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Jeetendra Mali MD Case : Its story of 10 years boy who was voiding bloody urine since more than

6 months.he came to me with his parents last year from neighboring state. He also having abdominal pain <jar, < afternoon.. During pain he used to sleep whole day.. He has frequent urge to urinate. He was under treatment of local physicians, and also treated twice, as IPD in district civil hospital.. USG report was normal.. Considering it is renal calculi parents came to me (as I have treated number of renal stone cases in neighboring state) His mother told me about his nature that, he is unusually angry since childhood, and all things to be happened according to his wish only, till he cant keep quiet himself. OBSERVATION: Patient was not talked properly with me and behaving as if he is unaware of me, clinic, his family members and other patients. Considerably Long eye lashes (refer photo) On 27th of April 2012 he prescribed with PHOS-30C e doses at interval of 10 minutes, followed by SL
BD for 3 days and asked to stay here for at least 3 days to observe changes.

On the third day they came saying that since next morning he started to pass clear urine and pains also no more left can we move to our native? Rubric considered for this case was as follows from synthesis repertory: 1. MIND - INDIFFERENCE - surroundings, to the 2. MIND DICTATORIAL 3. MIND - ANGER - children; in 4. URINE BLOODY 5. EYE - HAIR - Eyelashes - long; are COMMENTS: 1. This case indicates tubercular traits.and PHOS is great anti-tubercular remedy 2. Long eye-lashes indicate Tubercular miasm 3. INDIFERENCE to surrounding is usually not seen in PHOSPHOROUS (except advanced syphilitic cases) as Phos is very vivacious, Animated and communicative personalitybut OPOSITE symptoms of drug usually carries higher rank in totality e.g. Vivaciousness Indifferenceness of PHOSPHOROUS. Anger Sweetness of STAPHYSAGRIA etc. 4. Its easy to trace mind symptoms in children as they behave naturally..

Malnutrition - A case Posted by Dr. Sayed Tahir Hassan on July 9, 2013 Case : A boy of 7yrs, 10kgs, thin, under-nourished, was brought for gaining height and weight. The pediatrician had tested and found no disease, prescribed tonics but no change. The kid is active and at times hyperactive. His skin looks dehydrated and wrinkled, specially at the back of hands, face, arms, and feet. Me: Did your kid suffered from any disease? Mom: The kid's dr said he doesnt have TB or pneumonia. He is usually a healthy child. But the problem is, he doesnt eat much but keeps on playing the whole day. I have to force him to eat. Me: You mean, your kid never ever had fever or loose stools or vomiting? Mom: He has been usually healthy over last 4-5 years. Might have got occasional cold but was never given any treatment. While the younger kid is always on treatment for fever or coughs. At 3yrs of age, he had herpes on his lips and later it was on chest. Me: How was he born? Any problems immediately after the kids birth? Mom: He was born normally at Pmna hospital. Cried immediately. On 7th day, circumscision was done. No problems at all. Me: Thats nice. Between 3 to 6 months or between 6 to 12months... The kid's father spoke,"When he was about 11months, he used to cry a lot before and while passing urine. It remained for 2weeks. One day we noticed sand in his diapers but thought that diaper got polluted. But after few days my mother pointed out that the urine passed by the kid used to crystallize into powder. We confirmed it when the kid passed urine in diaper again. Local dr gave some syrup and it reduced. Me: Looking towards the kid's mother-"Dont u recall it?" Mom: I remember but it wasnt such a huge problem. Me: Was he able to pass urine while in sitting or sleeping position during those times? Mom: Haa. Thats was something un-usual. I had to hold him up as if standing to pass out the urine. He used to pass freely while in standing position. Isnt it odd for a kid of 11months!? Gave him Sarsparilla and after 2weeks his weight was 12kgs and after a month 14kgs.

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