Defects vs. Errors: "Aim Is For Zero Defects and Improved Customer Experience"

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Defects Vs.

Aim is for Zero Defects and improved customer experience
Anand Subramaniam

Women love us for our defects. If we have enough of them, they will forgive us everything, even our gigantic intellects.
- Oscar Wilde

Defects Vs. Errors

Defects Vs. Errors

The first step to Source Inspection is to distinguish between Errors and Defects Defects are the results Errors are the causes of the results

Zero Defects
The goal is to understand the concept and practice of zero defects and how to develop Poka-yoke to eliminate these defects

Poka-yoke methods or devices to improve product quality and ensure consistent process results
Poka-yoke devices:
Prompt feedback and action as soon as the defect or error occurs Perform 100% auto-inspection

Defect Tracking
Defect Rates are tracked by:
Quantity Kind Percent

With Zero Defects thinking, tracked at:

The point at which defect is discovered

The point at which defect occurred


Gemba Motto on Defects

Dont get it. Dont make it. Dont send it


Errors Causes
Manufacturing Errors Processing errors or omissions Human Errors Place blame and/or expect defects Catch at final or sampling inspection Make excuses

Assembly omissions or inclusion of the wrong part

Processing wrong work piece

Mistake Proofing Human Errors

Eliminate the possibility of the mistake
Find the root cause and eliminate Ask why the process failed Apply mistake-proofing device for 100% inspection No defects generated

Mistake Proofing Machine Errors

A standard a work method or procedure A reliable method includes only those elements which, when followed, cause a predictable/desirable result, and when not followed, result in a predictable defect

Take Away..
Defects can be prevented
Error Proofing
Poka-yoke - to achieve zero defects Make it impossible to produce defects


One of the great defects of English books printed in the last century is the want of an index.
- Lafcadio Hearn


Good Luck


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