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Krishna Consciousness of Parents

By Aruddha Devi Dasi

The strength behind any gurukula or home schooling is the teacher. Srila Prabhupada therefore emphasized the importance of good Krishna consciousness among all his teachers. In a letter to disciple he wrote: If Aniruddha is shaky in his Krishna Consciousness, how he can teach the children? Unless one is firmly convinced about Krishna Consciousness, I don't think the children will learn properly from such a person. Other experienced teachers may be called from other centers if they are required, that you should discuss with them. The same principle applies for parents who are home schooling their children. If they want good results parents must set a good example. Children learn mainly by good examples and role models. Srila Prabhupada said: Whatever the elder members are doing, the children should do if possible. But for teaching the teachers themselves should be fixed up initiated devotees, otherwise how the children can get the right information and example? In todays public schools, we see that the academic qualifications of the teachers are carefully taken into consideration but their personal behavior is often questionable. They do not follow the four regulative principles or have much knowledge of God. In Vedic culture not only were the teachers learned in the Vedas, but they also had good character and qualities. They were devoid of all greed and envy and could impart true knowledge that they lived by. There was love and trust between the teacher and student; the teachers were motivated to teach and the students were eager to learn. Srila Prabhupada emphasized that the teachers who live with the students (as they do in homeschooling) should follow four rules: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no intoxication and no gambling. Then they will be real teachers, and because of their dedication to Krsna consciousness they can offer love and guidance to the children by helping them revive their dormant love for God. In a Srimad Bhagavatam purport (5.4.8), Prabhupada writes: Sri Caitanya Mahprabhu has said that in order to preach, one must live a practical life and show people how to do things. pani cari' bhakti sikhimu sabre. One cannot teach others unless he behaves the same way himself. Rsabhadeva was an ideal king, and He took His education in the gurukula, although He was already educated because the Supreme Lord is omniscient. Although Rsabhadeva had nothing to learn from gurukula, He went there just to teach the people in general how to take an education from the right source, from Vedic teachers. He then entered householder life and lived according to the principles of Vedic knowledgesruti and smrti. Srila Prabhupda often emphasized good example over precept. Example is better than precept. You should all be personal examples. If you do not practice what you preach, but simply force the children, that will not be very good. If every one of you rises early in the morning, so will the children. You shouldn't think, All this austerity is meant for the students, not for us. We are liberated now so we can sleep until 7:30. Both teachers and students must perform devotional service. Again, Srila Prabhupada says, If you actually follow strictly the rules and regulations and chant sixteen rounds, why they'll not follow? They'll follow.

If you are not attending class, if you are not attending magala rati, if you are not finishing sixteen rounds, then that is bad example. Character formation is one of the main goals of the home schooling system, and it requires that the students have continuous and intimate association with parents who instruct them by the example of their own conduct. This system naturally demands a high standard of behavior from the parents. A child is dependent on his parents to show him how to develop strong character, intelligence, and spiritual knowledge. With these he will be equipped to face the challenges that arise when he tries to lead a disciplined spiritual life in today's world. He won't easily fall for the lures of drugs, illicit sex, and other things that would cause him misery. We have to remember that home schooled children are acquiring not only an education but also a simple and pure culture. Srila Prabhupda has said that students trained from the beginning of their life should grow up to be the leaders of our country. Home schooling Makes Parents Better Devotees In Krishna conscious home schooling the parents see themselves as servants of Krishna appointed by Him to teach their children without expecting anything in return. Home schooling helps not only the children to become better devotees but the parents as well. By cultivating a Krishna conscious atmosphere and an eagerness to make their children devotees, the parents also make spiritual advancement quickly. From my own experience I can say that even though I was an initiated devotee, I did not have much knowledge of the scriptures and felt unqualified to teach my boys. However, as we all participated in the morning program, ate prasadam, did some Deity worship, celebrated festivals, read Srila Prabhupadas books, and engaged in preaching activities, my faith and knowledge increased. Not only did the children grow spiritually, but we did too. By reading Prabhupadas books with them daily, especially Srimad Bhagavatam, my conviction became stronger and I became enthused to teach them. My fears about my own inabilities went away and I became convinced about the necessity of a Krishna conscious education. Since I had to constantly preach to my children, I was eager to set a good example and that helped my own Krishna consciousness. In hindsight I realized that we may not have complete faith in Krishna consciousness or the qualification to home school but as we practice Krishna consciousness and teach our children from the scriptures we will gain both. Also, I noticed that as we were reading Prabhupadas books the children were becoming happy and peaceful besides gaining knowledge in all spheres of life. We learn as they learn. We grow as they grow. Of course, our understanding and growth in Krishna consciousness is deeper and more mature, so we become qualified to teach them. Sometimes I would use my mistakes or weaknesses as topics for discussion during classes so that the children could learn from them. They could understand that being devotees does not mean that we are perfect but it is our effort to become perfect in our service to Krishna. Examples set by visiting sanyasis and devotees also became our guide for proper behavior and practice. How Important are the Parents Academic Qualifications? Sometimes we see that parents may be sincere devotees but are nevertheless hesitant to teach because they feel they lack academic qualifications. For example they may not have superior

English or math skills or detailed knowledge of current world affairs. Even though many of them have college degrees they may not be fluent in the English language and fear jeopardizing their childrens future. Intelligence is not measured by how many academic degrees we can accumulate but by what kind of knowledge we have and how we can apply it in our daily lives. We may even have only a high school level education but we can be qualified to teach. Prabhupada often quoted Canakya Pandit who said that an educated man is one who sees all women other than his wife as mother, who sees others property as unattractive, and who sees all living entities just like himself. Srila Prabhupada writes: The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and a dog-eater. That is a learned man. Not this degreeholder. A degree-holder who has no tapasya and no characterKrsna says he is mayayapahrta-jnana, his knowledge is stolen by illusion. Although he has learned so many things, nonetheless, maya has taken away his knowledge. (Civilization and Transcendence) In another place he says, Buddhi means intelligence. And what is that intelligence? Real intelligence? Real intelligence is to know, to understand that Krsna is the Supreme, and I am part and parcel. (Bg lecture) Our intelligence is coming from scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam that contain all knowledge, material and spiritual. Parents who read these books and raise their children under such guidance become qualified to teach. Subjects such as math can be supplemented by outside books that are readily available. Srila Prabhupada said we are like mailmen; we dont invent our own theories but repeat what our great acharyas have said. If we simply read Prabhupadas books with our children, the books are so spiritually potent that they will do the task of educating them both materially and spiritually. We have to pray to Prabhupada to guide us in this endeavor. By studying the scriptures, our children will develop strong language abilities, critical thinking skills, and study skills, and thus they will be able to take up any profession and succeed at it. At the same time, by learning the Vedic conclusion on all subject matters, they will remain fixed in their Krishna consciousness. Home schooling trains children to work independently without being spoon fed by the teacher. In other words, the schooling takes its own shape with the children in the lead. When the children are young, it is not difficult to teach them math and English at an elementary level. By the time their studies become advanced, they are older and capable of learning themselves using textbooks, requiring only general supervision. So parents need not fear that they are academically unqualified to home school their children. Parents are natural teachers. They love and care for their children and are willing to sacrifice more than others. They dont have to go to college to understand what is good for their children. Parents understand their childrens nature intimately--their strengths and weaknesses--and so can help and encourage them in ways that others cannot. As we see our children advance spiritually and academically, we will feel enthusiastic to teach and care for them.

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