FREE Maths Science Physics Chemistry Educational Software

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FREE Maths Science Physics Chemistry Educational Software


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FREE Maths Science Physics Chemistry Educational Software

Download a free Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry educational software for students of age group 13 to 18.

S UN DAY, S E P TE M BE R 9 , 2007
CBSE Exam India Free Maths Science Physics Chemistry Educational S...

CBSE Exam India


File Name: GeniusMakerFree.exe File Size: 3.5 MB approx

July 2007 September 2007

Free Download Maths Science Education software - Genius

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Now it contains 32 software in single pack. Enjoy !! Refer the folowing site for India CBSE exam related links CBSE Exam India 2008, 2009 CBSE 10th and 12th standard

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18-09-2013 05:46 PM

FREE Maths Science Physics Chemistry Educational Software

posted by Jack | 6:25 AM

S AT UR DAY , J UL Y 1 4, 200 7

Free Maths Science Physics Chemistry Educational Software

Download Genius Maker - a Free Maths, Physics and Chemistry educational software by clicking the following link. Alternatively you can visit any of the following sites to download the free software. OR They provide 25 educational software in one pack. The following are the list of education science software.

MATHEMATICS Graph Plotter Progressions Triangle Solver Equations Solver Curve Fitting Matrix Algebra Determinant Number System Geometry Solver Polynomial expansion Permutation Combination PHYSICS Unit Converter Linear Motion Motion Under Gravity Refraction of Rays Lens & Mirrors Doppler Effect Electrical Resistance Transverse Waves Longitudinal Waves Radioactive Decay CHEMISTRY Periodic Table Gas Laws pH Value

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18-09-2013 05:46 PM

FREE Maths Science Physics Chemistry Educational Software

Molecular Weight OTHER PAGES Introduction FAQ Start Genius Maker
posted by Jack | 10:01 PM | 0 comments

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18-09-2013 05:46 PM

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