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Sandy Moore

Performance Assessment
STEP I: Performance Assessment Topic

The topic of my performance assessment is creating the middle school newsletter. The 7th and 8th
grade students in my Publications class have learned how to write articles for a specific audience,
proofread and edit articles for publishing, and how to assemble and layout the articles to create
the monthly newsletter. I want my students to organize this acquired knowledge to a new
situation. I would like my students to work in small collaborative groups to create the final
middle school monthly newsletter for this school year. Students can assign roles for article
writers, proofreaders, editors, and publishers. In addition, students will choose to two students to
be co-owners of the “newspaper”. Students will use the information learned from culminating
activities throughout the school year to demonstrate their ability to organize, write, and publish
the school newsletter for the final publication of the year.

STEP II: Cognitive Process & Social Skills Assessed

Lesson Topics

1. Assess students’ abilities to apply the writing process to create newsletter articles.
Students will write creative and descriptive articles for an intended audience that
demonstrate proficient use of proper English, capitalization, punctuation usage, and
spelling skills.

2. Assess students’ abilities to proofread and make suggestions to other classmates’

article writings. Students will use Google Docs to create their articles. Other classmates
will peer assess by proofreading and editing articles before issuing the articles for
publication into the newsletter.

3. Assess students’ abilities to create, design, and publish the final issue of the middle
school newsletter. Students will use PrintShop PressWriter to create, design, and publish
the newsletter.

4. Assess students’ abilities to work cooperatively in a group from beginning to end to

publish the middle school newsletter.

Teaching Content

I will teach students how to write articles for an intended audience. In this case, students
will be writing articles of interest for Fisk Middle School students. I will teach the writing
process and the steps involved in an organized. I will teach extensive lessons on proofreading,
editing, and revising. Students will use Google Docs to write their articles so that all information
can be saved and all revisions can be viewed. I will teach students how to use PrintShop
PressWriter. Using PressWriter, I will teach students how to use various fonts and text size,
create “eye-catching” headlines, and how to properly layout articles for reading. Throughout this
entire process, I will teach students how to organize information and assign roles for publishing a
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment
newsletter. I will have students to work in pairs or groups to emphasize the importance of
working together to accomplish a common goal, publish the middle school newsletter.

Performance Tasks

1. Students will use Google Docs to write articles for the middle school newsletter.
Students have been using Google Docs to write articles throughout the year, so this
process will be familiar.

2. Students will apply the writing process to write articles using proper English,
capitalization and punctuation for the intended audience of Fisk Middle School students.

2. After writing, students will peer assess other students’ article writings by proofreading,
editing, and revising articles in Google Docs.

3. After revisions are complete, students will transfer the articles to PrintShop
PressWriter designing an attractive, proper layout using creative fonts, text sizes,
graphics, and headlines and publish the Fisk Middle School newsletter.

4. Students will work cooperatively from assigning roles to publishing the newsletter.
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment
Collaborative Skills Checklist

Setting: __________________________________________ Date: ____________

Total Time Observed: _______________________________

Directions: Place a (X) in the appropriate box if you saw the student demonstrate this skill as the
small group was working

Student Names 
Skill Observed 

Student complimented
the work or contribution
of a peer.

Student attended to others
when they were speaking
and acknowledged that
s/he heard was said.

Students compiled will
all group rules.

Student gave help when
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment

Goal Relevance, Level of Difficulty, Multiple Solutions, Self-Regulated Learning

All students have written articles on various topics for the Fisk Middle School newsletter
throughout the year. I allowed students to make suggestions for articles, but, in the end, I made
the final decision as to what topics would be covered. Sometimes I let students choose what topic
to cover and write and sometimes I assigned students to a specific topic. While this was
necessary at the time in order to prevent students from covering the same topic each month and
to include a wide array of interesting topics, I want my students to brainstorm, access higher-
order thinking to come up with new article topics or ways to come up with new article topics for
their middle school readers. I want my students to experience the entire process as a
writer/publisher. I want them to think, write, and publish as a writer/publisher in all facets. My
students will be given the opportunity to collaborate amongst each other to choose article topics
for the final newsletter of the school year.

Students will continue to work together by assigning roles for proofreading, editing, and revising
articles. Students will reflect on what they have learned throughout the year in regards to proper
English, capitalization, spelling, punctuation, subject/verb agreement, etc. to write error-free
articles. Students have learned how to access resources for revising articles when they are
unsure if something is correct related to writing and communication arts skills.

After completing revisions, students will be ready for the creating, designing, and publishing of
the newsletter. Students will acquire higher order thinking skills by assigning new roles for the
publication stage of the performance assessment. In addition, students will continue to think
cognitively by creating a newly designed newsletter with their choices of fonts, text size, article
“eye-catching” titles, and other things they feel is imperative to produce the Fisk Middle School
newsletter that reaches the interest of all readers involved.

Students will have to recall prior knowledge to begin the process. Students will use what they
have learned to facilitate their learning and apply it to the real-life situation that is at hand. The
level of difficulties of the performance assessment will vary from student to student depending
on their strengths and weaknesses regarding the processes necessary to publish a newsletter. I
feel the level of difficulty is high enough to require students to access their higher-order thinking
skills in order to publish a new, creative, and unique newsletter. I think students will be very
excited about this performance assessment because it gives each student the opportunity to excel
in differ areas of publishing a school newsletter. Students can use their own imagination to come
up with ideas for article topics, design layout, fonts, etc. to create a newsletter they completed on
their own from beginning to end. They will own the resulted product. It will be their published
writing. I believe the grade will not be as important as the accomplishment they get to “show-
off” to other friends, teachers, and classmates in the middle school. Throughout the entire
process, students will be building social skills through direct contact with their Publications’
classmates, peers, teachers, coaches, and administration.
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment

Learning Goals, Multiple Goals

Students will:
• use correct grammar and spelling in articles
• use proper English in articles
• use correct structure and layout of article in PrintShop PressWriter
• produce and publish written work, using appropriate technology (PrintShop PressWriter)
• analyze and assess information and ideas
• develop and improve keyboarding skills
• develop and improve peer editing and proof reading skills
• correctly site sources if applicable to their article
• work collaboratively to publish the December Issue of The Royal Scroll

Learning Outcomes/Objectives/Standards for Users

Standards: NETS-S

1a. Students apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
1b. Students create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
2a. Students interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a
variety of digital environments and media.
2b. Students communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats.
2d. Students contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
4b. Students plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
5a. Students advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and
5b. Students exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity.
6a. Students understand and use technology systems.
6b. Students select and use applications effectively and productively.
6d. Students transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.

Grade Level Expectations – Communication Arts

2B. Grade 7 – Use conventions of capitalization in written text.

2C. Grade 7 – In composing text, use comma rules for punctuating various sentence
2D. Grade 7 – Use parts of speech correctly in written text.
2E. Grade 7 – In writing, use dictionary, spell-check and other resources to spell correctly.
2F. Grade 7 – In composing text, use complex sentences, precise and vivid language, and
editing to eliminate run-on sentences.
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment


Written Task Directions, Clear Directions

1. The Publications class will work cooperatively with each other to attain the goal of publishing
a new, unique, correct, well-organized, creative newsletter for the final Fisk Middle School
newsletter of the school year.

2. You will apply the processes that we have practiced all year to accomplish this goal.

3. It will be best if you create the newsletter in a series of steps, with assigned duties, for
everyone in the class. For example,

A. Choose 2 leaders. They will be the co-owners of the newspaper.

B. Select article topics.
C. Assign writers, editors, and proofreaders.
D. Write articles in Google Docs.
E Collaborate together through the revision process.
F. Assign roles for designing, creating, and publishing the newsletter.
G. Collaborate together through the final processes of publishing and distributing the
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment


I will need scoring rubrics and/or rating scales to assess the following:

1. Students’ writing skills for an intended audience.

2. Students’ proofreading, editing and revision skills.
3. Students’ publishing skills, including creativity and design lay-out, and
students’ abilities to work collaboratively in pairs or groups to attain a common

I have selected the above scoring systems to accurately measure my desired learning outcomes
for my students. I have created three methods to assess students learning: checklists, rating
scales, and holistic scoring. I chose a rating scale to provide pre-established criteria for
evaluating student products, processes, and performances. I used precise language and
definitions of the subject scoring to provide students with a detail guide of what is expected of
them. I also chose to create a couple of checklists. One checklist was created to evaluate
students’ collaborative skills. The second checklist created is for students to use after writing
their first article to help students proofread their paper. The holistic scoring rubric I created is to
evaluate students’ performance of publishing the newsletter for distribution and students’ abilities
to work collaboratively in a group to attain a common goal. I chose the holistic scoring rubric so
students would be able to determine if they were progressing, meeting, or exceeding the intended
goals of the performance assessment.
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment


STUDENT NAME: _______________________________________ DATE: ___________


1 2 3 4
Student identifies a Student identifies and Student identifies and Student identifies and
1. Writes Clearly central topic in the elaborates on a central elaborates on a central topic in elaborates on
and Effectively opening paragraph. topic in the opening the opening paragraph and sophisticated central topic
paragraph and uses uses relevant and adequate using complex, unique,
some supportive detail supporting details in the body and relevant detail.
A. Content
in the body paragraphs paragraph that follows and Adequate
that follow. concludes with a clear closing supporting details follow
paragraph that is reflective of in the body paragraphs
the central topic. and the concluding
paragraph is evaluative
rather than summative.
Student organizes Student organizes Student organizes information Student organizes
information into information into into logical sequence of ideas information into highly
B. Organization paragraphs with some beginning, middle, and connected by strong effective structure using
use of transitions. end structure; uses transitions. creative transitions.
transitions to connect
Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates use
knowledge of simple knowledge of correct use of compound- of a variety of sentence
sentence construction; compound complex sentence structures; structures appropriate to
C. Conventions uses end punctuation sentence structures; consistently demonstrates form and an audience;
and capitalizes uses correct internal correct use of grammatical always uses language
correctly. and end punctuation structures, punctuation, and conventions appropriately.
and capitalizes capitalization.
Student demonstrates Student uses deliberate Student uses specialized Student presents
2. Addresses awareness of audience word choice and some vocabulary relevant to argumentation logically,
Audience, and purpose in word variety in sentence the topic and considers uses language and
Purpose, and choice and sentence structure appropriate to possible connotations in word sentence structure to
structure. Writes in form, audience, choice; uses a variety of enhance style; critique
limited number of purpose, and topic. sentence structures and writing of others for style.
forms. cadence for effect..

3. Understands Student uses stages of Student independently Student skillfully uses all Student expertly
and the writing process with uses some stages of the stages of the writing process to completes all stages of the
Uses the Writing assistance. writing process. create a piece of writing writing process; revises to
Process suitable for publication. enhance style.

Student makes some Student identifies some Student demonstrates awareness Student uses feedback to
4. Analyzes and attempt at self- strengths and weakness of the standards of good create strong, effective
assessment. in own writing; sets writing; evaluates strengths and writing; provides
Evaluates weaknesses in own writing and
goals for improvement. feedback to others
Writing that of others; uses feedback to
regarding their writing
improve writing.
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment

Student Writing Checklist

STUDENT NAME: _______________________________________ DATE: ___________

This will help you to proofread your paper!

After you have a finished piece of writing, complete the following steps.

Use blue to highlight capital letters.

Use green to highlight all punctuation marks.
Use yellow to highlight words that you are not sure are spelled correctly.
Use pink to highlight words that could be improved (via a thesaurus, for example).

Then ask yourself the following questions. Check the box when you have completed each

 Did I capitalize the first word of every sentence?

 Did I capitalize all proper nouns and proper adjectives?
 Did I end each sentence with a punctuation mark?
 Did I use apostrophes to show possession?
 Did I use apostrophes in my contractions?
 Did I put my commas in the right place?
 Do I need quotation marks anywhere?
 Are all of my words spelled correctly?
 Are there some words that I used too often?
 Do I have a subject for every sentence?
 Do I have a verb for every sentence?
 Does the subject always agree with the verb?
 Are my pronouns clear and correct?
 Are my paragraphs arranged in logical order?
 Is my writing easy to understand?
 Is my point easily understood?
 Do I have enough details in my sentences?
 Is my writing interesting?
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment

Peer Assessment Rubric

STUDENT NAME: _______________________________________ DATE: ___________

0 2 4 6 8
Demonstrate steps in The peer assessor The peer The peer assessor The peer assessor The peer assessor
the writing process offers no assessor offers 1- offers 3-4 suggestions offers 5-7 offers 8 or more
suggestions for 2 suggestions for for errors in grammar, suggestions for suggestions for
1. Proofreading, grammar, spelling, errors in spelling, and/or errors in grammar, errors in grammar,
Editing, & Revision or capitalization grammar, capitalization errors. spelling, and/or spelling, and/or
Suggestions errors spelling, and/or capitalization capitalization
capitalization. errors. errors.
A. Grammar
Demonstrate steps in The peer assessor The peer The peer assessor The peer assessor The peer assessor
the writing process offers no assessor offers 1- offers 3-4 suggestions offers 5-7 offers 8 or more
suggestions for 2 suggestions for for sentence suggestions for suggestions for
1. Proofreading, sentence sentence structure/syntax sentence sentence
Editing, & Revision structure/syntax structure/syntax and/or punctuation structure/syntax structure/syntax
Suggestions and/or and/or errors. and/or and/or punctuation
punctuation punctuation punctuation errors.
B. Mechanics errors. errors, errors.

Engages Fully in the The writer does The writer The writer somewhat The writer The writer
Writing Process: not participate in participates little participates in the participates in the thoughtfully
any revision or in the revision revision and editing revision and participates in the
editing process, and editing process of any drafts editing process of revision and
critique own and process based on based on suggestions any drafts based editing process of
others works, or suggestions (self (self and peer); offers on suggestions any drafts based on
Demonstrate steps in collaborate in the and peer) though some critique to own (self and peer); suggestions (self
the writing process writing process. only simple edits and others works; critiques own and and peer);
to the draft are somewhat others works; thoughtfully
evident; little collaborates with collaborates with critiques own and
critique to own others; and others; and others works;
and others demonstrates some engages in self- willingly
works; minimal self-reflection reflection collaborates with
collaborative (discussing the (discussing the others; and
effort and self- writing process). writing process). engages in self-
reflection reflection
(discussing the (discussing the
writing process). writing process).
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment

Publishing Newsletter Rubric

STUDENT NAME: _______________________________________ DATE: ___________

Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment


0 1 2 3

The newsletter
The newsletter consists The newsletter consists
consists of a couple
of a few different of four different articles The newsletter consists of
different articles
articles written by a few written by four different four different articles
written by a couple of
group members. The group members. The written by four different
group members. The
Content articles are somewhat articles are persuasive, group members. All the
articles are not
persuasive, and they are but some are not articles are persuasive and
persuasive, and they
not very focused on the focused well on the are focused on the author's
are not focused on the
author's opinion about author's opinion about opinion about the topic.
author's opinion about
the topic. the topic.
the topic.
Requires constant Mastered the necessary
Requires some help Requires little help
Software assistance from components to complete
from the instructor. from the instructor. Can
Knowledge & instructor. project. Can teach others.
teach others with some
Two mostly complete
One page eye Both pages eye appealing,
pages, correct use of
Incomplete layout on appealing, second page appropriate use of all
graphics, layout and
Layout & all pages, no graphics, incomplete, graphics graphics & layout is clean
font are somewhat
Design poor non-creative title inserted haphazardly, and font is readable,
appropriate, somewhat
good title creative title
creative title

The newsletter is not The newsletter is

The newsletter is not
very attractive. Theresomewhat attractive. The newsletter is very
attractive at all. There
are no pictures or There are a few pictures attractive. There are pictures
are no pictures,
Appearance clipart, but there is and clipart. It is and clipart. It is colorful. It
clipart, or color. It is
some color. It is not colorful. It is not well is well organized in an easy
not organized in an
very organized in an organized in an easy to to read manner.
easy to read manner.
easy to read manner. read manner.
Little off topic talking,
Constant off topic Some off topic talking,
group cooperates, work No off topic talking, group
talking, little to no some cooperation, some
Group well together, mostly on cooperation, always on task
cooperation, off task off task behavior
Cooperation task


Time: Students will have eight (8), 50-minute class periods to complete this assessment.
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment
Reference Material: Students will be allowed to use any appropriate reference material for
completion of this performance assessment. For example, students may use a dictionary,
thesaurus, Internet searches, class notes, and acquired knowledge.

Other people: Students will be allowed to ask help from other classmates to complete the
project. Students will be allowed to talk to teachers, peers, and other staff members regarding
information required to complete newsletter articles.

Equipment: Students will have access to computers, the Internet, Microsoft Word spelling and
grammar check, as well as other appropriate aids, to complete the performance assessment.

Scoring Criteria: I will inform students of the standards that I will use to evaluate the
performance and product. I will give students a copy of all scoring rubrics as a guide of what is
expected for this assessment

Assessment Delivery

Structuring: I will describe the performance tasks as I have throughout the year, but emphasize
that students will be required to complete this performance task by soliciting help from other
reference materials and Publications’ classmates to write, create, design, publish, and distribute a
new, unique Fisk Middle School newsletter for the final publication of the school year. I will
give students a list of goals that I want them to meet and/or exceed at the completion of this
performance assessment. I will access students’ prior knowledge by reviewing what we have
covered this far in class as it relates to the performance assessment. I will give students a copy
of all scoring guides so student understand the tasks requirements, what is expected, and how
their performance and product will be evaluated before they begin this performance assessment.

Motivation: I will motivate students by telling them that they will complete the final middle
school newsletter for the school year from writing articles to distribution of the newsletter. I will
encourage students by telling them they will own this work and their names will be on the print
copy as the writers and publishers of this issue of the newsletter. I believe students will be
excited and self-motivated to apply skills and knowledge learned throughout the year to publish
an exceptional newsletter because their audience will be their number one critics-their peers.

Coaching: I will review the writing process for articles for a newsletter, review capitalization,
punctuation and grammar rules, and review proper sentence structure. I will use my
SMARTboard to show Google Docs to students and review the process for logging on, using,
creating, editing, and revising documents. I will also use the SMARTboard to show PrintShop
PressWriter to do a general review. I will also hand out various copies of previous newsletters
created by other students from previous years so students will have an example.

Independent Work: I will assess students informally and formally throughout the performance
assessment to provide meaningful feedback to students in order to promote a meaningful
learning environment. I want students to be able to recall prior knowledge and apply what they
have learned throughout this year to successfully publish the school newsletter with very limited
facilitation from me. I want them to be confident in what they have learned to be self-motivated
Sandy Moore
Performance Assessment
to create the newsletter for the intrinsic value of accomplishing a common goal by working with
others in a positive manner and to promote social skills.

Debriefing: I will have an open discussion with the Publications’ students to reflect on what they
have learned through this performance assessment. Some of the feedback I give to students will
be the scoring guides that I have created for this assessment. However, I want to emphasize to
students that the grade in the end is not as important as the ability to work together as a group to
attain a common goal. For further extension, I will have students read articles on the Internet
and newspaper articles and critique the articles, make suggestions for improvement, and rate the
interest of the article for its intended readers. I will also obtain copies of other middle school
newsletters for students to critique layout, design, creativity, etc. to further develop their skills.


Since M.A.P. testing was at the same time as this assignment, I had to allow students more time
to complete this assignment because we did not have a regular class schedule for the first 3
weeks in April. However, I was very pleased with the outcome of the performance assessment.
Students, who had been under a lot of pressure from M.A.P. testing and 8th grade end-of-course
exams, worked very hard to assure they completed the assignment before my deadline. They
were very excited to publish the final newsletter for the school year. We have not yet distributed
the newsletters yet because we did not get them all printed Friday due to printer problems. But,
the overall performance was a success and the students are very, very proud of “THEIR”
newsletter. I have not yet completed all of the scoring rubrics, but will in the next week and
complete reflection and extended activities with my students.

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