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Remove The Lies In Your Mind You have lies in your mind.

These lies have stolen much of your joy and blessings. Heres the problem: You dont know theyre lies. My friend priest told me this hilarious story. One day, a priest saw a group of kids surrounding a dog. Curious, he came over and asked, What are you doing? One kid said, Father, were arguing as to who would own this stray dog. We all want him. So we decided that the one who can say the biggest lie would take home the dog. The priest shook his head and said, Thats wrong! Do you know that lying is bad? Its against the commandments of God. Do you know that when I was your age, I never told a single lie? For a moment, there was silence. All the kids looked very sad. The priest was happy. He felt his message hit home. Finally, the smallest boy said, Okay, no one can beat that. Give him the dog. The First Lie I Ever Told I remember the first lies I ever said. I was in Grade 3. One day, I opened the classroom door, not knowing my classmate was right behind it. The door hit his forehead, and blood flowed down his face, all the way to his white polo uniform. He looked like a victim in a horror movie. That was when my teacher arrived on the scene. And she screamed, Who did this? There I was, still holding the door knob, and with a shaking voice, said, Not me! I remember how terrible I felt that day.

If you ever told a lie before, you know the feeling. Suddenly, you dont feel at peace. (Obviously, Im disqualifying chronic liars. Theyve deadened their conscience and feel nothing.) Let me tell you why we lose our peace. Because God is truth. And when we speak untruth, we move away from God. You move away from the one who said, Peace be with you. Lying isnt worth it. Inner peace leaves you. And your relationships are affected. Because relationships are based on trustwhich is based on truth. More so, you cant even have a great relationship with yourself because you lose respect for yourself. But let me talk about a different kind of lying. When We Lie To Ourselves One day, I was preaching about the power of our words. I asked my audience to say out loud, Im beautiful! We laughed and had so much fun. After the talk, I saw a young woman waiting for me at the foot of the stage. I noticed that physically, she was stunningly beautiful. She had lovely eyes, but when I looked at them, I sensed deep sadness. She asked me, Brother Bo, if one says, Im beautiful,but she feels ugly, isnt she lying? I already knew she was talking about herself. I asked, Why do you think youre ugly? She told me her story. When she was a little child, her father would tell her, Dorothy, youre ugly. And hed laugh the meanest laugh. Hed tease her again and again. Most of the time, he was drunk when he did this. And she said, Ever since, Ive always felt ugly. You were telling us on stage to say, Im beautiful! I couldnt say it. I felt Id be lying

I asked her, Define lying. When I say something thats not true. Weve got a problem here. There are three persons involved. You, your father, and God. You say youre ugly. Your father said you were ugly. But today, I announce to you that God says youre beautiful. Who is telling the truth? You, your father, or God? Out of these three persons, only one of you claimed, I Am The Truth. She began to break down. She said, Bo, you dont know what kind of life Im living now. I live an ugly life. Ive had 7 boyfriends, some of them married men. Ive given away my body to all 7 of them and I feel so dirty. I am ugly. I knew what happened to Dorothy. Words have power. And she allowed the words of her father to create ugliness in her life. She was jumping from one lover to another, searching for someone to tell her that she was beautiful. I said, Dorothy, God says youre beautiful. Because He doesnt look at your mistakes. He doesnt look at your past. He only looks at the original beauty He created in you from the very beginning. And He also looks at the glorious beauty of your future. I have this habit of praying for people on the spot. I prayed for Gods healing on her life. I said, Lord, dethrone this cruel lie in her mind. The next time I saw Dorothy, she was a different person. She was free from all her bad relationships. She was serving God in her prayer group. And her eyes no longer had sadness. I saw happiness in them. And yes, she was indeed beautiful.

Stop The Lies You may be like Dorothy today. You feel youve made mistakes in the past. And you believe youre a bad person. Or you failed in your school or job or familyand feel that youre a failure.

But I speak words of truth to you: God says youre not a bad person. God says youre not a failure. Sure youve made mistakes. But those mistakes dont define you. God says youre very good, made in His image. God says theres a champion in you. Dethrone the lies in your mind. Listen to what God is saying instead. My friend George Gabriel told me that in Facebook and other social networks, theres such a thing as Status. Most often, he sees people type in negative words like, I feel lazy today, and Im depressed, and Im broke. He says that these negative words are typed in the internet forever. Hey, its good that were being emotionally honest. Thats important. Dont deny what you feel. But I think we shouldnt stop at emotional honesty. I think we should also proclaim the truth. If you feel sick, dont just say, I dont feel well. Say, I dont feel well but this is temporary. Health and healing are flowing into my body. If you dont have money today, dont say, Im poor. Say, Im temporarily broke. Abundance is coming my way. If you had a relationship that didnt work out, dont just say, I have a broken heart. Say, I have a broken heart but I know the best is yet to come. Someone better will walk into my life and I will find my one true love. My friend Vic Espanol told me of Dr. Masaru Emoto. I read his fascinating work years ago, but reading it again opened my eyes to the power of our words The Power Of Words Over Water Can water be affected by our words? Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, believes so. And he has proof.

Dr. Emoto took water droplets, exposed them to various words, music, and environments, and froze them for three hours. He then examined the crystal formations under a dark field microscope. And he took photographs. The results were totally mind-blowing. Heres a photo of ordinary water without any prayer spoken over it. The molecular structure is in disarray.

The photo below is water after the prayer was said. Its simply breathtaking. (I now have a great respect for praying before meals! More on this later.)

Dr. Emoto also exposed water to Heavy Metal music. Heres how it looks like. Looks sad if you ask me.

Heres water exposed to classical music and folk dance music. Looks much better, right?

Next, Dr. Emoto stuck a piece of paper with these words: You make me sick. I will kill you. Heres how the frozen water droplets looks like under the microscope

Below is how water looked like with the words Love over it. The difference is amazing.

This is Polluted water

This is water from Lourdes, France. Utterly beautiful, right?

Wait A Minute Arent You Made Up Of Water? Yes! 72% of your body is made up of water. Imagine how your words affect your own body. When you say, Im a failure, or Im hopeless, or I wont get well, imagine how these words weaken your health. Make a choice to say the best words out there. Say often, Im wonderful, and Im beautiful, and Im Gods child, and God has a great plan for my life! Its not only water. Dr. Emoto also experimented with cooked rice. He placed one cup of cooked rice in two airtight jars. On one jar, he wrote, I love you, and on the other, You fool. Everyday for 30 days, Dr. Emoto would say these words to each jar of rice. After 30 days, the I love you rice was still white. But the You fool rice was so rotten, it was black. How can you explain this?

Just as a side note: When I was a child, my mother taught me to pray before meals. Now I realize it wasnt just a nice thing to do. When I pray over my meal, I know a material transformation takes place in the molecular level of the food that I pray for. I say, Be blessed, to the water and food on the tableand I expect it to be blessed. Can Water Read Or Listen To Words?

Yes and No. Let me explain this in the simplest way I can. Im taking a deep breath now, because I cant believe Im going to do this: Im going to give a mini-lecture on Physics. Me, the guy who got a D in all my science subjects! Do you remember Albert Einstein? My friend Albert said that everything is energy. Remember his formula E=mc2? Well, he believed that energy and matter are interchangeable. Because in a subatomic level, the most solid matter you can think of, like a table or a rock (or my biceps) isnt really solid at all. Everything is a sea of vibrating energy. Ever changing, ever moving, at the speed of light. Thus, in a mind-boggling way, theres really no difference between a thing and a thought. All is energy. Because of this, everything is interconnected. Were all inside this ocean of fluid energy. That means my thoughts and words can really affect the entire material universe. Amazing? You bet. When you start speaking like this, people automatically think this is New Age and reject it. Not necessarily. What I gave you are reflections based on the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Physics. (Note: From a scientific perspective, I probably will get an F with my explanation above. I apologize to all the scientists out there.) Friend, use your words to create your desired destiny. Speak Words of Faith. Believe that your words affect your universe. The Power Of Prayer I have a confession to make. For many years, Ive never understood why we needed intercession. Why do I need to ask you to pray for me? Lets say I need money to buy food.

Doesnt God love me enough to give me money if I ask Him? Why do I need to ask my friends to pray for me? Is God moved if instead of one person praying, we come as a group? Is God like a politician that is moved by numbers? Is God saying, Hmmm, youre only one person praying. Tsk, tsk. Not enough. Come back to me if youre a crowd, okay? Lets say youre sick and want healing. Why ask the saints to pray for you? Doesnt God love you enough to heal youwithout the backing of saints? Palakasan ba to? Is God saying, Dont you bring References with you? I also couldnt understand Soaking Prayer. Someone told me, Our mother was sick and we soaked her in prayer for two whole hours. And God healed her! At the back of my mind, I asked, Why? Why two hours? Doesnt God hear us the first time we ask for healing? Is He that type of God who will wait if were really insistentand then relent to our pleading? If so, then God is a capricious God who doles out blessings to the strongest, loudest appeals. But as I reflected further, I began to understand. This understanding was a giant breakthrough for me. The Blessings Are Already Given I believe God has already made available all the blessings that you need. Healing. Miracles. Abundance. Theyre all there. The Bible says that (Ephesians 1). Hes not hiding any of that from us. Hes not keeping it in a giant storehouse under lock and key, and giving them out piece by piece whenever we ask for them. I repeat: Hes made them all available to you. Imagine yourself swimming in an ocean of blessings. Thats the picture!

But heres the reality: One person can be a sponge. And another person can be a rock. The sponge absorbs the water, the rock cannot. What makes you more absorbent? Your faith. Thats why prayer has a powerful effect. It increases your faith. It makes you ready to receive blessings. And when others pray for you, their faith increases your faith. No mater how far they are, their words travel at the speed of light and bless you. Something happens to you when others proclaim blessing to you. (And note: Love is the greatest power on the planet. When I pray for you, Im loving you with Gods love. You receive this love. And this love heals and performs miracles.) Thats why Intercession is powerful. Thats why soaking prayer is powerful. The problem isnt in the giving of the blessing. The problem is in the receiving of the blessing. Many times, were not yet ready. Our faith isnt ready. (Another note: Faith isnt only the reason why we dont receive blessings. There are other reasons that I dont have time to talk about today.) But being surrounded by the prayer and love of others, we increase our faith and receive His blessings. And when you speak words of truth, you affect the universe. Let me end with one last story. Who Is Telling The Truth? One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in love. But the guy came from a poor family. The girls parents werent too happy. So the young man decided not only to court the girl but to court her parents as well. In time, the parents saw that he was a good man and was worthy of their daughters hand. But there was another problem: The man was a soldier. Soon, war broke out and he was being sent overseas for a year. The week before he left, the man knelt on his knee and asked his lady love, Will you marry me? She wiped a tear, said yes, and they were

engaged. They agreed that when he got back in one year, they would get married. But tragedy struck. A few days after he left, the girl had a major vehicular accident. It was a head-on collision. When she woke up in the hospital, she saw her father and mother crying. Immediately, she knew there was something wrong. She later found out that she suffered brain injury. The part of her brain that controlled her face muscles was damaged. Her once lovely face was now disfigured. She cried as she saw herself in the mirror. Yesterday, I was beautiful. Today, Im a monster. Her body was also covered with so many ugly wounds. Right there and then, she decided to release her fianc from their promise. She knew he wouldnt want her anymore. She would forget about him and never see him again. For one year, the soldier wrote many lettersbut she wouldnt answer. He phoned her many times but she wouldnt return her calls. But after one year, the mother walked into her room and announced, Hes back from the war. The girl shouted, No! Please dont tell him about me. Dont tell him Im here! The mother said, Hes getting married, and handed her a wedding invitation. The girls heart sank. She knew she still loved himbut she had to forget him now. With great sadness, she opened the wedding invitation. And then she saw her name on it! Confused, she asked, What is this? That was when the young man entered her room with a bouquet of flowers. He knelt beside her and asked, Will you marry me? The girl covered her face with her hands and said, Im ugly!

The man said, Without your permission, your mother sent me your photos. When I saw your photos, I realized that nothing has changed. Youre still the person I fell in love. Youre still as beautiful as ever. Because I love you! This Story Is A Parable Of Your Life Friend, the girl believed she was ugly. The man believed she was beautiful. Who is telling the truth? Simple answer: The man who loved. You may be like that woman. You feel youre disfigured by your failures. Marred by your mistakes. You feel you live an ugly life. But God says youre beautiful! Because He loves you. He doesnt look at your mistakes. He doesnt look at your past. He looks at the original beauty He created in youand the glorious beauty of your future. I encourage you to speak words of truth. Dethrone the lies in your mind. Say, Im beautiful. Say, Im a wonderful person. Say, I have a great future. Say, Im anointed. Im strong. Im blessed. Use your words to create your desired reality.

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