Rallying Support For Bill C-304 A National Housing Strategy NDP MP Libby Davies' Bill C-304

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Rallying Support for Bill C-304

A National Housing Strategy

NDP MP Libby Davies’ Bill C-304
Bill C-304 is an act to ensure secure, adequate, accessible and affordable
housing for Canadians. The Bill is being debated in the House of Commons
this spring and will likely be voted on in the fall. Join us in rallying for support
for this Bill. Below is information about the Bill and what you can do to make
sure this Bill becomes law!
Why do we need a National Housing Strategy?
Canada is the only major country in the world without a national housing
strategy. With 3 million Canadians living in housing insecurity, Canada has
clearly fallen behind in its investment in affordable housing. We have one of
the smallest social housing sectors among developed countries and fewer
Canadians are qualifying for the higher cost of home ownership.

Improved access to affordable housing can be achieved through co-operative

partnerships of government and civil society and the meaningful
involvement of local communities. The Federal Government must take the
lead to ensure national goals and programs are put in place to improve the
quality of life for all Canadians.

Bill C-304 calls on all levels of government to work together for a national
housing strategy that will address homelessness, invest in not-for-profit
housing, and meet the housing needs of vulnerable and marginalized
populations. Canada has the capacity and the will to ensure that every
Canadian has access to secure, adequate, accessible and affordable housing.

How can you help pass Bill C-304

• Write your MP: use the enclosed Letter to Your MP or write your own
letter. (to find your MP, go to www.parl.gc.ca)

• Ask your mayor to endorse the Bill: use the enclosed Mayor’s Letter of
Support or write your own.

• Sign the enclosed petition and get others to sign

• Join our Facebook page


• Talk about the Bill on Twitter or MySpace

• Stay Updated (visit Libby’s website www.libbydavies.ca, or the NDP

Critic for Housing, Megan Leslie www.meganleslie.ndp.ca)

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