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What To Do When You Are Stuck?

Here's a situation: Amira was in the middle of writing an essay in an exam. Suddenly, her writing got stuck. She could'nt get the right English vocab for the word "berkhasiat". She thought really hard for the correct word but in vain. Finally, she gave up and wrote "Fruits are berkhasiat for us to eat." Does Amira's situation sound familiar? What can you do if you face the same problem like Amira? What is the best solution in overcoming the above situation without feeling worried of losing marks? The answer is - SIMPLIFY! Step 1: Let's say you don't know the word "berkhasiat", which means nutritious in English, but you know that something which is "berkhasiat" is "baik". Step 2: The word "baik" means "good" in English. So, If you are trying to write/say that "Fruits are berkhasiat for us to eat", you can write/say "Fruits are good for us to eat." Here's another example: The rich man menyumbangkan (contributed) a lot of money to the poor every year. Step 1: The word "menyumbangkan" is related to "benda yang baik" and "memberi sesuatu". Step 2: "benda yang baik" means "good". "memberi sesuatu" means "gives" So,

"The rich man menyumbangkan a lot of money to the poor every year" can be simplified as, "The rich man is a good man. He gives a lot of money to the poor every year." Did you get the idea? REMEMBER! When you don't know a word in English, always SIMPLIFY! You'll never get stuck anymore :) AND DO REMEMBER THE


Keep It Simple Students!


you will make less mistakes (grammar, structures, spelling, punctuation etc). easier for you to write (easier to translate from your mother tongue). you can avoid giving headaches to the reader (the examiner).

You are human, the examiners are human too. Make it easy for them to mark your paper, they will make your life easy by giving you the good marks that you deserve. So, remember



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