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Statement by worldwide organizations in support of the Russian Federal Law On Protection of Children from Information Harmful to their Health

and Development

The signing entities below are highly concerned about the heavy attacks that the Russian Federation is facing due to its recent Federal Law of June 29, 2013 No. 135-FZ
On Amendments to Article 5 of the Federal Law On Protection of Children from Information Harmful to their Health and Development that protects innocence and

moral formation of children by prohibiting propaganda of "non-traditional sexual relationships" among them.

We affirm that the natural family created through the marriage of a man and a woman is the foundation of any human society and is entitled to protection by society and the State as stated in the international Human Rights norms, including Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 16 (3)). Any harmful initiative for the natural family is destructive for the society as a whole. We also affirm that the children need special protection due to their innocence and immaturity.

We acknowledge that the Russian law protects the innocence of children and the basic rights of their parents recognized in the international legislation and treaties. With its new law Russia is protecting genuine and universally recognized human rights against artificial and fabricated false "values" aggressively imposed in many modern societies. We also note that the concepts of sexual orientation and gender identity are not outlined in the existing binding international treaties and agreements. We thus call for respect of the sovereignty of the Russian people and we invite all organizations and people who feel responsible for the protection of the innocence of children and their rights, the natural family and parental rights to stand up for Russia, as well as for Ukraine and Moldova suffering the same pressure due to similar laws.

Signing Entities ACMedia Association of Portuguese Media Consumers AEDOS (Asociacin para el Estudio de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia) Akce D.O.S.T ALAFA - Alianza Latinoamericana para la Familia All-Armenian Parents Committee Alliance for National Dignity Alliance of Romania's Families Alliance of Romania's Families APFN, Portuguese Large Families Association Argentinos Alerta Asociacija Gimene Asociacin de Familias Numerosas de Madrid Asociacion de Medicos por los Derechos Humanos Asociacin Enraizados Asociacion Espaola de Abogados Cristianos Asociacin Nicaragense de Biotica. Asociacin Nicaragense por la Mujer (ANIMU) Asociacin Nicaragense por la Vida (ANPROVIDA) Association For The Promotion Of Familiy Values - Blesses Alojzije Stepinac Association of Catholic Families "Vladimir Ghika Association of Cristian Intellectuals Association Society and Values Associazione per le Difesa dei Valori Cristiani Ayuda a la Iglesia Necesitada -AIN- Espaa Bulgaria Association for Homeschool Education Bulgaria Association of the Christian Teachers Castelln Educa en Libertad Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute Centro de Biotica, Persona y Familia Christian Film & Television Commission CitizenGO Civil Parents Initiative - PazardjikCommunity of Armenian Programmers Crdoba Educa en Libertad Croatian Marriage and Family Aliance 'CRO - BIOS' CrossRoads Spain Cry for Life Defend the Familiy International Derecho a Educational Initiative for Central and Eastern Europe ELFAC, European Large Families Confederation Endeavour Forum Inc. European Dignity Watch Family and Demography Foundation Family First Foundation Femina Europa FIHC- Unum Omnes For Family RIghts Foro Nacional de la Familia Foundation "Friends of Bulgaria", Foundation "Mission Restoration"

Country Portugal Spain Czech Republic Latin America Armenia Romania Romania Romania Portugal Argentina Latvia Spain Guatemala Spain Spain Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Croatia Romania Hungary Bulgaria Italy Spain Bulgaria Bulgaria Spain USA Argentina USA Global Bulgaria Armenia Spain Croatia Spain The Nederlands Global Spain Europe Europe Australia Belgium Russia USA France Italy -Global Russia Colombia Bulgaria Bulgaria

Foundation "Opportunities for Everyone" Fundacin Nuevas Generaciones Fundacin S a la Vida Fundacja Centrum Wspierania Inicjatyw dla ycia i Rodziny Fundacja Pro prawo do ycia (Foundation PRO the Right to Life) Fundacja ycie (Foundation Life) GrassTopsUSA Grupo Accin Cristiana Healthy Nation His Servants Hnut Pro ivot R (prolife movement) Homme Culture & Identit Human Dignity Institute Institute of Family and Marriage Instituto de Poltica Familiar Chile Instituto De Poltica Familiar IPF Institutt For Familie Politikk Instytut Edukacji Spoecznej i Religijnej im. ks. Piotra Skargi (Fr. Piotr Skarga Institute for Social and Religious Education) Instytut Ks. Piotra Skargi (Fr. Peter Skarga Institute) Islamic Medical Association Jvenes por una Causa Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy (Catholic Journalists Association) La Familia Importa Madrid Educa en Libertad Mas Libres Mission America Moscow City Parents Committee Movimiento Embrin Humano Muslim Coordination to the Alliance for the Family Muslim Coordination to the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children(SPUC) National Confederation of Families Associations CNAF National Federation of Orthodox "PRO-VITA Organizations New Women for Europe No to Gender organization Novae Terrae Fondation NPV (Nederlandse Patinten Vereniging) Observatorio Extremeo para la Educacion en libertad Observatorio para la Libertad Religiosa y de Conciencia Padres en Accin Parents Committee of Ukraine Parents' voice for children Pokret Dveri - za zivot Srbije Polska Federacja Ruchw Obrony ycia (Polish Federation of Life Protection Movements) Population Research Institute Pro-Family Association Profesionales por la tica REAL Women of Canada Red Familia Colombia Red Internacional del Instituto de Poltica Familiar Red Vida y Familia

Bulgaria Argentina El Salvador Poland Poland Poland USA Repblica Dominicana Spain Ukraine USA Czech Republic France Italy Spain Ireland Chile Spain Norway Poland Poland UK Spain Poland Guatemala Spain Spain USA Russia Argentina UK UK Portugal Romania Europe Armenia Italy The Nederlands Spain Spain Spain Ukraine Croatia Serbia Poland USA Moldova Spain Canada Colombia Global Ecuador

Romanian Association for the Revigoration of Tradition (ART) Schreeuw om Leven S a la Vida St. Petersburg City Parents Committee The Caribbean Centre for Family and Human Rights (CARIFAM) Together for Life Association Vida y Dignidad Humana (ASOVID), Voto Catlico Colombia Womanattitue World Congress of Families Yerevan Geopolitical Club (abeaLifeDefenders) - ""

Romania The Nederlands Guatemala Russia Saint Lucia Hungary Guatemala Colombia France USA - Global Armenia Bosnia and Herzegovina/Republic of Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina/Republic of Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina/Republic of Srpska

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