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Circle of Friends
by Len

An activity to show how friends are special gifts from God.

Materials: CD player CD of children's christian songs Guiding Stones (optional) see below

Topics: Friendship, Self-Worth, Just for fun

Duration: Approximately 10 minutes

Target Audience: Ages 4-6

Preparation: To help the kids know where to stand and walk, you can use the teaching aid Guiding Stones. Place the guiding stones in a large circle before starting the activity. What you will do: Have the children stand in a circle in the middle of the room. Have one child stand inside the circle and cover his/her eyes with one hand. If needed, an older helper can stay with the child to act as a coach. Start playing the music, and have the children along the circle march in one direction around the circle. They can also hop or skip, depending on their capabilities. Then, when you stop the music, the child in the center opens his or her eyes. You will quickly choose a color someone is wearing or a particular characteristic, and say, "My friend is wearing..." The child in the center points to one of the children wearing that color or who has that characteristic. Then, the child in the center and the one selected exchange places and you repeat the process. The object is to have all the children chosen as a special friend by someone standing in the center of the circle. Example: After the music stops and the children stop marching around in a circle, say, My friend is wearing yellow . The child standing inside the circle with eyes now open looks at the other children and points to someone who is wearing yellow. Besides colors of clothing, you can call out hairstyles, shoe types, long pants, or short pants, etc.

2 0 0 5 -2 0 1 2 K i d s S u n d a y S ch o o l P l a c e , I n c. A l l Ri g h t s Re se rve d .

https://www.kidssunday ities/2activ ity 33.php


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