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CHAPTER#1Bobby does mot like his name but his name his mom was not hi mo, was mot listening his motherdid not know . bobby hake bike to go school . but when ca,e to school there was a boy namemarvin bothered him CHAPTER#2when i get to school bobby was found to marvin who annoyed them marvin told him to go get a soda booc took his bike and wet to the store and brought her soda .when i veach the placemarvin said that the had not asked coca and hit him.return with his friend . bobby mike andmarvin pushed his bicide and shot CHAPTER#3bobby had a tall friend with eyes big and very bad actitude .bobby went wih his friend to his roomwhen i asked permission but felt thet the students an the teacher were watching as it was wet

CHAPTER#4marvin booby found in the hallway at the time of departure and marvin said he knew the secretthreatened to bobby would say everything at least give him 50 dollars .CHAPTER#5bobby found a mate and never was gonna get the best marvin told him abut your problem andcould pay 50 dollars sile but larry no and thad the taxes neve get that best Marvin CHAPTER#6when the returned to his cas bob ase found a drege octau friend who told her problem sherecommended that not enfrenta sere or you pay not accuse him. CHAPTER #7he that aftermoon when bob was doing home work , he saw that dave was online .bob tho ught about lindsay s advice . the problem .

CHAPTER#8on thursday , the class mentor called meeting .the class stood up and every body began talking.he looked at bod made the money sign .

CHAPTER#9 on friday mornig before eightoclock . when marvin go to his locker ,he hound a note .at exactly12 o clock , marvin knocked on the office coordinator .the coordinator he is expicting you. CHAPTER#10in his office, the principal said come in an dont sit down wilkins . i suppose you know what thisis about. he continued david and bob told me that you are blackmailing them. CHAPTER#11 i thought so said the principal. so called two people you know. bob heart was .

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