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From the attached copies of official correspondences you can read for yourself how in May

1995 a Canadian policeman, Derek Doornbos, traveled several times to Bulgaria. During his
visits he promised to Bulgarian police directors L. Levicharov (“Л. Левичаров ЦСБОП”) and
A. Kosev (“и А. Косев КМС”) that if they could somehow prosecute me on any charge
whatsoever in Bulgaria and seize the property and records of my company then Bulgaria and
Canada could share a reward of some approx. 16,000,000 USD. This to be seized from banks
in Canada as the proceeds of crimes committed in both states. Canadian policeman Doornbos
provided Bulgarian police and prosecutors with nothing but lies when he suggested I was and
was guilty of fraud and money laundering through a “pyramid scheme”. He also told
Bulgarian officials that I had already been convicted of crimes in Canada and other countries,
including the sexual molesting of children and leader of an international criminal organization
and “religious cult” operating in Canada and Europe. I cannot tell you why Canadian
Policeman Doornbos did what he did. I can only tell you that it is part of an on going
parliamentary investigation against him and the R.C.M.P. department responsible and
subject of my first book to be published this year in Canada and Bulgaria “In the
Shadow of the Hill”.

I first learned of these disgusting lies in August 1996 when they were made public by
Bulgarian investigator S. Georgiev. That same month in 1996 from Germany I filed criminal
complaints with the Prosecutors General Tatarchev against Georgiev. I knew nothing of
Canadian police involvement in this massive deception inflicted on the Bulgarian people and
causing widespread panic in citizens having contracts with the company. All at the expense of
not only my dignity but the dignity of the Bulgarian people who deserved more than to be fed
lies leading to panic. In 2000 Bulgaria’s Prosecutors General and Supreme Prosecutors Office
Prosecutor Kolev agreed with my criminal complaints against Georgiev but refused to
criminally prosecute him. In 2002 I also found new documental and witness evidence of
Georgiev falsify evidence during the course of his investigation of me and submitted this as a
new complaint to the Prosecutors General. The Office of Prosecutor Filchev continues to
refuse to answer me on if it will now prosecute Georgiev. 2000 was also the year I first
learned of Canadian involvement in the fabrication of these lies and filed complaints against
the policemen responsible, Doornbos. Be advised that before my arrest and prosecution in
Bulgaria I had never been convicted of a crime anywhere and was not involved with any
religious “cult” or criminal money laundering organization. Neither was my company a
“pyramid”, all this finally established by Bulgarian courts. It was as a result of these lies
that in 2000 my family and I sued Bulgarian investigator Georgiev and Canadian Police
officer Doornbos before the courts of Canada and the Unites Stated for criminal slander
and libel. Those cases remain pending because I am prevented from appearing before
the court. Maybe this is why Government of Canada requests for my transfer to Canada
are being refused?

Regrettably the search to win a part of 16,000,000 USD allegedly in Canada and to falsely
imprison one man and destroy a company to gain this money was a far stronger motive than
searching for the truth and possibly never gaining this money.

So it was after these meeting with the Canadian policeman Doornbos and May 1995 that there
began to appear in earnest tens if not hundred of articles and TV reports alleging me guilty of
fraud and criminal activities through my company, LifeChoice. At the time I had no idea who
was the precipitator of lies that could have no reasonable purpose except to panic citizens of
Bulgaria all in an attempt to make the Bulgarian people believe me a criminal, seize the

company and eventually prosecute me. As a result, things did not end only with planted press
articles against me and the Company.

Immediately on ending their meeting with Canadian Doornbos Mr. L. Levicharov (“Л.
Левичаров ЦСБОП”) and Mr. A. Kosev (“и А. Косев КМС”) contacted the Director at the
Sofia Tax Department and requested he investigate the financial records of my company in
Bulgaria. This with the sole purpose of looking for any possible violations of Bulgaria
criminal law and to thereby provide a reason for charging me with a crime as was requested
by Canadian authorities through Doornbos. As can be seen from the October 1995 Report of
Bulgarian operative investigator Ivanov, it was on June 28th 1995 that a “signal” was sent by
the Sofia Tax department to the Ministry of Interior repeating almost exactly the same
criminal allegations of made by Canadian policeman Doornbos. The Sofia Tax Department
Director adding the additional fabrications of my having filed fraudulent Bulgarian personal
tax declarations– this even though I am not a citizen or resident of Bulgaria, had no EGN,
took no income here and so was not required to file such declarations.

Later I was proven right and it was determined by the Bulgarian prosecutors and courts that
all these allegations made by the Director for the Sofia Tax Department are groundless and
untrue, the criminal charges against me for tax evasion and fraud dropped in 1998.

The June 1995 findings of the Sofia Tax Department were determined insufficient by the
Office of Bulgaria’s Prosecutors General and Mr. L. Levicharov (“Л. Левичаров ЦСБОП”)
and Mr. A. Kosev (“и А. Косев КМС”) asked by the Prosecutor to strength the criminal case
against me with a formally written accusation and request for my prosecution coming from
the Canadian government and secured through Canadian Policeman Derek Doornbos. It was
July 1995, the month immediately after the June criminal complaints of the Sofia Tax
Department Director that Canadian Policemen Doornbos again meets with Mr. L.
Levicharov (“Л. Левичаров ЦСБОП”) and Mr. A. Kosev (“и А. Косев КМС”) and delivers
to them an “official request” for Bulgarian authorities to charge me with any crime
whatsoever that could lead to my prosecution and the seizure of my Bulgarian companys’
records. On July 7th 1995 Mr. L. Levicharov (“Л. Левичаров ЦСБОП”) and Mr. A. Kosev (“и
А. Косев КМС”) arranged for an order to be issued for my immediate prosecution..

Not because Bulgaria police and prosecutors had decided on their own to do so, but because a
Canadian policeman wrote them a letter asking they do his dirty work against a citizen of

In July 1995 the Sofia Tax Department demanded from the Company the payment of Value
Added Tax on all contracts signed with Bulgarian citizens, the same contracts alleged to be
fraudulent by the same tax Director in June 1995. On behalf of the Company I refused to pay
these taxes and took the case before the court. This of course did not prevent Sofia Tax
Department Officials from seizing all the property and bank accounts of the Company during
the same month

In early August 1995 I lawfully departed lawfully from Bulgaria, there still no criminal
charges against me and no order requiring me to stay in Bulgaria. Also my visa expired in
October of the same year. At the time I new nothing of the criminal investigations against me,
my departure a purely personal and commercial decision, my family living in Canada and the
seizure of company bank accounts, inventories and other revenue by the Sofia Tax

Department prevented the Company from doing any business and there was no commercial
sense to remain in Bulgaria, their other investments in other countries requiring my attention.

The criminal investigation against me and the company was formally open in secret in
October of 1995. In early November 1995 I was interviewed from my offices in Greece by
Bulgarian national TV and told the Bulgarian interviewer and police investigator I knew
nothing of the criminal charges against me and was not hiding from anyone, that obvious by
the fact that the TV interviewer called my offices in Greece but apparently Bulgarian
investigator Georgiev did not have the number or address and so could not follow Bulgarian
law requiring he notify me and allow me the opportunity to appear before him to be question.

It was incomplete ignorance of the Bulgarian charges against me that while in transit through
Germany I was arrest in February 1996 on the November 22nd 1995 warrant issued by
Georgiev to Interpol Sofia. That same month Georgiev issued a second warrant

In September 1996 the Germany Government extradited me. According to German

prosecution extradition documents from August 1996 I am only to be tried for the crimes
allegedly in the November 1995 and February 1996 warrants issued by Georgiev for crimes
he alleges I committed against thousands of Bulgarian citizens and the tax department through
my Company. The fact is that the final criminal charge and verdict against me as formed
by the Sofia Criminal Court of Appeal indicts and tries me not for a single crime against
a single citizen of Bulgaria.

From September 1996 to September 1998 I remained in arrest and isolated. Can you
appreciate what it is like to be alone in a small cell for 2 years with no contact with your
family? During this time I was physically beaten and psychologically tormented, but I cannot
prove this so it is mentioned as an observation and not as an accusation. In September 1998 I
was moved to the Sofia Prison.

By October 1998 SCPO Prosecutor Mario Stoyanov and NIS Investigator Rumen Kirov had
dropped all the criminal allegations made by the Sofia Tax Department and the charges of
embezzlement as made against by Georgiev. All that remained was the fraud charges. That
same month Prosecutor Mario Stoyanov and NIS Investigator Rumen Kirov wrote the charge
of embezzlement to be legally impossible and that they would not criminally charge me
embezzlement except by the ORDER of then Prosecutors General Tatarchev.

The Vice President will read how in April of 1999 the Supreme Prosecutor for the Republic
of Bulgaria promised Canada that I would be transferred to a prison in Canada as quickly as
possible once there was a final sentence and no money owed by me to the State or to
individual Bulgarian victims. He will learn how I was outraged for my family and damage
unlawfully caused my company. So much so that I sued the Government of Bulgaria, the
prosecutor and the SCC trial Court judge before the European Court and the high courts of the
United States and Canada for contract breach, unlawful conversion and interferences with
State seized private property, abuse of powers and official corruption. When you investigate
further you will discover that March of 2001 I was sentenced by the SCC to 23 years for
embezzlement against the company I incorporated and fully owned, LifeChoice and that
embezzled was facilitated by the preceding crime of fraud committed against thousands of
Bulgarian citizens. There was no fine, no civil claims awarded to any citizens and the property
of my company LifeChoice, what was left of it, was to be returned or replaced.

The charges against me were legally impossible and I did not commit the crimes as written in
the SCC sentence. So I appealed notwithstanding that SCPO Prosecutor Stoyanov and
Canada’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs made references to the April 1999 Bulgarian
prosecutor’s promise of a transfer and said I would have to wait years if I appealed. But if I let
the sentence of 23 years come into force I would be transferred immediately. These were only
words, and so I appealed.

In August 2001 the Sofia Court of Appeal found, as did SCPO Prosecutor Stoyanov and NIS
Investigator Kirov that no such crime as that described by the SCC verdict existed in
Bulgarian criminal law. The SAC acquitted me completely of the original charge and instead
“re-qualified” a new criminal indictment of fraud and sentenced me to 9 years. The SAPO
protested and afterwards I immediately appealed. The Supreme Court of Cassation agreed
with the Prosecutors protest that the SAC could not “re-qualify” the indictment and I must be
either sentenced or acquitted on the same charges as written in the SCC March 2001 criminal
verdict found.

So in July 2002 I was again tried by SAC with instructions from the SCaC that I must be
convicted or acquitted on exactly the charge as found in the SCC March 1999 verdict.

In August 2002 the SAC issued its new findings and a JUDGMENT, the 3 judges writing that
they could not ethically follow the instructions of the SCaC as the charges was legally
impossible. So again and for a second time as before in August 2001, the SAC acquitted me,
only this time it “re-qualified” a new criminal verdict of embezzlement of only the money
owned by the company controlled and owned by me, LifeChoice. SAC found there was no
evidence of any fraud or “embezzlement” of money not legally belongs to any Bulgarian
citizen. It sentenced me to 17 years. Again I appealed and among other things cited as
argument the European Court decision in Lukanov v. Bulgaria, and the fact that like this case
the transfers of money to a third party where legal and agreed to by al members of the
Company. And so I could not, as the prosecution insisted, be held criminally liable for any
failure on the part of the United States Company not returning the money or not completing
the contract. So I appealed to the SCaC and expected a new trial sometime in April or May
2003 and most probably a re-trial in August 20003.

If you go further, Sir you will discover that during this time my mother was very very sick
and so was my 9 year old diabetic. As a father and a son returning to Canada, even prison,
was my first priority. We had been a part now more than 7 years and still there was still no
final verdict in my criminal case. And the appeals left to me would take another 2 maybe even
three years with no assurances of an acquittal. Canada’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs
repeatedly reminded my family about this, the treaties for transfer with Bulgaria and the
written promises made in 1999 by the Bulgaria’s Prosecutors General and the Minister for
Foreign Affairs that a transfer would be no problem and far faster than continuing the appeal
process in Bulgaria. My family was convinced and so I followed my heart instead of my
mind. And, if the Vice President were to read my Motion for withdrawing my appeal he will
learn that I was far from convinced of the prosecutor’s humane intentions and what happens
next provide me right.

On June 19th 2003, Deputy Minister for Justice Mario Dimitrov advised Canada’s Ambassador
that Bulgaria would not transfer me unless I agreed and my family to withdraw all civil suits
and human rights claims filed by us in 2000 and 2002 against Bulgaria. And we had to agree
to never raise claims in the future. Canada’s Department for Foreign Affairs the Director

General Gar Pardy strongly insisted I agree to the terms of Bulgaria’s Minister for Justice id
est exchange my transfer for Bulgarian immunity from civil prosecution. He had me
immediately prepare the demanded documents and the Canadian Embassy deliver the
originals of those documents to the Bulgarian Ministry for Justice – International Affairs
Department in Sofia. This included a Motion to the Canadian and American courts to
withdraw my lawsuits and a Motion to the European Court of Human Rights to end my
human rights complaints.

Then sometime around June 25th 2003 I delivered copies to Bulgaria’s Supreme Prosecutors
Office, prosecutor Petkov.

A few weeks later the Bulgarian Ministry for Justice – International Affairs Department in
Sofia contacted Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs in Ottawa unsatisfied with the
documents I prepared and instead advised it would replace these with documents prepared by
Bulgaria’s lawyers in Canada and the United States. However and only after many months
passed, I later learned from Bulgaria’s attorneys in Canada that they had not been paid by the
Bulgarian Embassy in Canada and so would not be preparing the documents. The same was
true for the United States. Nothing more was heard of this matter, even after November 23 rd
2003 when I wrote Bulgaria’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Passi and asked if the Government
of Bulgaria stilled wanted to end these lawsuits. Minister Passi never wrote me back.

In March 2004, the Prosecutors General for the Republic of Bulgaria refused my transfer until
paid. Bulmee sometime in If I refused to do this then my transfer would not happen. SAC .an
was only to be see are You insert here everything that happened: 1. How and why you
accepted the sentence of the second SAC. How they forced you to waive your rights and
withdraw your Strasbourg Application and the lawsuits filed in Canada and the US.

2. To whom you have written about your circumstances and what has happened (President
Stoyanov, Foreign Ministers N. Mihailova and Passy, Prime minister, etc. – everything)

3= That you have civil cases you are subpoenaed and they do not take you to the hearings
although you want to attend and thus they violate your rights.

I was arrested in 1996 and it was not until August 2002 that I was finally acquitted of all
criminal allegations for crimes against individual citizens of Bulgaria. And instead was
charged and sentenced to 17 years for the lawful transferring of company funds to a third
foreign company that failed to return this money to the Bulgaria company I had incorporated
in 1993.

Since my conviction in 2002 the Government of Canada has twice petitioned for my transfer
and twice has been refused by the Prosecutors General for the Republic of Bulgaria. Then in
August 2004 I became eligible for parole and deportation. The expert written evaluation of
my conduct concluded that I represented no future threat to society and my behavior was
socially and morally acceptable during the 9 years of my imprisonment, 7 of which were at
the Sofia Penitentiary. Mr. Vice President, it is because of humanity that Bulgaria signed and
became party to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons. This Convention
allows families like mine to be together through the hard years of a man’s imprisonment.
Also, it is for the sake of humanity that Bulgaria leaders passed a law allowing men to leave
prison and return to their families and society after having served half their first criminal
sentence. All that this Bulgaria law asks is that the convict have respect for the rights of others

and for the law while imprisoned and afterwards. My family and I have given no reasons why
the Sofia Prison or the Sofia Prosecutor should make an exception in my family’s case and
deny us this humanity and chance to be reunited.

There are no legal or moral reasons why I should not be released on parole and but many
other prisoners having committed crimes such as murder can be released.

Mr. Vice President exactly that has happened on the two occasions that my transfer under the
Convention to Canada has been denied and on the four separate occasions that the prison’s
senior administrators and representatives of the Sofia Prosecutors Office have refused me my
parole without giving any reasonable reason as to why. My family and I, even the
Government of Canada is confused by these decisions and our prayer now is that you Vice
President Marin can help the desperate family of one citizen of Canada. As a General you
have had men under you command and know what it means for the son’s of those men below
to grow up without their fathers. So please think of the 11 year old Canadian boy who has
grown up without a father. Must he also become a man without his father?

So it is with this background that I write to you. I cannot begin to fathom on how the
Honorable Vice President for the Republic of Bulgaria can help. But it would be something
even if all the Honorable Vice President did were able to cause those Officials responsible for
the equal and fair application of the Bulgarian laws and treaties designed to allow the eventual
reunification of convicts with their families also observe those same treaties and laws in my
case. Then I know that this Canadian family has a chance at being a family once again.

If the Honorable Vice President needs to speak of these things and additional information,
then I would ask that the Office of the Vice President contact my Bulgarian language
interpreter of 5 years, Ms. Marianna Radoulova at 0888979987 or 02 9741411. Her address is:
“Banishora”, bl. 16, entr. A, floor 2, apt. 5, 1233 Sofia. She is the only person in Bulgaria who
maintains constant regular contact with my family and me.


Michael Kapoustin

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