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R12 Subledger Accounting (SLA)

Oracle Subledger Accounting (SLA) is a new module in R12. This document is intended as a summary of some of the new features included in this module and an overview at how to access this information through the E-business UI and through the database. SLA is an enhancement to the Global Accounting Engine seen in previously released versions of the Oracle E-business Suite. All Global Accounting Engine Features are supported by Oracle Subledger Accounting (SLA). SLA stores complete and balanced journal entries for each Subledger Transaction and GL Date. This means that SLA captures detailed drilldown for each captured journal entry line and becomes a single source of truth for all accounting, reconciliation and analytical reporting. SLA offers the ability to create multiple accounting representations for the same Subledger Transactions each to be stored in a separate ledger. SLA also offers the ability to substitute new accounts for old ones using mapping functionality. This is useful when Accounts become redundant. The redundant account can simply have a mapping to a new account. Subledger Accounting will then generate any accounting with the new account code saving time having to manually updating entries with redundant codes. Accounting entries are generated in SLA by running Create Accounting. This can be done at different levels in each Subledger. For Receivables, Create Accounting can either be run at Transaction Level through a Tools menu option in AR or at Ledger Level through the Concurrent Requests Screen. For Payables, it can be run through the Actions Button or at Ledger Level through the Concurrent Requests Screen. When we Create Accounting for Transactions, we can run them in 3 ways: 1 2 3 Draft Final Final and Post to GL This allows users of the Subledger to review and amend the accounting created This is the final version of the accounting for the Subledger Create a final version of the accounting, transfer to GL and Post in GL

Users have the ability to view accounting creating for each transaction. This is available from the Tools menu option within the Transactions screen in Receivables and the Invoices screen in Payables.

Viewing SLA Data through the User Interface (UI)

An example of the Accounting for a Receivables Transaction is below. We first look at the transaction through the Forms UI.

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Go to Tool => View Accounting

We can see the Ledger and also the Accounts that the accounting applies to.

Viewing data through the Tables

We now turn our attention to finding where this data is stored in the database. For this we use the Oracle Diagnostics Tool for Receivables (see the R12 diagnostics document set). We run the diagnostics for the invoice we looked at above. The accounting for this invoice can be seen below:

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This also allows us to get at the individual queries used to generate this data, by using the See SQL hyperlinks. For this example these are: XLA_EVENTS: SELECT FROM WHERE AND * xla_events xe xe.application_id = 222 xe.entity_id IN ( SELECT xte.entity_id FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xte WHERE xte.application_id = 222 AND xte.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS' AND xte.source_id_int_1 = 10066)

XLA_AE_HEADERS: SELECT FROM WHERE AND * xla_ae_headers xah xah.application_id = 222 xah.entity_id IN ( SELECT xte.entity_id FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xte WHERE xte.application_id = 222 AND xte.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS' AND xte.source_id_int_1 = 10066)

XLA_AE_LINES: SELECT FROM WHERE AND AND AND xal.* xla_ae_lines xal, xla_ae_headers xah xal.application_id = xah.application_id xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id xah.application_id = 222 xah.entity_id IN ( SELECT xte.entity_id FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xte WHERE xte.application_id = 222 AND xte.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS' AND xte.source_id_int_1 = 10066)

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xdl.* xla_distribution_links xdl, xla_ae_headers xah xdl.application_id = xah.application_id xdl.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id xah.application_id = 222 xah.entity_id IN ( SELECT xte.entity_id FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xte WHERE xte.application_id = 222 AND xte.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS' AND xte.source_id_int_1 = 10066)

It is obvious that the driving table and link for all SLA transaction queries is the XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES table. A possible but not complete list of Entity Codes are: TRANSACTIONS, RECEIPTS, ADJUSTMENTS, PURCHASE_ORDER, AP_INVOICES, AP_PAYMENTS. This demonstrates that this is a common table for linking Subledger Transaction such as AR Transactions through to their accounting entries.

Subledger Accounting Setup

This is performed for each Subledger such as Receivables or Payables by navigating to Setup => Accounting. Each Subledger has its own Journal Sources, Entities (remember we saw these above in the table XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES), Mapping Sets (for mapping redundant accounts), . Please review the Oracle Subledger Accounting User Guide for an in depth explanation of the setup required for each Subledger.

Lee Taylor 20/08/2008

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