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BACONIAN (25-letter plaintext maximum)

1. A
= aaaaa B = aaaab F C = aaaba G D = aaabb H E = = = = aabaa I/J= abaaa aabab K = abaab O aabba L = ababa P aabbb M = ababb Q N = = = = abbaa R abbab S = abbba T = abbbb U/V= = baaaa baaab X baaba Y baabb Z W = = = = babaa babab babba babbb

Rep lace each P t letter with its B aconian eq uivalent. Example 1: P: s u c c e s s baaab baabb aaaba aaaba aabaa baaab baaab

The a-units and b-units are concealed; in this example the initial letter of each word indicates a or b:

A-M = a, N-Z = b.

Ct: Now is a good time to attend college. School work is a good teacher and a good builder of character. Every man should be a student and learn all that there is about a subject.

Exmaple 2: Pt: n o w i s a g o o d t abbaa abbab babaa abaaa baaab aaaaa aabba abbab abbab aaabb abaaa C: BOWED ASTER PINED JOKED THEIR BLACK HASTE ARRAY INSET CHEST NOISE

Once the Baconian code is used you can further the encryption. To further the encryption, as stated above you can replace the A for a symbol or various letters - as well the B. As example above us A-M for any A and N-Z for any B. Of course this can be changed to other letters or numbers, as well as symbols. For numbers you can use 1-5 for any A and 6-0 for any B. CODE: C aaaba O D E abbab aaabb aabaa

Example of this Baconian code now being converted into numbers: 11382 49017 44260 22715 : this can then be changed back into As and Bs then the As and Bs can be converted back into letters using Baconian code. Of course the numbers can change so each letter can be encoded into many variations, which makes it even harder to crack. To further the encryption you can leave out spaces.

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