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1. Rise of novels The novel is a modem form of literature, bom from print media, a modem Mechanical invention.

. In the ancient period, writing was done on manuscripts and was circulated among very few people, in contrast novels being printed was widely circulated and read and within a very short time it became popular among the masses. As readers were drawn into the story, they identify with the characters life, and could think of various issues from all aspects. As readership grew it gave the writer a chance to experiment with different Literary styles and allowed flexibility. Walter Scott collected popular Scottish Ballad and transformed them into Historical novels. The epistolary novel on the other hand used the private and personal letters to tell a story Publishing Market 4 Technological improvements in printing brought down the prices of books and Innovations in marketing led to expanded sales, hiring of books by hour instead of selling. The novels within a short time became the first mass produced items to be sold. The reasons for its popularity were The worlds created by novels were absorbing, believable and seemingly real. While reading the reader was transported to another person's world. Begins to look at life as it was experienced by the characters of the novel. Allows the individual the pleasure of reading in private. Joy of discussing stories with friends or relatives. In rural areas, people would collectin a place to hear one of them read out loud, and becoming deeply involved in the lives of characters. In 1836, a change was brought, novels were serialized in magazines, as the Magazines were attractive since they were illustrated and were also cheap. Serialization allowed the reader to relish the suspense, discuss the characters of the novel and live for weeks with their stories. World of the novel Novels ors about ordinary people. they do not focus on the Inas of greet people or actions that change the destinies of states and 'ewes; ....staid thwart Moat the everyday life of common people. Europe entered the inchatrial am, factories come up cities expanded on unregulated way Idled with overwork and urckrpoid workers, unemployed poor roomed the streets for ,sobs, homeless forted to SCA shelter in warehouses. Philosophy developed with the tridervoked life of workers Deeply critical of these developments. CHARLES DICKENS wrote Maul the terrible effects of industrialization on people's lives and character. he wrote HARD TIMES in which he criticized the reed for profits which reduces Inman into simple instruments of ;reduction. OLIVER TWIST tells the talc of a mcorsrphon who lived on the world of petty Criminals and Emile Zokis GERMINAL tells abaft the life of a young miner, who's every hope is scattered Community and Society Vast majority of readers lived in the city, but the novel created in them a feeling of connection with the rural society. The 19th century British novelist Thomas Hardy wrote about traditional rural Communities of England that were fast vanishing in this Hardy mourns the loss of a more personalized world that is aisappearing. Novels used the VERNACULAR language (language Spoken by the common people) by

coming closer to the different spoken language of the people: the novel produces the sense of a shored world between diverse people in a nation. A novel may take a classical language and combined it with the language of the Street. Like the nation,. the novels bring together many cultures and integrate them as one. 18th century saw the rise of women in the world of Nbvels, they got more leisure to read as well as to write - their emotions and identities, their experiences and problems, their domestic life about which they had authority to speak. Novels of JANE AUSTEN gave a glimpse of the world of women in the rural Society. Where asNovels of CHARLOTTE BRONTE'S tells the lives of women who ore Independent and assertive. Novels for the Young Novels for the young idealized a new type of character?. Someone who is powerful, independent and daring, most of this novels were full of adventure set in places far away from Europe they aroused the excitement and adventure of conquering new lands'. Love stories written for adolescent girls also became popular. The novel originated in Europe at a time when it was colonizing the rest of the world; therefore the early novels contributed to colonialism by making the readers feel they were part of a superior community of fellow colonialist. It was only in the 20th century that novels by JOSEPH CONRAD wrote novels that showed the darker side of colonial occupation. Novels come to India..... Modern novels developed in India in the 19th century when Indians became familiar with the western novels. Some of the earliest Indian novels were written in Bengali and Marathi. Indian novelist wrote to develop a modern literature of the country that could produce a sense of national belonging and cultural equality. Translations of novels into different regional language helped to spread the Popularity of the novel and stimulated its growth in new areas The Novels in South India: Novels began appearing in Southern language during the colonial rule, initially they were the translation of the English novels, but the realization came that the readers were not familiar with the English way of life. So the idea of translation was removed, and stories were written in the local language, Indulekha published in 1889 was the first novel written in Malayalam. In the north Bharatendu Harischandra the pioneer of modern Hindi literature encourage many of his writer friends to recreate and translate novels from other language. The first proper modern novel was written by Srinivas Das in 1882, however it was with the writing of Premchand that the Hindi novel achieved excellence, he began writing in Urdu and then shifted to Hindi. In the 19th century the early Bengali novels lived in two worlds. One group writing were of the past, their characters, events and love stories were based on Historical events. Another group depicted the inner world of domestic life in contemporary settings.

3. Novels in the Colonial World Uses of the Novel The various uses of the novels were such as:- Colonial administrators found vernacular novels a valuable source of information on native life and customs, such information was useful for governing the Indian society, with its large variety of communities and castes, many of the books were translated into English. Indians used the novels as a powerful medium to criticize what they considered defects in their society and to suggest remedies. It helped in establishing a relationship with the past, through glorified accounts of the past, these novels helped in creating a sense of national pride among its readers. Novels help in creating a sense of collective belonging on the basis of ones language. People living in different regions speak the same language in different ways, with the coming of novels; it made the readers familiar with the ways in which people in other parts of their land spoke their language. The problem of Being Modern Although novels were about imaginary stories, novels often spoke to the readers about the real world, but they did not always show things exactly as they were in reality. Novelists created heroes and heroines with ideal qualities, who their readers could admire and imitate as the ideal character knows how to be modern without rejecting tradition, how to accept ideas coming from the west without losing ones identity. Pleasures of Reading Novels encourage reading alone and in silence, individuals sitting at home or traveling in trains enjoy them. Even in a crowded room, the novel offered a special world of imagination into which the reader could slip, and be all alone, it is like daydreaming. 4. Women & the Novel

Caste Practices, Lower-Castes and Minorities

Caste Practices, Lower caste and Minorities....... India was a land where the caste system prevailed from the Vedic period, and this system was destroying the society from inside. Therefore several novelists tried to send the message to the people with the help of the novels. Such as... Chandu Menon "Indulekha" is a love story between a higher caste boy and a lower caste girl in Kerala, it appreciate the new values of the boy and girl and criticize the

ignorance of others who are still blind in casteism. "Sorawati-vijaayam" by Potheri Kunjambu, mounted a strong attack on caste oppression, it says how a young man from an untouchable community left his village to escape the cruelty of his Brahmin Landlord and converts to Christianity, gets modern education and becomes a Judge. This novel stresses the importance of education for the upliftment of the lower classes. "Titash Ekti Nadir Naama" by Advaita Mafia Burman is an epic about the Mallas, a Community of fisherfolk who live by fishing in the river Titash; it tells the story as to how the Mallas breaks up by fighting among them as new cultural influences from the city start penetrating their lives. Nation and its History The history written tziOlonial hosiomans tended to depct Inchans as weak ant and dependent on the British. these historteS could not satisfy the taste of the new Indian. or the ancient stones of Gods and Demons. New Indians wanted a new It-iew of the post that woukt shrew Indians could be independent minded The imagined notion of the newel was so piact it could onspire actual Political movements flankties 'Ansa:Wrath' is o novel about a secret Hindu Militia that fights Muslims to establish a Hindu Kingdom It was a novel that Inspired many kinds of freedom fighters. Natal and Notion Making... Imagining a heroic part was one way in which the navel helped in popularizing the Sense of belonging to a commas notion Include various claw in the novel so that' they could be Seen to belong to a Shcred world.

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