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Code No: D5708 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M.Tech II - Semester Regular Examinations September, 2010 SYSTEM MODELING AND SIMULATION (VLSI / VLSI DESIGN / VLSI SYSTEM DESIGN) Time: 3hours Max. Marks: 60 Answer any five questions All questions carry equal marks --1.a) b) 2.a) b) 3.a) b) 4.a) b) 5.a) What is meant by system simulation? With suitable example explain how do you simulate an inventory system. Discuss about the discrete event simulation. What is meant by system integration? Explain. Explain about discrete and distributed delays. How do you simulate queuing a system? Explain with suitable example. Define Petri net? Discuss the standard Petri net nomenclatures. Discuss about random walks, and draw the state diagram for a four-node random walk with reflecting borders. Define Poisson process? List out the Poisson Postulates and its properties. Suppose that telephone calls arrives randomly through out the day at an office, at an average rate of 3 calls per two minutes assuming this is to be a Poisson process i) How many calls expected between 2.00pm to 2.10pm? ii) What is the probability to receive more than 3 calls between 2.00pm to2.02pm? iii) What is the probability to receive more than 3 calls between 2.15pmto2.19pm? Distinguish between M/M/1 QUEUES and M/M/C queues. Explain about Alpha /Beta trackers. Discuss about multi dimensional optimization. Discuss the techniques for increasing model validity and credibility. Explain about Arena. Write any TWO of the following i) White noise ii) Finite capacity queue iii) State machines.

b) 6.a) b) 7.a) b) 8.






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