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Magazine Questionnaire

I am creating a college magazine and would like to find out the interests of my possible future readers. Please tick the

1. What is your gender?

Female Male

2. What is your age range?

14-16 17-19 20+

3. How often do you read magazines?

1-2 times a week Once a month Hardly ever I dont read magazines

4. What are your main interests?


5. Rate these in order of preference: (1 being what you would most like to see in the magazine, 6 being the least.)
Student Offers/Discounts Part-Time Jobs


Freshers Week

Where to park

Places to eat

6. What attracts you to a magazine?

Title Price

Celebrity on the cover

Specific Genre The images

7. What genre of magazine would you like?

Music Film





8. Would you buy a college magazine?

Yes No

9. How much would you be willing to pay?


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