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Mario Zambrano Armijos Top Notch 2 > Unit 7 - Psychology and Personality

A New Acquaintance The phone rang next to Meg's bed. It was Judy. "Hi, Meg!" "Oh, hi, Judy! How are you?" "Great!" "Great? Why?" Meg asked suspiciously. Judy was always either feeling great or complaining about everything. "I've just met the man I want to spend the rest of my life with," Judy said dreamily. "Where did you meet him?" Meg asked. "At The Deep Blue Sea," Judy replied. "What's that?" "You know. It's that new restaurant where all the waiters and waitresses wear fish costumes," Judy said. "I've never heard of it. How did you meet him?" Meg asked. "Well, I saw him at the table across from me. I thought he was a snob. But then he smiled at me, and I thought he recognized me from somewhere. He didn't. He just wanted to meet me. We started talking. Meg, he's so easygoing, and he has a great sense of humor. And he has the nicest personality..." Meg could not listen to Judy any longer. She must have heard this same conversation a hundred times. Judy, whom no one could call shy, met strangers and considered them friends within minutes. The problem was that she was often disappointed when she actually got to know them. "Judy," Meg said. "Oh, and Meg," Judy continued, not listening, "he was so affectionate. He kissed my cheek when he said goodbye." "Judy," Meg said again. "What?" "Be careful." "I can trust him. I know," Judy answered. "Like you knew about Peter?" "Oh, Peter. I should have realized that Peter had problems when he started calling me five times a day at work. Peter was a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes." "And Henry?" Meg continued. "Oh, Henry. How could I have known about Henry?" "Judy, you could have known about Henry if you had checked out his excuses. He was always visiting his sick mother.

You should have known." "I guess so. You're right," Judy consented. "Look! Just be careful. You always think you've met the man of your dreams whenever you meet someone new." They said goodbye, and Meg made herself a cup of coffee. She decided to go check out The Deep Blue Sea the next day. It was time to meet someone new.

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