Industrial Action Information For Parents

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Information for parents


The State School Teachers Union, Community and Public Sector Union /Civil Service Association and United Voice have called a half day stop work rally on Thursday 19 September 2013 from 9.30am to 11.30am and have directed their members to attend. Every effort will be made to keep schools open. Where adequate supervision cannot be provided and the school has explored all options, it may need to close until lunchtime. If your childs school does have to close, the principal will advise you in advance. If you are concerned or unsure about what is happening on Thursday please contact your childs school directly to find out about specific arrangements. Public education in WA: The facts
This financial year, the budget has increased by $300 million. Overall, 2013 teacher numbers will be maintained in 2014. WA teachers are the highest paid in Australia. Since 2007-08 expenditure has increased by $1.6 billion to $4.4 billion this year - an increase of about 55%. Over the last four years, $1.4 billion has been spent on building 26 new and replacement schools, and refurbishing and upgrading existing schools. A further $1.475 billion has been allocated over the next four years to build, refurbish and upgrade schools. The average cost of educating a child in a WA public school is around $15,700 a year. Every child who genuinely needs education assistant support will receive it. From 2015 a new student-centred funding model will be in place.

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