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SMU ECONOMICS SOCIETY (OIKOS) 11th EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTIONS ELECTIONS GUIDELINES Note: 1. This document is for electors viewing. 2. A softcopy must be sent to Name of candidate CHIA JI CHUEN Year of matriculation

Expected year of graduation

2016 2012

About myself (max 100 words) Friendly, committed and responsible.

Agenda for 11th Executive Committee & Vision for the Society (max 100 words) Agenda for the 11th Executive Committee is to have more/better events to bond the students and to better respond to students needs. My vision for the society is to become more tightly knit and to make the students proud to be a member of Oikos.

Past contributions to the SMU Economics Society or the School of Economics (max 50 words) Logistics director for Oikos Camp 2013


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