Arabic Parts

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Calculating The Arabic Parts

by Marianne E. Payton

Most of us have heard of the Arabian Parts. How many have actually taken the time to THOROUGHLY test them out? We always calculate the Part of Fortune, but do we know what it means and what to expect out of it? We have read many articles about what they symbolize. Nowhere have we read any amount of information showing them in action. When I tested them out for the first time 9 years ago, I was astonished! Believe me when I say they work! You must use very tight orbs - no more than 5-8 degrees with an Eclipse or Lunation, one degree in transits and no more than 30 minutes applying to exact in progressions. Sometimes you may have to use your own judgment - if you see it working with a slightly wider orb, use it. This is the way we learn.

There are two ways to calculate some of the Arabic Parts and these should be adhered to faithfully. Where I have an asterick (*) remember to use the formula as stated for A.M. births and to reverse the formula for *P.M. birth times. That is, as with the Part of Fortune, the normal calculation is Ascendant + Moon - Sun for A.M. births and most calculations are used in this manner no matter what time of the day you were born. However, mine never worked because I was born in the evening! Well, when I re-calculated my Part of Fortune for the P.M. birth, it works. So, when I say reverse the procedure, instead of using the Ascendant + Moon - Sun, you would use Ascendant + Sun - Moon and what a difference that makes. Please heed this rule if you wish to calculate correctly.

With an Eclipse, a part will sometimes activate immediately (that is within a few hours of the Eclipse). Or, you must watch the transits carefully for a trigger. Compare the exact degree of the Part being aspected with the degree of the Eclipse or lunation. This gives important information as to when the event will take place. If the Eclipse or lunation is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 degrees past the Part being aspected, you can look for the event to happen that many days, weeks or months from that time. If the degrees are before the part, the event took place beforehand.

We have on an average of at least 4 Eclipses yearly. They consist of two Solar and two Lunar which will activate Arabic parts in everyone's chart. When events take place and you can not see them - look to the Arabic Parts.

They predict birth, weddings, good or bad luck, deception, travel, etc. (You will find a listing of the Arabic Parts below). However, as the various Parts are explained on events in my various stories, for easy reference, the Arabic Parts used and their formula will be included to help you understand how they interact.

When I calculate charts for my clients, I always use several of the parts. The Part of Fortune, Part of Mother, Part of Father and Part of Siblings are used most of the time. Clients are always looking for information about family matters, so the Parts relating to family work well. There can be questions about a raise in pay - so you would add the Part of Increase. Look over the parts and see what may be needed in the chart you are working on and use them. The Arabic Parts work well with most birth times. When you are working with charts that do not work as they should, they may need some rectification of the birth time.

Only you know how well your chart works. There are times when an event is set off by progressions and at other times by transits and/or lunations. Are your forecasts for your progressions correct or did they happen last year? Or, perhaps they take place a year later. If they are a year off, then your chart is off by a degree or so. Can you locate your wedding in your chart? How about that last raise in pay? Or, last year's vacation should have been shown with one of the Parts of travel aspected. Again, you may have to rectify your chart before the Parts will work accurately.

Sometimes you will only find the aspects when you set up the appropriate Arabic Parts and check out the Eclipses or lunations. It is there you will find the information. We know that an Eclipse will foreshadow an event. You must remember - "whatever the New Moon promises, the Full Moon fulfills".

Several charts I have worked with are from the news media with no birth times given, so Solar Charts were used. You will be surprised how accurate the Parts work in Solar Charts. There is definitely hope for those clients without birth times when you use Solar Charts and the Solar Arabic Parts. I have adopted a habit, if you will, of using 6:45 A.M. for my "unknown birth times", both in my Solar Charts, and the ones I use the 6:45 A.M. time, which have proved out to work quite well, instead of using the normal Solar Charts.

Reference for Calculation

There seems to be confusion about how to calculate the Arabic Parts mathematically. We will do it the easy way, without the use of an Arc table. Just remember the basics. 1 Chart contains 12 signs 1 Sign contains 30 degrees 1 Degree contains 60 minutes Also, every sign has a number according to it's rotation in the Zodiac Aries is #1, Taurus is #2, Gemini is #3, etc. We will use the number of the sign rather than the degrees for our examples.

Many times, you will have to borrow 12 signs. From that you may have to borrow one sign, or 30 degrees. Often, you have to go through all of this just to borrow one degree to get 60 minutes because there just are not enough minutes to do your subtraction. We are not going to get you lost in math. This is really simple. Examples follow.

We will use my chart as an example. Let's calculate the Part of Fortune.

Calculation for Part of Fortune

My Ascendent is 25 Scorpio 24 - the 8th sign - with the Degrees and minutes, as follows: The Formula is - FOR P.M. BIRTH ~ ASC + Sun - Moon or SIGN + DEG. MIN. ASC 08 : 25 : 24 SUN 02 : 19 : 52 SUM=10 : 44 : 76 MOON09 : 05 : 41 SUM=01 : 39 : 35 ====> MUST REDUCE DEGREES BY 30 SUB=30 AND ADD TO SIGN NUMBER 1+1=2 FOR=02 : 09 : 35 = 09 TAURUS 35

Try this one - The Part of Catastrophe is - ASC + URANUS - SATURN NAME -SIGN DEG. MIN. ASC 08 : 25 : 24 +URA01 : 24 : 52 SUM=09 : 49 : 76 MUST ADD 12 SIGNS OR 12+9=21 SO WE CAN SUBTRACT SATURN NEW=21 : 49 : 76 SUB=11 : 16 : 10 SUM=10 : 33 : 66 THERE ARE ONLY 30 DEGREES IN A SIGN, SO SUB : 30 : 60 THERE ARE ONLY 60 MINUTES IN HOUR - WE MUST SUM=11 : 04 : 06 = ADJUST - GIVE BACK THE SIGN BORROWED. Subtracting 60 from 66 leaves 6 minutes; the degree (60 minutes) is added to the 3 degrees, making it 4 degrees. You subtract the 30 (one sign) from the 33 and add back the sign you borrowed which makes the 10th sign become the 11th sign - or Aquarius. So the Part of Catastrophe = 4 Aquarius 06.

PLEASE remember to reverse the calculation formula if there is an * listed by the part!

THE ARABIC PARTS & THEIR FORMULA PART OF FORMULA Ability =ASC + Mars - Ruler of asc Abundance =ASC + Sun - Moon Accident =ASC + Saturn - Mars Accord =ASC + Mercury - Venus Accomplishment =ASC + Sun - Jupiter Action/Reasoning =ASC + Mars - Mercury Addiction =ASC + S. Node - Neptune Administrators =ASC + Mars - Mercury Agriculture =ASC + Saturn - Venus Allegiance =ASC + Saturn - Sun Aloofness =ASC + Mercury - Saturn Anareta (Taker of Life) *=ASC + Moon - Ruler ASC Ancestors & Relations *=ASC + Mars - Saturn Ancestral Heritage =ASC + Moon - 8th Cusp Armies =ASC + Saturn - Mars Art =ASC + Venus - Mercury Assassination =ASC + Ruler 12th - Neptune Assassination =Mars + Neptune - Uranus Assurance =ASC + Jupiter - Mercury Astrology =ASC + Uranus - Mercury Bad Luck =ASC + Fortuna - Spirit Bankruptcy =Jupiter + Jupiter - Uranus Bankruptcy =Jupiter + Neptune - Uranus Beauty =ASC + Venus - Sun Benefic Change =ASC + Pluto - Jupiter Benevolence =ASC + Jupiter - Pluto Bequest =ASC + Jupiter - Uranus Bereavement =12th + Ruler/12 - Neptune Bigotry =ASC + Uranus - Sun Boldness, Violence, Murder =ASC + Moon - Ruler ASC Bondage =ASC + Moon - Ruler of Moon Bravery *=ASC + Fortuna - Mars Brethren *=ASC + Jupiter - Saturn Brethren *=ASC + Jupiter - Mercury Brothers & Sisters *=ASC + Mars - Mercury Business Partnership =ASC + 7th - Ruler 10th Buying, Selling, Despair =ASC + Fortuna - Spirit Cancer =ASC + Neptune - Jupiter Captivity, Escape *=ASC + Fortuna - Saturn Captivity =ASC + Spirit - Saturn Captivity =ASC + Ruler Saturn's House - Saturn Catastrophe =ASC + Uranus - Sun

Catastrophe =ASC + Uranus - Saturn Caution =ASC + Neptune - Saturn Celebrity of Rank =ASC + Sun - Saturn Change =ASC + Uranus - Pluto Charm =ASC + Uranus - Neptune Chastity of Women =ASC + Venus - Moon Children *=ASC + Saturn - Jupiter Coincidence =ASC + Mars - Uranus Coma =ASC + Mars - Neptune Commerce =ASC + Mercury - Sun Commerce =ASC + Mars - Sun Condition of Females =ASC + Venus - Moon Condition of Males =ASC + Jupiter - Mars Connections, Fame, Recognition =ASC + Sun - Jupiter Controversy =ASC + Jupiter - Mars Cooperation =ASC + Moon - Mercury Cooperation =7th + Moon - Sun Corruptness =ASC + Neptune - Venus Curiosity =ASC + Moon - Mercury Damage =ASC + Neptune - Mars Danger, Violence, Debt *=ASC + Mercury - Saturn Daughters =ASC + Venus -Moon Death =ASC + 8th - Moon Death of Parents *=ASC + Jupiter - Saturn Death of Brothers & Sisters *=ASC + 10of 3rd - Sun Death of Siblings =ASC + 10 II - Sun Debate =ASC + Mars - Jupiter Debilitated Bodies =ASC + Mars - Fortuna Debt *=ASC + Mercury - Saturn Decapitation =8th + Mars - Moon Deceit =ASC + Venus - Neptune Deceit & Trickery =ASC + Mars - Moon Deep Reflection *=ASC + Moon - Saturn Delusion *=ASC + Neptune - Moon Desire & Sexual Attraction =ASC + 5th - Ruler/5th Despair, Penury & Fraud *=ASC + Fortuna - Spirit Destiny *=MC + Sun - Moon Destruction =ASC + Mars - Sun Devotion =ASC +Venus - Mars Disappointment, Endings =ASC + Mars - Venus Disappointment, Endings =ASC + Mars - Neptune Disassociation =ASC + Moon - Mars Discord, Lawsuits *=ASC + Jupiter - Mars Disease =ASC + Mars - Mercury Disease, Defects, Time of Onset =SN + Mars - Saturn Disinterest & Boredom =ASC + Sun - Venus

Disputation =ASC + Mercury - Mars Divination =ASC + Neptune - Mercury Divorce(Traditional =ASC + Venus - 7th Divorce =ASC + 7th - Saturn Duplicity =ASC + Neptune - Moon Eccentricity =ASC + Mercury - Uranus Education =ASC + Moon - Mercury Emotion =ASC + Mars - Venus Energy, Sex Drive =ASC + Pluto - Venus Enmity =ASC + 12th - Ruler 12th Enmity =ASC + Mars - Saturn Entertainment =ASC + Uranus - Jupiter Exile =ASC + Uranus - Saturn Expected Birth =ASC + Ruler Moon's House -Moon Expected Birth (more) =ASC + Venus - Moon Extravagance =ASC + Jupiter - Mars Faith =ASC + Mercury - Moon Faithfulness, Dedication, Loyalty =ASC + Venus - Saturn False Love =ASC + Neptune - Venus Fame, Connections *=ASC + Jupiter - Sun Famous Friends =ASC + Fortuna - Sun Fascination =ASC + Venus - Uranus Fate (Karma) =ASC + Saturn - Sun Father *=ASC + Sun - Saturn Female Children =ASC + Venus - Moon Finances =ASC + Ruler of Ascendent Find =Moon + 4th - Chart Ruler Foolhardiness =ASC + Saturn - Uranus Fortune *=ASC + Moon - Sun Fraud =ASC + Neptune - Sun Fraud (Alt) =ASC + Neptune - Mercury Fraudulent Marriage =ASC + Venus - Saturn Friends =ASC + Moon - Venus Friends =ASC + Mercury - Moon Friends =ASC + Moon - Uranus Friendship, Love *=ASC + Spirit - Fortuna Fulfillment =ASC + Mars - Venus Galvanization =ASC + Mars - Pluto Genius =ASC + Sun - Neptune Glory *=ASC + Spirit - Fortuna Gossip =ASC + Mercury - Neptune Grandparents *=ASC + Jupiter - 2nd Grandparents *=ASC + Saturn - 2nd Guidance =ASC + Neptune - Uranus

Happiness =ASC + Uranus - Jupiter Harmony =ASC + Sun - Venus Higher Learning =ASC + 9th - Mercury Homosexuality =ASC + Mars - Uranus Honor =ASC + 19 Aries - Sun Honorable Acquaintance *=ASC + Sun - Fortuna Hope *=ASC + Mercury - Jupiter Hopes & Wishes =ASC + 11th - Ruler of 11th Hopes & Imagination =ASC + 11th - Uranus Horsemanship =ASC + Moon - Saturn Husbandry (Traditional) =ASC + Saturn - Venus Husbandry =ASC + Sun - Pluto Identity =ASC + Saturn - Moon Imperceptible Change =ASC + Pluto - Neptune Impression =ASC + Jupiter - Sun Imprisonment =ASC + Sun - Neptune Imprisonment/Sorrow (Trad.) =ASC + Fortuna - Neptune Increase =ASC + Jupiter - Sun Individuality =ASC + Sun - Uranus Influence =ASC + Pluto - Moon Influence =ASC + Saturn - Moon Inheritance =ASC + Moon - Saturn Inheritance (Traditional) =ASC + Jupiter - Venus Initiative =ASC + Sun - Mars Insincerity =ASC + Moon - Neptune Intellectuality =ASC + Sun - Uranus Intelligence =ASC + Mars - Mercury Interaction =ASC + Sun - Pluto Intercourse =ASC + Venus - Sun Intrusion =ASC + Mercury - Neptune Issue of Affairs =ASC + Ruler Lunation before birth - Saturn

Journeys by Land =ASC + 9th - Ruler 9th Journeys by Water *=ASC + 15 Cancer - Saturn Karma (Fate) =ASC + Saturn - Sun Killing =ASC + Moon - Ruler of ASC Kings (Rulers) =ASC + Moon - Mars Knowledge *=ASC + Moon - Mercury Labor =ASC + Saturn - Venus Law Suits =ASC + Mercury - Mars Learning & Travel =ASC + 9th - Mercury Legal Affairs =3rd + 9th - Venus Liberty =ASC + Sun - Mercury Life (Reincarnation) *=ASC + Saturn - Jupiter

Life of Female =ASC + Full Moon prior to birth Life of Male =ASC + New Moon prior to birth Life/Death Absent Person(Horary) =ASC + Mars - Moon Location =ASC + Pluto - Mercury Long Journeys =ASC + 9th - Ruler of 9th Loneliness =ASC + Jupiter - Venus Lost Animal(Horary) =ASC + Mars - Sun Lost Animal----(Dark signified by Saturn) Lost Animal----(Light signified by Sun) Love =ASC + Venus - Sun Love & Marriage =ASC + Venus - Jupiter Lovers =Mars + Venus - 5th Love of Brethren =ASC + Saturn - Sun Luck =ASC + Moon - Jupiter Male Children *=ASC + Jupiter - Moon Marriage =ASC + 7th -Venus Marriage of Women =ASC + Saturn - Venus Marriage of Women =ASC + Mars - Moon Memory =ASC + Mars - Moon Men's Marriage =ASC + Venus - Saturn Mental Competence =ASC + 3rd - Mercury Merchandise =ASC + Fortuna - Spirit Merchants *=ASC + Venus - Mercury Messages =ASC + Uranus - Mercury Misconduct by Women =ASC + Mars - Moon Misinterpretation *=ASC + Uranus - Moon Misunderstanding =ASC + Neptune - Mars Mother(Traditional) =ASC + Moon - Saturn Mother(Friends) *=ASC + Moon - Venus Mother, Love & Marriage =ASC + Jupiter - Venus Mind(Capacity) =ASC + 3rd - Mercury Necessity =ASC + Mars - Saturn Necessity =ASC + 8th - Mars Necessity (Egyptian) =ASC + 3rd - Mars Negotiation =ASC + Mars - Jupiter Nobility(Day birth) =ASC + 19 Aries - Sun Nobility(Nightbirth) =ASC + 3 Taurus - Moon Noble Births =Distance from Saturn to 21LI00 Number of Brothers/Sisters *=ASC + Saturn - Mercury Obstruction =ASC + Neptune - Saturn Occultism =ASC + Uranus - Neptune Operations/Orders in Med. Treatment *=ASC + Jupiter - Sun Opinion =ASC + Mercury - Pluto Organization =ASC + Pluto - Sun

Originality =ASC + Uranus - Mercury Partners =ASC + 7th - Venus Passion =ASC + Pluto - Venus Peril(Most dangerous year) *=ASC + Ruler of 8th - Saturn Peril =ASC + 8th - Saturn Perversion, Fascination =ASC + Venus - Uranus Pillar of Horoscope *=ASC + Spirit - Fortuna Place of Murder *=ASC + Mars - Saturn Play =ASC + Venus - Mars Police =ASC + Saturn - Mars Popularity =ASC + Venus - Pluto Popularity =ASC + Mars - Neptune Positive & Helpful Changes =ASC + Pluto - Jupiter Possessions =ASC + 2nd - Ruler 2nd Praise =ASC + Venus - Jupiter Prejudice *=ASC + Mercury - Moon Preparation =ASC + Mars - Pluto Profession =ASC + Moon - Saturn Property & Goods *=ASC + 2nd - Ruler 2nd Provocation =ASC + Mercury - Uranus Public Enemies =ASC + 7th - Ruler 7th Race Consciousness =ASC + Moon - Pluto Radical Adjustment =ASC + Pluto - Uranus Rape =Pluto + S. Node - Venus Real Estate(Land) *=ASC + Moon - Saturn Real Estate(Investment) *=ASC + Jupiter - Mercury Realization =ASC + Mercury - Fortuna Reasoning & Eloquence *=ASC + Mars - Mercury Rectitude =ASC + Sun - Mars Recognition =ASC + Jupiter - Sun Redemption =Sun + Moon - ASC Release & Luck =ASC + Mercury - Mars Repression =ASC + Saturn - Pluto Retribution *=ASC + Sun - Mars Revelation =ASC + Moon - Neptune Royalty =ASC + Moon - Mars Ruler of Nativities =ASC + Moon - Saturn Secret Enemies(Private) =ASC + 12th - Ruler 12th Security =ASC + Venus - Mercury Self Refocalization =ASC + Pluto - Saturn Self Undoing =ASC + 12th - Neptune Sensitivity =ASC + Mercury - Jupiter Sentiment =ASC + Venus - Jupiter Separation =ASC + 7th - Uranus

Servants =ASC + Moon - Mercury Sex Drive =ASC + Pluto - Venus Short Journeys =ASC + 3rd - Ruler of 3rd Siblings =ASC + Saturn - Jupiter Sickness =ASC + Mars - Saturn Slander =ASC + Saturn - Neptune Slyness =ASC + Neptune - Pluto Social Standing =ASC + Jupiter - Mercury Son-in-Laws *=ASC + Venus - Saturn Sons =ASC + Jupiter - Moon Soul =4th + Moon - Sun Speculation *=ASC + 5th - Jupiter Speculation =ASC + Jupiter - Neptune Spirit *=ASC + Sun - Moon Sports =ASC + Venus - Mars Stability =ASC + Saturn - Mercury Status =MC + Moon - Sun Strategy =ASC + Pluto - Mars Subtle or hidden change =ASC + Pluto - Neptune Success *=ASC + Jupiter - Fortuna Success in Investment =ASC + Venus - Saturn Sudden Advancement *=ASC + Fortuna - Saturn Sudden Breaks/Connections =N. Node + S. Node - Uranus Sudden Luck =ASC + Jupiter - Uranus Sudden or Drastic Change =ASC + Uranus - Pluto Sudden Parting =ASC + Saturn - Uranus Suicide =ASC + 8th - Neptune Suicide =ASC + Jupiter - 12th Suicide =ASC + Jupiter - Neptune Surgery *=ASC + Saturn - Mars Surprise =ASC + Mars - Uranus Temperament =ASC + Sun - Mercury Termination =ASC + Uranus - Neptune Time, No.& Sexes/Children =ASC + Jupiter - Mars Time of Marriage =ASC + Moon - Sun Timidity =ASC + Mercury - Moon Torture =MC + Saturn - Moon Tradition =ASC + Jupiter - Sun Tragedy =ASC + Saturn - Sun Transformation =ASC + Uranus - Mars Travel by Air =ASC + Uranus - House where Uranus resides Travel by Air =ASC + 9th - Uranus Travel by Land(Long Dist.) =ASC + 9th -Ruler 9th Travel(Short distance) =ASC + 3rd - Mercury Travel by Water =ASC + 15 Cancer - Saturn Treachery(The Web) =ASC + Neptune - Sun

Treasure Trove =ASC + Venus - Mercury Trickery *=ASC + Spirit - Mercury Trickery/Deceit of Men by Women =ASC + Mars - Moon Trickery/Deceit of Men and Women =ASC + Venus - Sun Understanding-Wisdom *=ASC + Sun - Saturn Understanding-Reason =ASC + Mars - Mercury Unchastity of Women =ASC + Mars - Moon Unpreparedness =ASC + Uranus - Mars Unusual Events =ASC + Uranus - Moon Vanity =ASC + Venus - Neptune Victory *=ASC + Jupiter - Spirit Violence =ASC + Mercury - Spirit Vitality =ASC + Mercury - Sun Vocation *=MC + Moon - Sun Wastefulness =ASC + Uranus - Venus Weddings & Legal Documents =9th + 3rd - Venus Widowhood =ASC + 08LI50 - Neptune Worldliness *=ASC + Venus - Fortuna Worldliness =ASC + Venus - Spirit

Year Feared for Death/Famine =ASC + Ruler Lunation before birth Saturn
Here is a list of some of the more used Arabic Parts, and their calculations . Part of Death = Asc + Cusp of 8th - Saturn Point of Death = Mars + Saturn - MC Part of Decapitation = Cusp of 8th +Mars - Moon Part of Dismissal or Resignation = Saturn + Jupiter - Sun Part of Fortune = (by day) Moon + Asc - Sun Part of Fortune = (by night) Sun + Asc - Moon Part of Illness = Asc + Mars - Saturn Part of Information true or false = Asc + Moon - Mercury Part of Injury to business = Asc + Part of Fortune - Asc ruler Part of Lawsuit = Asc + Mercury - Mars Part of Life/Death of Absent Person = Asc + Mars - Moon Part of Lost Animal (Dark) = Asc + Mars - Saturn Part of Lost Animal (Light) = Asc + Mars - Sun Part of Marriage = Asc + Cusp of 7th - Venus Part of Secrets = Asc + MC - Asc ruler Part of Surgery = Asc + Saturn - Mars Part of Torture = MC + Saturn - Moon

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