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The Sacrosanctnity of Blessed Virgin Mary

by: Joseph Espinosa

Objection1: Why do you worship Mary? She is not a holy figure as Jesus said in John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me. ? Objection2: She is subjected to the first commandment in Exodus 20:4 and it says, Thou shalt not other gods beside me. Refute to Objection1: If Mary is only a sinful woman, how could She bear a child named Jesus which is Our Lord and our God? What has written in Luke 1:28(KJV)? She is blessed among women (cf. Lk. 1:28(KJV)), and Jesus is destinied to be Her Son. So, you can't say Mary is not a Sacrosanct person because She is the first Christian to believe in Jesus. Refute to Objection2: We don't worship Her! As many times, we told this to you but you don't listen because of the pride you have in your heart. We only honor Her because of Her greatest contribution- She gave birth to Jesus through the power of Holy Spirit. Objection3: She is not a virgin anymore! She has many sons aside from Jesus. Objection4: Her doll can't save you because it is an graven image. Refute to Objection3: If She is not Virgin anymore, then our salvation has not been fullfiled. Remember, She was called full of grace in Luke 1:28. The brothers of Jesus are His disciples. Since, you are a Christian, then you are also a brother or a sister of Christ. Refute to Objection4: Even She is not in Her image, I see Her in my mind and in my heart like I see the Lord Jesus Christ and all the Saints in heaven. So, if you have a crush and you admire him or her most, even you have no picture of him/her, can you recall his/her face in your mind? Objection5: She is not the Queen of Heaven in Rev. 12:1. It is the motherland Israel. Refute to Objection5: Then, Jesus is just gonna zoom out of the hole right? And the sayings in the Scriptures are lying to all the Christians out there.

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