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CONSTITUTION OF NIKITESEDAFI The United States Pirate Party, USPP PREAMBLE We, the members of the United States

Pirate Party, established to provide justice, peace, order, and free access and allowance to all pieces of information both public and private, and to let all seeking refuge within our borders, do ordain and establish this constitution and subscribe to the regulations and policies of it. ARTICLE I UNITED STATES PIRATE PARTY The name of this organization shall be Nikitesedafi, for the Greek of The Victors Land. It will hereinafter be referred to as NiKiti for the short. ARTICLE II RIGHT OF FREE ACTIONS In NiKiti, all peoples are equal, and will be equally free in their actions. All peoples will be free to do in their actions what is permissible by their fellow citizens and by any future amendments or enforcements. All actions will be tolerated for, but not against the captain, their ruler. ARTICLE III RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS In NiKiti, all peoples are equal, and will be equally free in their right to bear arms. All peoples will have access to any and all arms from the family of mammals Ursidae. All bear arms will be used for the defense of the peoples and of NiKiti.

ARTICLE IV NO RIGHT TO PROPERTY The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall be violated to the captains leisure, and no Warrants shall need issuing, and especially upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ARTICLE V NO RIGHT TO TRIAL Any person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, and may or may not receive trial by rulers for a fitting punishment to the persons crime, and will have no right to protest any lack of trial before punishment is served, immediately following crime committed. ARTICLE VI RIGHT TO COMMEND CONSTITUTION Any person, held or not on trial, may use this here constitution as a justification and certification of their actions. ARTICLE VII RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE The powers not delegated to NiKiti by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it, are reserved to the Captain. ARTICLE VIII THE LAWS REGARDING THE CAPTAIN Section 1. Powers Clause 1. Lawmaking The Captains abilities and powers in the regards of making laws are limitless, as he is the ruler and may revoke or create any laws he wishes. The Captain may take into account any laws proposed by the Quartermaster, but may veto them at any time as well. Clause 2. Military Action The Captains abilities and powers in the regards of militarized action are only limited by the loyalty of his army, as he is ruler over all. o For his safety, the Captain will not by default lead NiKiti into battle; this power will reside with the Quartermaster. The Captain may use any reason to or not to go to war, and any who publicly oppose him will be punished to the full extent of the law. Clause 3. Position Appointing The Captains abilities and powers in the regards of appointing executive positions are limitless, as he is the ruler. Any executive position (Quartermaster, Boatswain, etc.) will be appointed by the Captain, to his liking. Section 2. Passage of Power Clause 1. Inheritance The passage of power through inheritance or blood relation will be decided upon by the Captain, based off of his choice towards son. o If the Captain shall be cursed with no sons, see Clause 2.

As long as the Captain has a son, and he is to the Captains liking, the position of Captain shall be handed to the son at the time of the Captains death or retirement. o If the Captains son shall be under the age of 15 at the time of the Captains retirement or death, the Quartermaster will take over temporarily as captain, and the First Mate as Quartermaster.

Clause 2. Appointment If the Captain shall be cursed without a son, then he will appoint an executive officer to his position. o If the Captain is too ill to make a judgment or the officers agree his judgment may be impaired, then the Quartermaster will be appointed as Captain. Impairment of Captains abilities must be a unanimous agree by the executive officers. In the case of the Captain being displeased with his sons, he will appoint an executive officer to his position. Section 3. Time in Power Clause 1. Limitations A Captains time in power as the Captain is only limited by his personal choice or by his life span. The only exceptions are in the case in which the Captains mental or physical abilities hinder his decision making over NiKiti. o The judgment of his mental or physical abilities hindering his decision making will be decided upon by a unanimous vote by the executive officers. ARTICLE IX THE LAWS REGARDING THE EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Section 1. Quartermaster Clause 1. Powers The Quartermasters power includes giving the information collected by the First Mate to the Captain. It is his responsibility to convey the First Mates message. Failure to convey will result in a sentence decided by the captain. Clause 2. Decision Making In a gathering of Executive Officers, the Quartermaster will lead the meeting and bring up all of the issues. Clause 3. Appointment The Quartermaster will be appointed by the Captain, as the Captain can never make faulty decisions, because he is the ruler. Section 2. First Mate Clause 1. Powers

The First Mates power includes gathering and then conveying messages and opinions of the people to the Quartermaster, to be conveyed to the Captain. The First Mates power also includes Conveying all lawmaking, military, and executive decisions directly from the Captain to the people. Section 3. Boatswain Clause 1. Powers The Boatswains power includes the ability to be the eventual decider in trials of people in mutinous or law-breaking acts. o The Captain will facilitate all trials, but the Boatswain will be the decider. The Boatswains power also includes the ability to be one of the main military strategists in war, regarding Naval Actions. Section 4. Treasurer Clause 1. Powers The Treasurers powers include the dictating of the spending, receiving, and storage of any money acquired in the name of NiKiti. The Treasurers powers include the negotiating of matters involving money with other countries outside of NiKiti. Section 5. Carpenter Clause 1. Powers The Carpenters powers include the management of propaganda usage in the country, to the Captains satisfaction. o Failure to satisfy the captain with propaganda will result in a trial by the Captain and a replacement of office. The Carpenters powers also include the responsibility to keep the loyalty of the citizens at a maximum, and to use enforcement to crush any rebellious activities. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION All amendments to be made to this constitution must either: A. Get a unanimous vote of approval between the executive officers, and then proceed to the Captain where he gives the go-ahead vote. B. Be proposed by the Captain, then either encouraged or discouraged in his decision by the quartermaster, after which point he gives the go-ahead vote. All amendments to the constitution may not contradict any of these first ten articles, and may not conflict in policies with any other passed amendments. Any amendment may be proposed no more than ten times after rejection. Any proposal of an amendment that has been rejected more than times will result in trial by the Captain. Long Live NiKitesedafi!


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