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Nursing Care Plan #1 ASSESSMENT Objective: Presence of surgical incision on the neck DIAGNOSIS Risk for Infection PLANNING

G INTERVENTION RATIONALE Blood and wet areas can be a lodge area of bacteria. Elevated temperature is an indicative of infection. Proper wound care and regular changing promotes fast healing. EVALUATION Goal met. The patient was able to maintain skin integrity for optimal wound healing.

After 8 hours of nursing Kept dressing to neck intervention, the patient clean and dry. will be able to participate in preventive measures to be free from infection. Monitor elevated temperature.

Used aseptic technique when changing or performing wound care.

Assessed wound dressing Tight wound dressing for tautness. maybe an indicative of bleeding into the tissues. Emphasized the importance of hand washing. Monitored for swelling, redness or presence of pus at incision site. It serves as first line of defense against infection.

These are localized signs of infection.

Nursing Care Plan #2


DIAGNOSIS Readiness for enhanced Self-care

PLANNING After 8 hours of nursing interventions, patient will demonstrate proactive management of the condition

NURSING INTERVENTIONS Discussed with the patient the importance of self-care like taking medications as prescribed. Listened to patients concerns regarding present conditions.

RATIONALE For patient to understand valuable outcomes of selfcare.


To exhibit regard for patients values and beliefs, to support positive responses and to address questions and concerns To allow for reinforcement of successful interventions to manage conditions.

Encouraged communication among those who are involved in patients health promotion like setting schedule with her sister who is a nurse of when to change wound dressing. Encouraged SO to support patient in making healthrelated decisions and pursuit of self-care practices that promotes health like emphasizing importance of follow-up visit, instructing the patient to avoid strenuous activities and maintaining eating of nutritious foods.

To foster self-esteem and support positive self-concept

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