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Micaela de Guzman August 6, 2013 HUMALIT: Cinemalaya 2013 : Nuwebe


As I watched Nuwebe, my first thoughts were about the miscast of Jake Cuenca and Nadine Samonte, who were both fair-skinned as compared to their daughter in the movie Barbara Miguel. I also remembered the discussion in Oleanna that story is told in various ways depending on its actors. I feel like that the movie would have had more impact had it been with a different Moises and Dolores, and Krista. I think Miguel is a good actress, but failed to convince me that she actually went through that; the experiences of the real Krista is way too heavy. The movie revolved around a plot that is a true story and by the end of the movie I was expecting to be angered since it is a recurring issue in the country. Some lines were unbelievable from Miguel, like Ayoko ipalaglag ang anak ko. I found it ironic since she could answer questions in her classes but admits that she wasnt aware that the act done by her and her father were making a baby in the process. The film also took a lot of time before it leads to the pregnancy. It somehow led me to get confused about the connection of the superstition and fascination of the nuno sa punso by Dolores and the pregnancy; and the argument with the faith healer and Moises. As it reaches the climax, it becomes discreet in the sceen which is considered the most important one. I think had it been uncensored, it would capture the essence of what took place. I as a viewer would probably have had connection with Kristas character. A reenactment would never be complete, especially rape without visualization. At the end of the movie, I ended up not caring for Krista, as a rape victim. I wish the movie had another approach.

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