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Environmental Issues Q. Define pollution and Pollutant? Classify pollutants?

Ans: Definition of Pollution: According to Odum (1971) - Pollution is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of the environment that may harmfully affect man and other desirable species of living organisms. According to Southwick (1976) - Pollution is the unfavorable alteration of the environment produced as a result of the activities of man. Definition of Pollutants: The agents causing pollution (i.e. polluting agents) are known as pollutants. Classification (or types) of pollutants: According to their nature, pollutants are divided into three main classes - chemical, physical and biological. [1] Chemical pollutants: Various solid, liquid and gaseous materials may pollute the environment. Some such common chemical pollutants are as follows (a) Gases, fumes and dusts; example - CO2, CO, S02 NH3, Cl, F etc. (b) Deposited materials, e.g. Smoke, fog, smog, soot, tar, dirt etc. (c) Chemicals used in agriculture, e.g. herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers etc. (d) Chemicals in domestic use, e.g. detergents, cosmetics, food additives etc. (e) Metals, e.g. lead mercury, zinc, cadmium etc. . (f) Sewage. (g) Narcotics and drugs e.g . Morphine, nicotine, heroine, LSD, alcohol, marijuana etc. (h) Other chemicals such as aldehydes, arsines, hydrogen fluorides etc. [2] Physical pollutants: The physical agencies that can produce harmful effects on our body are listed below(a) Sound or noise. (b) Solar rays (ultraviolet and infrared). (c) Heat. (d) Electric shock. (e) Radiation [3]Biological pollutants: Many living materials are injurious to human health; hence, these are considered as biological pollutants. Examples are - pathogenic microbes such as -virus, bacteria, protozoa, fungi etc. Certain other materials produced by the living organisms e.g. pollens, spores, snips of hair, textile fibres, excreta of mites and other animals etc. Q. What is meant by air pollution? Mention the major sources of air pollution and the method of their control. 1+2+2=5 [H.S. '98] Ans: Definition: Any adverse change in the composition of atmosphere which occurs due to the activities of man or some natural event and which endangers human life is called air pollution or atmospheric pollution. Sources of Air Pollution:

(1) Automobiles: Cars, Motors, Scooters are the greatest sources of air pollution. These produce carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrous oxide. (2) Electrical power plant: Produce sulphur dioxide as a result of burning of coal, petrol and diesel. (3) Industrial processors: Petroleum refineries, pulp and paper mill, sugar mill etc. are responsible for releasing smoke and other unnatural particles in the air. (4) Heating plant: Domestic burning of coal, thermal projects are the largest sources of air pollution. (5) Insecticides and Pesticides used in agriculture. (6) Living organisms like allergic pollen of plants like pollens of Parthenium, virus, bacteria etc. Control of Air Pollution : (i) Use of automobiles should be minimized, (ii) Use of proper device in automobiles to reduce smoke. (iii) Industrial smoke must be filtered before releasing into atmosphere, (iv) Tree plantation should be increased, (v)Control through legal method, (vi) Restricted use of coal, (vii) Use of modern technology in thermal projects, industries etc. to remove gaseous pollutants by chemical means. Q. Discuss the harmful effects of air pollution on man and plants? Ans: Harmful effects of air pollution on man: The harmful effects of different pollutants present in air on our body are as follows[1] Gases present in smoke (e.g. Co2, SO2, CO etc.) irritate the lungs, as a result of which pulmonary diseases like bronchitis, asthma, emphysema etc. may be developed. [2] CO as has a greater affinity for hemoglobin than that of 02 Therefore, if the concentration of CO in the atmosphere is high, it binds with Hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin. This impairs the transport of 02 and finally leads to hypoxia. [3] Sulphur dioxide (S02) particularly causes respiratory ailment, headache, eye irritation, irritation of mucus membrane [4] Nitrogen oxide(NO) causes eye and nose irritation and pulmonary discomfort. [5] Hydrocarbon causes irritation of eye and mucus membrane, bronchial constriction, lung cancer etc [6] Fluoride causes toxic effect on animals and causes calcification of their bones and teeth. Dust of different materials inhaled with air produces neumoconiosis eg, black lung disease in coal miners [7] Peroxyacetylnitrate or PAN (present in smog) are carcinogenic and may cause lung cancer, irritation of eyes and throat, respiratory trouble. PAN and ozone cause many complications in man such as irritation of eye, coughing, headache, pulmonary congestion, altered breathing etc. [8] Heavy metals produce toxicosis and blood poisoning. [9] Bacteria and virus present in air produce infections (air borne diseases) like Tuberculosis, influenza, Conjunctivitis etc.

[10] Fungal spores, pollens and cotton fibers may cause allergic reactions e.g. asthma,skin eruption etc. [11] Insecticides and chemicals retained in the body for prolonged periods damage the activities of nervous system, reproductive and most other systems of the body. [12] The radioactive rays reduce cell division in all tissues and may induce mutation in the germ cells. Hence, it causes deformities not only in the affected person but also in the future generations. Radioactivity may even cause extinction of a species. [13] Smog irritates the eyes and produces the sensation of burning pain in the eyes. (14) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) impair reproductive activities of animals and damage the liver, eye, Vision etc. in human beings. Harmful effects of air pollution on plants: (i) S02 which is a major air pollutant reacts with rain water and forms acid rain. Its high concentration effects the plants. The leaves are damaged due to necrosis and cellular disintegration. S02 is mainly responsible for damage of chlorophyll (chlorosis). (ii) Nitrogen oxide gas produced from automobile exhaust, power generator also affects plants which are evident by fruit drops and leaf drops. (iii) Hydrocarbon also affects plants as it causes inhibition of growth, destruction of chlorophyll etc. (iv) The Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN), a mixture of unsaturated hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide affects photosynthesis in plants. (v) Dust from thermal power station seriously impairs plant growth because of pulverised fly ash (PPA). (vi) Cement particles affect plant growth in that the leaves fall prematured and produce infertile- seeds. Coal dust of asbestos causes necrosis in plants. Prevention and control of air pollution: Following measures may be adopted for control of air pollution: [1] Restriction of smoke emission: The first and foremost step that should be taken to control air pollution is to prevent the emission of smoke from various sources. For this, two points are to be considered(i) The machines of factories, automobiles, generators etc. should be well maintained so that emission of smoke form them is reduced. In factories, tall chimneys should be used so that the smoke is diluted. To ensure this, laws should be framed and enforced by the government. (ii) A proper selection of fuel is to be made; for this coal and diesel should be replaced by electricity, natural gases, smokeless coal etc. as far as possible. [2] Purification of air : Modem techniques should be used to remove pollutants from air ; for example(i) Electrostatic precipitators can be used for making the air free from dust and smoke. (ii) Filters should be used in factories and machines to absorb poisonous gases from their (iii) Scrubber can be used to remove gases like NH2 and S02 from air by spraying water. (iv) Plantation should be encouraged in densely populated places and deforestation should be banned because plants purify the air by absorbing CO2, [3] Proper planning of industry and towns: Towns and industry (factories) should be planned and developed at a safe distance from each other. [4] Restriction of the use of insecticides. [5] Prohibition of smoking

[6] Nuclear explosions: Nuclear explosions and wars should be stopped.

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