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Subject Code / Name: ME1304 Engineering Metrology and Measurements

Part A (2 marks) 1. Differentiate between sensitivity and range with suitable example. 2. Define system error and correction., 3. Define: Measurand. 4. Define: Deterministic Metrology. 5. Differentiate accuracy and Uncertainty with example. 6. Differentiate between precision and accuracy. 7. Deflne system error and correction., 8. Give any four methods of measurement 9. Define True size: 10. What is Range of measurement?


Part A (16 marks) (5*16=80) 1.Draw the block diagram of generalized measurement system and explain different stages with examples. 2. List various types of measuring instruments and explain FIVE of them 3.explain sensitivity, stability, range, accuracy and precision 4. Briefly discuss on the errors and correction Distinguish between Static and dynamic response.

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