Sunday School Take Home Page: To Parents

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Sunday School Take Home Page

To parents: This page lets you know what your child learned today in Sunday School. Included are "Words to Remember" from the Bible, a suggested activity to reinforce the lesson, and a short prayer. Being involved and interacting with your child can be very rewarding for both of you.

What We Learned: Today, your child learned about friendship. There was a man who wanted to see Jesus, but he couldn't walk. His friends helped by carrying him on his own mat to the home where Jesus was speaking. They lowered him down through the roof to Jesus, and Jesus healed him. This was only possible because of his friends. Your child also learned that friends are a special gift from God. (Scripture used: Luke 5:17-26)

Words to Remember: (Bible versions used are selected to help young children learn and understand the meaning of scripture.) God gives me everything I need. Psalm 23:1 NIRV Practice this verse several times with your child during the week. This will not only help your child to remember the verse, but also it will help to reinforce what he or she learned during class.

Suggested Parent/Child Activity: This would be a great time to help your child learn how to be a good friend like one of the friends of the man who could not walk. A good friend brings his or her friends to Jesus by showing the way. There are many ways this week that your child can show a friend the way. He or she can invite a friend to church or to a special concert. Your child can even invite a friend over to the house to play and while playing be extra nice and generous by sharing toys. This will let your child's friend see how a Christian acts, and wonder how they too can be kind, loving, and generous.

Daily Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for my friends. Help me be a good friend by showing love and kindness, and let my friends see the difference that You make in my life. Help me be brave to share Jesus with my friends so they can also have the joy that comes from knowing You. Amen.

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