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Correct Method of chanting Mantras....

1. Your Eyes must be kept closed. 2. Your attention, your conciousness is directed inwards , in your inner World. 3. Do not Hear what is happening outside , in the outer world. 4. You are travelling inside your Body in the Inner space (Cosmos) of your Being ; 5. Your Breathing is deep and slow. 6. Relax yourself totally in all the various parts of your Body. 7. You should be in total let go. 8. You even lose all your EGO and sense of identity . 9. You are in total Surrender ; feeling only Love and Greatfullness to the Divine Creator, Preserver of this Vast Existence. 10. You may visualise Water (like a vast ocean or river) ; or You may visualise Mountains or the vast open Sky ; or You may even visualise the form of GOD or GODDESS whom you are worshipping in your heart by chanting a particular Mantra. You should be in a state of a focussed mind IN ONE POINTED CONCENTRATION ...

and not in a Distracted , Disturbed Mind ... where Thoughts are rushing and running all the time If your mind is not steady and calm ... Leave it .. Don't Do it.

If your mind is resisting or tired... Leave it for some time. Don't force it. You will not get much results However it is necessary to force a habbit , at least in the beggining , even if you are not getting one pointed concentration.. so we reccomend you still do it. till you get the disciplined mind, so that soon you could chant them in the ideal way and state of mind These Divine Powers come to You ONLY after you have done Japa (repetitions ) of these Mantras for more than 21,000 times. You should cultivate a habbit of doing this type of Meditation with the Mantra of your choice and liking , regularly and frequently every day AT LEAST 3 TO 4 TIMES every day for even 15 minutes at least in the beginning , Then gradually increasing the time to 30 mins .. and then 1 hour.

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