3.1. Life Is A Journey

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3.1. Life is a Journey A1.

Matching Look at the columns in the following table, one describing the stages of a journey and the other, stages of life. Discuss with your partner and match them. Journey Beginning of a journey Stations / stops in a journey Problems / obstacles in a journey Reaching the final destination Life Death/passing away Pains/sufferings/illness Childhood / adolescence Birth of a person

A2. Future careers Look at the following diagram of a railway line, Point out the stations and different routes; you would like to follow in future. Discuss with your partner the reason why you would like to follow that route. Diagram Vocational courses 8th Std. 9th Std. 10th Std. Reading support: Pay attention to Sound Pronunciation Speed Rhyming words pauses A3. Listen Listen to the poem and find out which of the following lines sum up the idea of the poem: a) Trip to a hill resort b) Peace of life c) Enjoyments and sufferings in life d) Life as a journey to eternity A.4. Listen again Diplomas Arts / Commerce / Science

Listen to the poem again. This time your teacher will ask any one of you to read the poem. After listening state if the following statements are true or false. 1. According to the poet life is a journey without any halt. 2. All travelers have same paths and similar journey. 3. According to the poet for some people the journey is quicker and for some slower. 4. At the end of lifes journey we get punishment. 5. According to the poet the reward of lifes journey is ever lasting peace. A5. Matching Look at the columns of words and their meanings. Match them: A B 1. Pause a. way or track that is built or made by action of people walking. 2. Path b. achieve something. 3. Claim c. thing that you are given because you have done something good. 4. Reward d. period of time during which somebody stops doing something. Poem Life is a Journey Life is but a stopping place. A pause in whats to be. A resting place along the road, to sweet eternity. We all have different journeys, Different paths along the way, We all were meant to learn some things, but never meant to say.. Our destination is a place, far greater than we know. For some the journeys quicker, for some the journeys slow. And when the journey finally ends, Well claim a great reward, And find an everlasting peace,

together with the Lord. A6. Rhyming words Look at the last word of each line and frame a pair of the words that have a similar sound at the end. Discuss: Pattern of rhyming words Line in which they occur Effect created Read the lines with rhythm. Glossary Eternity: Destination: life continuing without end after death Place to which somebody/something is going or being sent.

A7. Read Go through the poem gain and answer the following questions after discussing with your friends: 1. Where does life go to? 2. What is our goal of life? 3. When do we find everlasting peace? 4. What are we expected to do in our life? 5. What is a quicker and slower journey? 6. What is suggested through the idea journey finally ends? 7. How far do you agree with the poets idea of journey of life? 8. Do you agree with the poets views on the life style of the people? Why? A.8. Reality of life Go through the poem quickly and find out the realities or facts of life as viewed by the poet. For example: 1. We cannot stop but have to continue 2. _____________________________ 3. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________ A9. Life is like ________ You can very well compare human life with something that you see around. Prepare a Poster on Life. Develop the following or think of any other comparison. Life is like a cloth.

Life Full of good and bad experiences

Similarity with cloth woof and warp of threads some threads are of silver and some are dark.

Advice ______ ______ ______

A.10. Complete it Now read the poem and complete the following by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below: 1. The title of the poem suggests that life is a ____ i. Destination ii. Halting place iii. travel 2. The poet says that all have to follow ____ i. one way ii. different paths iii. two way problems 3. According to the poet some have _____ i. quicker journey ii. Slower journey iii. Sometimes quicker and sometimes slower. A11. Repetition Find out the words that are repeated throughout the poem. Discuss with your partner the following points: Words repeated Number of repetitions: Reason for repeating: Effect of repeating: Place of occurrence. A12. Antithesis Read the poem and find out the opposite ideas brought together in one and the same sentence. Discuss: Ideas that are opposite. Effect of bringing them together Share your feelings regarding these ideas Any other points A13. Say it pleasantly Look at the last stanza of the poem.

What is the poet talking about here? Does he talk about that directly? If no, why differently? This device is known as Euphemism. A14. Comparison: Look at the title of the poem and discuss with your partner on the following points: What is compared with what? Is it direct or indirect? What are the similarities? What is the effect? Name the figure of speech: A15. Expansion of Ideas: For some the journey is quicker For some the journey is slow Discuss with your partners and write a paragraph or two on the thoughts expressed in these lines. Make use of the following points: Preparation: *find out the implied meaning * seek justification for it *think over the meaning and its significance. *explain the figurative language *collect examples from real life


*prepare a rough draft *use proper connectors *arrange the points in order *begin and end pleasantly *reverse your draft again and again


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