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16 19 80% 70% Female Male

0% 0% 7% 13% 40% Music Fashion Art Film Sport Gaming Lifestyle 7% 13% Specialist Other 20% 13%

College Enjoyment
7% Chance to Meet New People Freedom and Trust 40%

7% 13%

Learning New things 20% Being Treated As a Mature Individual

What Should Be Advertised More?

0% 0% Student Union 29% 50% 7% 14% College Events Revision Help 0% 14%

Article Interest
0% Cheap Food Cheap Parking 43% Social Deals Shocking Stories 43% 0% Fashion Crazes Other

Part Time jobs Other

Interested In Receiving
8% 15% 31%


Freebies Dates For Concerts 30% 40% Weekly Bi-Weekly Monthly Yearly 30%


Pull Outs

Social Networking

21% 48%

Facebook Twitter Blogger My Space Instagram Tumblr


5% 21%

Spare Time
4% 4% 16%

Meet up with friends Read Sport 28% Clubs Listen to music Televison Gaming


4% 8% 4%

From my research I can see that the majority of the people I asked enjoy a music magazine (40%) but also enjoy others, such as gaming, film and fashion (all 13%). From my research I can also tell that most people I asked buy a magazine monthly, suggesting a low expendable income. Also the highest article interest is Cheap but Good Food (43%) and also Social Deals had a high interest (43%) could suggest they dont have a job. From my questionnaire I found that the best thing about college is meeting new people (40%) but the freedom and experience were the next highest on my results (both 20%). This means the people I asked are likely to be very social. The networking question also furthers this as the most commonly used is Facebook (48%) then Twitter and Tumblr were next (both 21%). During their free time the most common thing to do listening to music (32%) but then meeting up with friends was 2nd (28%). This supports the idea that a music magazine is the most commonly bought. My asked audience feel that College events (50%) should be advertised more and that Student Union should also get more advertisement (29%). The most wanted thing to receive from a magazine is Freebies (46%) but Tips are also highly appreciated (31%). So overall my asked audience are interested in saving money, music, being social and finding out about the latest events. Although my questionnaire could be bias as I asked my friends who are mostly my age (16).

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