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.:Resumen individual de los 11 captulos:.

ONE He dont to be called Bobby, but his mom wouldn't listen and rode to school, and most days Marvin was waiting for him. TWO Bod was found with Marvin in the morning, he orders to buy him a drink with his own money. Bob agreed and buy the soda, buy Bob already you are late, debited because I had come twice in a week. To reach Marvin you exploited the soda in the face of Bob and burst tears. TREE Marvin had been bothering Bob four two months, but nobody big and tall they were afraid of him Marvin was big and tall and looked like a heavy, American football player. FOUR As Bob walked down the hallway thinking about what you should do, Marvin stopped him to talk with the and after I threatened him with the teacher, by downloading the test of science.

Exchange for him to say to teacher wanted to give him fifty dollars. Then continued walked in what would do if Marvin said something. FIVE Then is found with his best friend Larry and he talk to him about the threat of Marvin, both thought as they could get the money because I was much and neither of them had it. Before going to his because Bob found a note in his locker that said fifty dollars on Monday by midday SIX While bob and Lindsay would bike way home, Like she asked "Something bad happens?, she say knew Marvin bothered him and he had to tell is parents who bothered but Bob he say he would not go their parent as a crybaby and she said that maybe Dave could go with that he also had problem with Marvin, then Lindsay pulled away. SEVEN In the evening when Bob makes to the homework saw Dave was in line and clicked in DraveCrocke. And he has his problem with

Marvin and Dave answered that already knew that for so on what to hack the school service download also questions and threatened him. Thats we Dave proposes to do something about, but will have to protect. EIGHT On Thursday during class the principal entered with the coordinator to advise thats students who had felled on the test responses of school service and while they do not know who is there will be no extracurricular activities, but they will be able to communicate with the if they know something about who did hit. Marvin beckoned him from his place to Bob "Tomorrow before 12" NINE On Friday morning, Marvin and Mike where looking for Bob, They never saw him. Bob send one message See you 12 o clock, but al 12 o clock Marvin was called to the direction of the school. TEN The director spoke with Marvin and had come to the office to call Bob Davey and remind

your parents and had to deal with their problems

ELEVEN Bob did not go to swimming lessons. Lindsay is aimed at him and told him that he did the right thing. He starts to feel your heart beating fast. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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