End of Year Test

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Name: _________________________________ End of Year Test

Class: _______________

Circle the correct answer. For every correct answer you will get 1 point. 1. Where _________ Grace and Lily from? a. is b. are c. am 2. Pauls American. He ___________ British. a. isnt b. arent c. m not 3. There ___________ a letter for you from Spain. a. am b. are c. is 4. This is Wendy and Jane. _____________ are my sisters. a. They b. You c. We 5. This is my brother s friend. _______________ is from England. a. They b. She c. It 6. This is me and my brother. ____________ are fourteen. a. We b. You c. They 7. This is _______________ armchair. a. an b. a c. / 8. There ____________ a lot of museums in the city. a. is b. am c. are 9. You are ten years old. You __________ eleven. a. are b. arent c. isnt 10. Is Pam from New York? Yes, she ______________. a. isnt b. are c. is 11. Have _____________ got a big house? a. she b. it c. you 12. Sams house is ___________ of Marys. a. next b. in front c. between

13. There are three ___________ in the room. a. womans b. woman c. women

14. Jane has got three ________________. a. poppy b. poppies c. poppys 15. Are there any _____________ in the fridge? a. tomatoes b. tomato c. tomatos

16. There are a lot of _____________ in the cupboard. a. glass b. glasses c. glasses 17. Jackie ___________ got a brother and a sister. a. have b. havent c. has 18. Here is ________________ book. a. Sam b. Sams 19. A baby ______________ ride a bike. a. cant b. hasnt c. Sams c. isnt

20. Is he a pilot? _______________ planes? a. Can he fly b. He cant fly c. He can fly 21. ___________ she got a sister? a. Does b. Has

c. Have

22. ____________ you like chocolate cakes? a. Does b. Do c. Doesnt

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