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______________________________ (Transferor)
The General Manager
________________________________ (Transferee)
Dear Sir,
Re : Meter No. ________________ Bill No. _______________ Cycle No ___________
Installation No. _______________________ standing in my name _________________ at Flat No. ____________
on ____________ floor ______________ Co-op. Housing Society Ltd.
Sub: Transfer of the above meter in favour of the purchasers herein under specified.
With reference to the above subject I have to state that Flat No. ___________ on the __________ floor of the
building known as ______________ of the _______________ Co-op.Hsg.Soc.Ltd., situated at
________________________, has been transferred by me to Shri/Smt __________________________ vide
agreement dated ______________.
Since the above mentioned flat has been transferred in favour of the above purchasers I request you to kindly
transfer the above meter in favour of the purchasers.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
(Shri/Smt _________________ )


DISCLAIMER:These legal forms and documents are for reference only. Any agreement that you enter into, should be in consultation with
a Solicitor or an Advocate. India Properties Com Pvt. Ltd. will not be responsible for any claim arising out of the use of any of the above
mentioned documents.

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