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Lampiran 1. Baku Mutu Air Minum menurut Meskes RI No.

01/Birhukmas/I/1975 Syarat-Syarat No Unsur-Unsur Satuan Minima l diperbol eh kan 1 2 3 4 5 Fisika Suhu Warna Bau Rasa Kekeruhan Kimia 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 Derajat keasaman Zat padat/jumlah Zat organik sebagai Karbon KMnO4oksida sebagai CO2 agresif Kesadahan Kalsium sebagai Ca Magnesium sebagai Mg Besi/jumlah Fe Mangan (Mn) Tembaga (Cu) Zink (Zn) mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 0,1 0,05 0.05 1,00 1 0.5 1,5 15 o

Maks. dianjurk an

Maks. diperbol eh kan


5 5

50 25 Skala PTCo Tak berbau Tak berasa Skala sile

Unit Unit

mg/l mg/l mg/l

6,5 -

500 -

9,2 1500 10 -

5 -

75 30

10 200 150

mg/l mg/l

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Chlorida (Cl) Sulfat (SO4) Sulfida (H2S) Flourida (F) Amonia Phenol (NH4) Arsen (As) Timbal (Pb) Selenium (Se) Chrom (Cr) Cyanida (CN) Cadmium (Cd) Air raksa (Hg)

m g/ l m g/ l m mg g/ /l mg /l mg / mg /l mg /l mg /l mg /l -

200 200 0,00 1

600 400 0 2 0 0,002

Zat kimia beracu -

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

0,05 0,1 0,1 0,05 0,05 0,01 0,001

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Lampiran 2. Required Container, Preservation, Techniques and Holding Times Parameter No./Name Container2 Preservation3,4 Maximum Holding Time5 Table 1A-Bacterial Test 1-4. Coliform,fecal and totalstertococci 5. Fecal Table Binorganic tests 1.Acidity 2.Alkalinity 4.Ammonia P,G P,G P,G Cool, 4oC Cool, 4oC Cool, 4oC, H2SO4 to pH<2 9.BOD 10.Boron 11 .Bromide 14.BOD carbonaceous 15.COD P,G P,PFTE or quartz P,G P,G P,G Cool, 4oC HNO3 to pH<2 None required Cool, 4oC Cool, 4oC, H2SO4 to pH<2 16.Chloride 17.Chlorine, total residual 21.Colour 23-24.Cyanide, total and amenable to chlorination P,G P,G Cool, 4oC Cool, 4oC, NaOH to pH >12,06 g ascorbic acid6 P,G P,G None required None required 28 days Analyze immediat ely hours 48 14 days 48 hours 6 months 28 days 48 hours 28 days 14 days 14 days 28 days P,G P,G Cool, 4oC,

6 hours 6 hours

0,008%Na2S2O3 Cool, 4oC, 0,008%Na2S2 O3


Universitas Sumatera Utara

25.Flouride 27.Hardness 28.pH 31,43.Kjeldahl and organic nitrogen Metals Chromium VI Mercury Nitrate Nitrite Organic carbon


None required HNO3 to pH<2,H2SO4 to pH<2 None required Cool, 4oC, H2SO4 to pH<2

28 days 6 months Analyze immediat 28 ely days


Cool, 4oC HNO3 to pH<2 Cool, 4oC Cool, 4oC Cool, 4oC, HCL or H2SO4 to
or H3PO4

24 hours 28 days 48 hours 48 hours 28 days

pH<2 Phenols G only Cool, 4oC, H2SO4 to pH<2 28 days

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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