contain our bad Tuna record because it doesnt conform to the parameters we will specify. Discard file The discard file contains records that were not inserted during the load because they did not match any of the selection criteria. We will see in a later example that we can actually tell SQL*Loader WHEN we want a record inserted it must match criteria we specify. Select Add to add our data file. The following dialog appears:

(Notice that when the mouse passes over each field, MicroHelp is displayed in the status bar). Click on the ellipse button next to Input filename and choose the data file:

The Bad file and Discard file are automatically entered with their default extensions. Stream is chosen by default, and well take that. Well also leave the end of record string field empty, taking the end of line character as the default. The Discard field indicates the maximum number of records to put into the discard file. Well leave this empty also, indicating that we want all of them. Click OK to close. Note at this point we could choose as many different input files as we wanted as long as they all had the same record layout. This is not to say they couldnt each have a different record format, as we will see in a later example. Move to the Destination Tables tab. This is where we will choose the destination table for the load. Select MarksFavoriteFoods from the list. Since our data is commadelimited, move to the All fields delimited by and enter a comma. If our data fields were surrounded by double-quotes, as: Tuna,1 then we would enter a double-quote in the All fields enclosed by field. If the trailing field enclosure was different than the initial field enclosure character, we would enter it into the second field. For example, if our data looked like:

Tuna#,1# we would enter double quotes into the first enclosed by field, and # into the second field. As it is, we are not using field enclosure characters, so leave those fields blank. Our screen now looks like:

Lets move on to the Parameters tab. For a control file name, Im going to enter D:\confile.ctl. You can name it whatever you want, however, including the extension. The SQL*Loader EXE field automatically fills in with the full path to the SQL*Loader. The rest of the fields on this tab are various options that were not going to worry about right now. We can preview the control file any time we want by clicking on the Preview Control File tab. Lets do it now. Here is what mine looks like at this point: LOAD DATA INFILE 'C:\marksdiet.dat' BADFILE 'C:\marksdiet.bad' DISCARDFILE 'C:\marksdiet.dsc' INTO TABLE "MARKSFAVORITEFOODS"

FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' (NAME, RANK) This is what the actual contents of the control file will be. At any time you can click Save to save the control file. The control file is also saved when you choose Execute Now. Lets go for it! Click Execute Now. Here, hopefully, is what you will get for a result:

This is a very information-packed screen. The first tab is a messages tab, and provides the standard output from running the loader. If any errors occurred when running the loader itself, they would be displayed here. The second tab contains the text of the log file ,which presents detailed information about what occurred. The first thing we discover on the Messages tab is some information about SQL*Loader itself its version and the date and time it was executed. The last line states that 10 rows were inserted into our table. You can verify this with Schema Browser. Success! The log file contains a lot of great data about what happened. We wont go into all the details here, but scroll down a bit in the window. Youll see that 1 record was rejected.

And moving out to Windows Explorer, we see that the file named MarksDiet.bad was created in the same directory as our data file. Open it up. It contains one row: Tuna 1 This row did not match the criteria we specified for the load, namely, that each record is comma delimited. Just for fun, lets close our Status window and click Execute Now again. Our status window will open, and the line: SQL*Loader-601: For INSERT option, table must be empty. Error on table "MARKSFAVORITEFOODS" Appears in the window. What happened here? Well, by default, INSERTs are performed. Since we didnt change our load method, that is what it tried to do. But the table already had data. Move back to the Parameters tab and find the Load method field (there is another on the Destination Tables tab since this option can be specified at the table level, but we want to do it for all tables, even though weve only one). Select Append from the drop down list. Click Execute again. We will discover by reading the Messages and Log file (or simply by looking in Schema Browser) that weve successfully appended all 9 records (1 is still bad, remember) into our table. Well, that was a great start. This is a good time for a break, because were about to get a bit more complex!

Loading into multiple tables by extracting multiple logical records

For this example, make another table just like MarksFavoriteFoods. Ensure both tables are empty. Edit the data file to make it look like this:

I use a screen shot here because its important that the data be lined up exactly. And those are spaces in there not tabs!

This example is going to demonstrate how we can load data from one data file into multiple tables by using logical records. What is different about this data is that each line of the data file corresponds to more than one physical record. There are two logical records in each line. Heres how we do this. Select the data file as the source file (actually if you havent closed the window yet its still there. I kept mine open). On the Destination Tables tab were going to select our two tables. In the Destination Tables tree view, open up the first table. Select the Name column. On the right side, select the Column Parameters tab. In the From/To column fields on the right, enter 1 and 12 respectively. This means we want this table to read the first 12 columns in our data file to extract the Name field. Click on the Rank column and enter 13 and 14 for the From/To. That is where the Rank data lives in our input file for that field. Open up the second table in the tree view and select its Name column. The From/To values for this are 18 and 33. Finally, select the last Rank column and enter 34 and 36 for the From/To. Make sure youve entered a control file. Heres what the control file looks like: LOAD DATA INFILE 'd:\marksdiet.dat' INTO TABLE "MARKSFAVORITEFOODS" FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' (NAME POSITION(1:12), RANK POSITION(13:14)) INTO TABLE "TESTTHIS" (NAME POSITION(18:33), RANK POSITION(34:36)) Click Execute and you will see that the foods ranked 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 went into the first table, while those ranked 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 went into the second table.

Conditional load into partitions

This example will demonstrate loading into a partition with conditions.

NOTE: At this time when you select a table the subpartitions field does not get populated with the available subpartitions (as the partitions field does with the tables partitions); you must enter the name directly. Lets drop and recreate our table with range partitions. Run the following:

If we were to run our first example, foods with a ranking up through and including four would go into the partition named FoodRank1, and all the rest would go into the partition named FoodRank2. Try it if you like, and verify the contents through the following SQL:
select * from MarksFavoriteFoods partition (FoodRank1) select * from MarksFavoriteFoods partition (FoodRank2)

For this example, however, we will attempt to load all our data into partition FoodRank1. Lets use our original, comma delimited file from the beginning of example 1. Select it and add it to the input file list on the first tab, if it isnt already there. For our Destination Table well chose MarksFavoriteFoods again. This time, we will select the Partition radio button on the Table Parameters tab. Click the drop down list and you will see the two partitions listed that we created. Choose FOODRANK1. Remember to enter a comma in the Delimiter field below it. (By the way, if our data were tab delimited, we would choose WHITESPACE in the drop down). On the right side of the Table Parameters tab is a field called Load rec when. This means load the record into the table when the following condition(s) are present. In this field, enter the following: RANK != 1 This says that we only want records whose RANK field is not equal to the character 1. (All character data is interpreted automatically by Oracle, by the way. If we wanted to enforce certain data types for special conditions we could do so under the Column Parameters data type field). On the Parameters tab choose a control file name to create. At this point, your control file should look something like the following: LOAD DATA INFILE 'd:\marksdiet.dat'

INTO TABLE "MARKSFAVORITEFOODS" PARTITION (FOODRANK1) WHEN RANK != "1" FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' (NAME, RANK) Give it a whirl. If you were successful, the status window should open. Lets go to the Log File tab. Move down through and you should come to these lines: Record 1: Discarded - failed all WHEN clauses. Record 5: Rejected - Error on table "MARKSFAVORITEFOODS", partition FOODRANK1. ORA-14401: inserted partition key is outside specified partition [and so on for the rest of the records] This says that the first record failed the WHEN clause. It certainly did it had a rank of 1 and we didnt want to load any records with that rank. The rest of the rejection lines state that the inserted partition key is outside the partition bounds. This is because records with a rank of 5 and above exceed the partition bounds we chose for FOODRANK1. Look in Schema Browser and you should find my foods ranked 2 through 4 in the data.

Loading from several data files, each with a different format

This example will use three different data files and demonstrate the three supported format types: stream, fixed and variable. Split the data file MarksDiet.dat into three separate files. Use Notepad (important!) as an editor. Create three files, MarksDiet1.dat, MarksDiet2.dat and MarksDiet3.dat. Edit the first file. Make it look like this: Tuna,1*Salmon,2*Broccoli,3* Important! There are no extra spaces or new line characters at the end of that line. This sample demonstrates using an asterisk as an end of record marker. Up until now, we have been using the carriage return/new line character combo to designate physical records. Edit MarksDiet2.dat and make it look like this: Asparagus, 4,Bell peppers,5,Chicken, 6,

Once again, no spaces or new line characters at the end of the line. This is going to be our fixed record length file. Each record is fixed at precisely 15 characters. The third file should be named MarksDiet3.dat and look like this: 0009Yogurt,7,0015Brown rice,8, 0010Carrots,9,0019Lean ground beef,10 (Note: On SQL Loader versions prior to 8 (7.3, e.g.), a space is required after the record length field) This is our variable format file. At the beginning of each record is a field which designates how long that record is. Notice Brown Rice on the first line. You may count 13 characters. But Notepad also adds two more characters a carriage return/line feed pair. We need to account for that! (Thats why I had you use Notepad, some editors may only add one line feed character). Once again, no extra spaces or carriage returns at the end of the second line. This time when we add each file, we will specify Stream format for the first, and enter an asterisk into the end of record string field. MarksDiet2.dat should be specified as Fixed format, with a length of 15. And MarksDiet3.dat is variable format, and the length indication field is 4 bytes long. After adding these, here is what your Source Files tab should look like:

Select the same Destination table, enter the comma delimiter and the control file name, and all the data will be loaded (did you remember to empty the table first?). If your table is still partitioned, as mine was, you can use these lines to see the data in each one:
select * from MarksFavoriteFoods partition (FoodRank1) select * from MarksFavoriteFoods partition (FoodRank2)

Column-level delimiters and conditions, command-line options and constraint exception management
This final example will demonstrate specifying input data delimiters at the column level, capturing constraint errors and some of the command line options available. For this example, we are going to create a foreign key to a table containing all of our food ranks. Heres the SQL and PL/SQL Id like you to execute:
drop table marksfavoritefoods create table foodrank (Rank number primary key) declare i integer; begin i := 1; loop insert into foodrank values (i); i := i + 1; if i > 10 then exit; end if; end loop; end; create table MarksFavoriteFoods (Name varchar2(20), Rank Number) create table loaderexceptions(row_id urowid, owner varchar2(30), table_name varchar2(30), constraint varchar2(30)) alter table MarksFavoriteFoods add constraint check_rank foreign key (Rank) references FoodRank(Rank) exceptions into loaderexceptions

Were also going to modify our input data file. Ill provide it here, but be very careful about copying and pasting into an editor. Make sure you dont get an empty line at the end. "Grease^#1 "Tuna^#1

"Salmon^#02 "Broccoli^#3 "Asparagus^#4 "Bell peppers^#5 "Chicken^#6 "Yogurt^7 "Brown rice^#8 "Carrots^#9 Lean ground beef#10 "Egg whites^#11 "Congealed Fat^#99 Lets look at this briefly. It is clear that our first field, Food Name, has a double-quote as its first delimiter. Its closing delimiter is a caret. And its ending field specifier is a # character. The Rank field is not delimited. Or is it? Copy and paste that data into an editor and again, make sure there are no hidden characters anywhere. (Incidentally, how did Grease and Congealed Fat make it into the list? Well have to do something about that) Save the data file and select it as the input file. Go to the Destination Tables tab and select MarksFavoriteFoods. Select it then go to the Table Parameters tab and enter or pick LOADEREXCEPTIONS as the Exceptions table (as of this writing, there is a refresh problem in the Table pick list, so it doesnt appear there for me even though Ive created it. So manually enter the name). What this is going to indicate is that we want any constraint exceptions to go into LOADEREXCEPTIONS. The exceptions table must be in the format as shown above. The RowID of the violated rows will go into this table. Notice when you entered a name that Reenable Constraints automatically became checked. Were asking that constraints be reenabled after the load is finished. When the constraints become reenabled, then the referential integrity checks will fire, which will cause some of the data to fail and the row to be marked in our exceptions table. In looking back at our data, its pretty clear that Congealed Fat with a food rank of 99, will clearly violate our referential integrity constraint. We only have ten ranks in our FOODRANK table - 1 through 10, so anything else will not be allowed. Display the columns for MarksFavoriteFoods. Select the Name column and go over to the Column Parameters tab. Enter # in the Field is terminated by. The Field is enclosed by and ^, so enter those characters as well. In looking back at our data, we find that not all the food name fields are delimited, so we will check the optionally check box Move across to the Null If field. Null If says set character columns to null, and number columns to zero, upon this condition. Enter RANK=3 in the Null If field. This will blank out the Food Name column when Rank is 3. The food for that rank is Broccoli, so it will never appear, sadly.

Move to the Default if field. Enter NAME=Bell peppers. This is also going to set the Food Name column to null whenever the Name is Bell peppers. (There is some subtle distinction between these two fields that escapes me at the moment. Perhaps it is that Null If sets numeric fields to zero, while Default if sets them to null. The documentation suggests that our example is redundant but who cares. Ill leave this to the reader to investigate further). Here is what my screen looks like at this time:

Lets go on to the Parameters tab. Enter a control file name (Ive been using D:\confile.ctl, but you can name it anything). Go down to the command line options (these are options which can be specified on the executable command line). Enter a 1 into Skip. This says we want to skip 1 record. I told you I was going to get rid of that Grease field! Enter 11 into the Load field. This says we want to load 11 records from our data file. So the first line will be skipped and the next 11 loaded. The Congealed Fat record will not get loaded. Even if it did, it has a Rank of 99, so it would fail the constraint check. Select the Direct checkbox, since we want to do a Direct Path Load (a very different style of loading which does not perform standard SQL Inserts but rather uses buffers. This will permit the constraint to be turned off). Finally, under Silent, check the All check box. This tells loader to suppress all output messages (the log file will still be created). (Incidentally, these are not mutually exclusive you can disable Feedback and Errors, but not Discards, etc.)

I think were ready to give this a whirl. Click Execute Now. The Messages tab shows only these lines: SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Fri Oct 27 13:57:14 2000 (c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Since we suppressed all messages. The Log file tells us that 10 rows were loaded; 1 row was not, due to data errors. Which was that? Open up MarksDiet.bad (or whatever you named the data file, plus the .bad extension). You will find this line: "Yogurt^7 Whats wrong with that line? Well, it has no field termination character - #. Notice that the lean ground beef line: Lean ground beef#10 Made it in, even though it doesnt have delimiters. Thats because we said they were optional. Now, open up Schema Browser and look at MarksFavoriteFoods. It looks like this:

We see that Broccoli and Bell Peppers got blanked out, as we requested. Grease was skipped and Congealed Fat was not loaded because it was beyond our Loaded limit. Yogurt wasnt loaded due to bad data. But Egg Whites had a Rank of 11. Why didnt the constraint fail? And whats up with the Rank of 0 for Salmon? It had a rank of 2! Lets open up our log file. (Whatever you named the control file but with a .LOG extension, and in the same directory as the control file). This is what we find toward the bottom: Column Name Position Len Term Encl Datatype ------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---- --------------------NAME FIRST * # O(") CHARACTER O(^) NULL if RANK = 0X33(character '3') DEFAULT if NAME = 0X42656c6c2070657070657273(character 'Bell peppers') RANK NEXT 1 CHARACTER Len means length. We see a length of * for Name, meaning read to the end of field marker, which is # - the Terminator character. But Rank has a length of 1. I guess thats why only 1 character was loaded. But why? Well, we never specified a field terminator for Rank. We did for Name, but not Rank. Lets go back to the Destination Tables tab, select Rank and go to the Column Parameters tab. In the Field is terminated by field, select WHITESPACE from the dropdown. Now, open up a SQL edit window and remove the records from MarksFavoriteFoods by entering:
delete from marksfavoritefoods

Run it once more. Notice in Schema Browser that all the numeric data makes it in properly. In examining the log file, we see that our constraint was disabled, the records loaded, and an attempt was made to reenable the constraint. But the particular constraint we used a foreign key constraint could not be reenabled because there were orphaned records the Egg White. Look in the LOADEREXCEPTIONS table and you will find the RowID of the offending record.

Using the Scheduler

Included in SQL*Loader is a scheduler which provides the ability to schedule the load as a Windows task. Clicking the Schedule button opens the following window:

Select when you want SQL*Loader to run. Ive selected 4:55 pm on the day Im writing this. Click OK and you will be informed that a job has been added. Open up Windows Explorer. On the left side, after your hard drive and CD ROM letters, you will see Control Panel, Printers and Scheduled Tasks (and maybe other things, depending on your system). Click on Scheduled Tasks. On the right side you will see the newly added job. Here is what mine looks like:

You can right-click, select properties and see just what is going to happen at that time by looking in the Run field. Here is what mine contains:

D:\ORACLE\ORA81\BIN\SQLLDR.EXE userid=MLERCH/MLERCH@ORA8I control=d:\confile.ctl log=d:\confile.log Now thats a sneak peak at exactly what the TOAD SQL*Loader runs when you click Execute. Just for fun I had a load operation due to start in 1 minute. So I took a stretch and after a minute a command prompt window opened, SQL*Loader launched and ran the control file. Cool, huh?

Execution Options
The View | Options DBA tab has a new option. As previously mentioned, you can run the loader in either the background or the foreground. Here is what the new option looks like:

Its important to note that running loader in the foreground is perhaps the most beneficial, as you can see error messages and results when it is completed. This is the mode of running that I would recommend during testing (except when testing that the background mode actually works!), as you can include the result messages in any problem reports.

So there you have it - maximum flexibility. You can schedule SQL*Loader as a foreground process, a background task, or a Windows job. I hope this document helps you as much as it has helped me improve this tool.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions with the GUI I cannot select anything on the Table Parameters tab of the Destination Tables tab. Each table can have its own set of parameters. Make sure you have a table selected under Destination Tables tree view. I select a table that has subpartitions, but the subpartitions field is a simple entry field it doesnt list them like the partitions field lists the partitions. This will be developed at a future time. For now you must know the subpartition name and enter it directly. Questions after running Execute Now I receive a Missing DLL error message The most likely cause of this happening is there is an earlier client version of SQL*Loader trying to access a later version database. Upgrade SQL*Loader on the client. I receive an Entry point mismatch message There is a mixed version of SQL*Loader and its supporting DLLs on the client. To resolve try reinstalling the correct version of SQL*Loader. This should ensure a proper version for the exe and supporting DLLs. An SQL*Loader-282: Unable to locate character set handle for character set ID (0) error appears Im currently getting this when trying to run an 8.1.6. SQL*Loader to load a 7.3.4 database. Error is related to NLS data being mismatched. Still working on resolution. I press Execute Now and nothing seems to happen. Make sure you are not running it in the background. See View | Options DBA tab. Choosing Foreground will cause it to run while you wait, then display a results window afterwards. Why cant I see a status window after it finishes running in the background like I see when it runs in the foreground? TOAD launches a separate Windows shell program to run it in the background. There is no way to know when it finishes. Even if there were, say through starting it in a thread (even if thats possible, which is questionable), there is no way to capture stdError to

display in the Messages tab. In the future Ill investigate launching it within a new thread so the user can at least be notified when it finishes. Then again, theyll know when the Command Prompt window closes, so never mind. I receive the error bad length for VAR record when specifying an input file with variable length format. The data looks fine whats up? Well, when that kept happening to me, it was because there was a return character at the end of the file. It choked on the entire thing! I receive an error when I have specified a terminating string for my Stream file format data file. The Oracle documentation states this is a new addition for version 8.1. Ive got more than one destination table. No data is getting into any of them! Make sure Miscellaneous Questions Cant control files themselves contain the data for the load? That is correct. In which case, use the Interface to build the parameters, then insert the appropriate section of the generated control file into the data file. This is currently the only support for this type of load, and is outside the scope of this tool. Id like to run SQL*Loader myself, and provide it a control file Ive built. Sure. Open up a Command Prompt, and enter: Sqlldr userid=MLERCH/MLERCH@ORA8I control=MyControlFile Replacing the obvious stuff.

Executable Location
If you accept the default paths, then the executable will be in OraNT/Bin for versions prior to 8.1. For 8.1 and greater, mine is located in Oracle/Ora81/Bin. TOAD uses the following algorithm to offer a default path to the executable: Use DOA to find the path to the OCI.DLL. Locate an executable in that directory starting with SQLLDR*.EXE. Offer the full path as the default. The path to the SQL*Loader executable can be chosen as an option (View|Options DBA tab). There was a bug in prior versions in that the full path was not being presented. Since it was being stored as an option, you need to delete the old value in Options. This will cause TOAD to perform a new find.

Executable Names Per Oracle Version

These are the names of the SQL*Loader executables

8.1.6 sqlldr.exe 8.0.5 sqlldr80.exe 8.0.4. sqlldr80.exe 7.3.4 sqlldr73.exe

My Environment
I have a version 8.1.6 SQL*Loader. With it, I have successfully loaded tables in 3 different environments: 8.1.6, 8.0.5, and 8.0.4. Im still trying to load into a 7.3.4 database with it. I have an NLS data mismatch error or something going on.

Future Enhancements
One significant enhancement I plan to add includes the ability to save and restore all the parameters and configurations as a style. This will be a significant feature in that most of the time the data files are used in the same format (e.g., the DBA will receive data files each week or month). The user will be able to simply select a pre-saved style, tweak a table name or two, and have their new control file.

In Summary
SQL*Loader is a very, very big tool. There are enough options to make your head spin. Ive tried to present the majority of the features in the TOAD Interface to it, knowing that trying to present all its myriad of options would be bewildering at best and at worst give me a head of gray hair. Its important to remember that the TOAD window is intended to serve one primary purpose to help users get started in building their control files. This has been the primary request from users a tool to help them get started. Its my hope that with TOAD SQL*Loader Interface were off to a good start.

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