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Complete reference to Informatica: Informatica Experienced Interview Questions- Part4

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Complete reference to Informatica


May 2011


Informatica Experienced Interview Questions- Part4


1 Discussion Forum
Discussion Forum 76.W hile importing the relational source definition from database, what are the meta data of source U import? 77.Difference between Power mart & Power Center? ETL Life Cycle What Is Informatica Client Components Services Behind Scene Try U R Hand's on Admin-Console Difference Between 7.1 and 8.6 Informatica 8.6 Installation 78 .W hat kinds of sources and of targets can be used in Informatica? 79.If a sequence generator (with increment of 1) is connected to (say) 3 targets and each target uses the NEXTVAL port, what value will each target get? 80.W hat do you mean by SQL override? 81.W hat is a shortcut in Informatica? 82.How does Informatica do variable initialization? Number/String/Date 83.How many different locks are available for repository objects

Filter Expression Router Sorter Rank Transaction Control Source Qualifier Stored Procedure SQL Transformation Normalizer Sequence Generator Aggregator Union Joiner Update Strategy Look Up


Interview Zone
Informatica Real Time Interview Questions Informatica Experienced Interview Questions part1 Informatica Experienced Interview Questions part2 Informatica Experienced Interview Questions part3 Informatica Experienced Interview Questions part4 Data Warehousing concept Based Interview Questions

84.W hat are the transformations that use cache for performance? 85.W hat is the use of Forward/Reject rows in Mapping? 86.How many ways you can filter the records? 87.How to delete duplicate records from source database/Flat Files? Can we use post sql to delete these records. In case of flat file, how can you delete duplicates before it starts loading? 88.Y ou are required to perform bulk loading using Informatica on Oracle, what action would perform at Informatica + Oracle level for a successful load? 89.W hat precautions do you need take when you use reusable Sequence generator transformation for concurrent sessions? 90.Is it possible negative increment in Sequence Generator? If yes, how would you accomplish it? 91.W hich directory Informatica looks for parameter file and what happens if it is missing when start the session? Does session stop after Subscribe Delivered by FeedBurner Enter your email address:

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Complete reference to Informatica: Informatica Experienced Interview Questions- Part4

it starts? 92.Informatica is complaining about the server could not be reached? What steps would you take? 93.Y ou have more five mappings use the same lookup. How can you manage the lookup? 94.W hat will happen if you copy the mapping from one repository to another repository and if there is no identical source? Necessity Of Performance-tuning Identification Of bottle Necks Optimization of Bottle necks Performance tuning of Lookup Push Down Optimization what is the significance of

Unit Testing Integration Testing UAT Informatica Testing Debugger Constraint Based loading Target Load Plan


Advanced Concepts
Mapping Parameter's & Variable Mapplets Partitioning Working with links Scheduler Types of Task's- 1 Types of Task's- 2 Indirect Method for Loading SCD - Type 1 SCD - Type 2 SCD - Type 3 Incremental Aggregation Mapping Templates Grid Processing Work Flow Variables

95.How can you limit number of running sessions in a workflow? 96.An Aggregate transformation has 4 ports (l sum (col 1), group by col 2, col3), which port should be the output? 97.W hat is a dynamic lookup and

NewLookupRow? How will use them for rejecting duplicate records? 98.If you have more than one pipeline in your mapping how will change the order of load? 99.W hen you export a workflow from Repository Manager, what does this xml contain? Workflow only? 100. Y our session failed and when you try to open a log file, it complains that the session details are not available. How would do trace the error? What log file would you seek for? 101.Y ou want to attach a file as an email attachment from a particular directory using email task in Informatica, How will you do it? 102. You have a requirement to alert you of any long running sessions in your workflow. How can you create a workflow that will send you email for sessions running more than 30 minutes. You can use any method, shell script, procedure or Informatica mapping or workflow control? Reactions: Excellent (17) Good (8) Useful (8)

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Complete reference to Informatica: Informatica Experienced Interview Questions- Part4

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