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Weebly Rubric

Guide Lines 4 3
There are 5 or less spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. The web site had some creativity. Only used a few different tool and formats throughout the website The web site only contained a few of the information and documents needed. The web site is not too clear on the information that is being given and is difficult to understand.

There are more than 10 spelling or grammar, and punctuation errors The web site was very plain and not very creative didnt use different tools or formats throughout the website. The website had less than 4 of the documents and information needed for the web site. The web site is very difficult to understand and the information that is given is not understandable.

There are too many spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors throughout the project. The web site was very plain had no effort put in and had no creativity throughout the web site.


There are no errors in Spelling, Grammar, spelling, grammar, and and Punctuation punctuation errors. The web site had lots of colors, and Creativity/Formatting used many different tool and formats throughout the web site. The web site contained all Required Documents/ the needed information information and documents. The web site is very easy to read and the information is understandable.


The website contained none of the document and information needed for the web site. The web site information is not clear and is very difficult to understand and the information is not relevant to the topic.


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