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Life in Tahrir Square

The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit

Life in Tahrir Square The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit

The hospital where doctors volunteered to provide medicine and checkups Fellow Hany and his friends contributed medicine Fellow Tandiar provided medical information to some volunteers

Providing Medical Care at different corners

Life in Tahrir Square The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit

Rubbish Bins under the direction of the cleanliness committee which was created by the youth

Life in Tahrir Square The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit

The people built the bathroom They called it the headquarters of the National Democratic Party

Life in Tahrir Square The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit

Aly on a wheel chair coming from a distance to sell drinks to the protesters Street vendors were usually harassed by police before and he wanted to join the revolution.

Life in Tahrir Square The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit

Sweet Potato seller

Life in Tahrir Square

The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit
Art in different forms was used to express the opinions and beliefs of the peaceful revolutionaries

Life in Tahrir Square The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit

Carts with revolutionary slogans came in with the sellers A man selling Kushari (the kentucky of the poor as he called it)

Life in Tahrir Square

The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit
Egyptian donuts Sold by young vendors with the real price Men and women used to buy it and distribute I was given several times by men and women

Life in Tahrir Square

The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit
Tea was shared and distributed for free in many cases as people got the tea and water and the vendors got the boilers In return they would be given food and blankets

Life in Tahrir Square The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit

The barber.. The most interesting and entrepreneurial man I have ever met Saw many people nearly living there and so he got his tools and came He gave discounts to rural protesters and in general very good prices

The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit

Mobile phone charger Whether the prepaid cards or charging the phone were sold with actual cost as the market. While the some merchants outside the midan increased their prices no exploitation took place in the midan

Life in Tahrir Square The Egyptian entrepreneurial spirit

Many of the young revolutionaries did not know what was happening outside so corners for news and newspapers were established This was the martyrs corner

The news corner

Many of the young revolutionaries did not know what was happening outside so corners for news and newspapers were established

The bloggers corner

Bloggers in the Midan al Tahrir They followed up what was being written and were also addressing rumors spread by the regime

Kindergarten for the children of the revolution Children were playing but also helping in drawing and writing slogans for the protesters Mothers were busy protesting

The real Egyptians

Helping each other out Sharing the food and the bed regardless of religious or economic background

The real Egyptians : Muslims and Copts united

The real Egyptians : Army and People united

We love Egypt: let clean the TS

Clean Egypt: if you love Egypt

Clean Egypt: if you love Egypt

Clean Egypt: if you love Egypt

Clean Egypt: if you love Egypt

Clean Egypt: if you love Egypt

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