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What NC level are you? 1 if you can... I know how to make a sound on several musical instruments, e.g.

drum, triangle, recorder, keyboard. I can play and sing quietly and loudly. I can play and sing short notes and long notes. I can play and sing high and low notes I can take part in a group song performance I can perform simple rhythms and songs by copying. I can choose sounds to represent ideas, e.g. horses hooves, money jingling, wind whistling etc I can say whether music sounds happy or sad, and move to music according to how it feels, e.g. marching, sliding, jumping or dancing.

At Level 3, pupils:

sing and perform simple parts improvise short patterns combine sounds to suggest new ideas are aware of notations recognise the different musical elements make adjustments to their own work.

At Level 4, pupils:

perform with others, keeping to their own part

improvise phrases within a group performance compose by developing ideas (within a given framework) understand various notations and their uses analyse and compare music, using musical language suggest improvements to their own and others' work.

At Level 5, pupils:

perform significant parts, with an awareness of how they fit with others improvise freely (within given structures) compose music to a given brief make use of various notations analyse and compare musical features in a variety of musics understand how venue, occasion and purpose affects music refine and improve their own work.

At Level 6, pupils:

perform confidently, with expression make adjustments to their own part within a group performance

improvise/compose in different styles and for different purposes use relevant notations to plan, revise and refine material analyse, compare and evaluate music, with an awareness of context make improvements to their own and others' work in the light of the chosen style.

Level 7: excel in 2 or more areas at level 6 (composing, performing or listening/appraising)

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