Population Pyramid Task Sheet

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Unit One Title: Population and Settlement Unit Question: Why do people live where they live?

Global Context: Identities and Relationships

MS. SAM | YEAR 11-12 GEOGRAPHY | IN- CLASS Student Name: _________________________________________________________________________________

DUE DATE: 23rd September 2013

Task Students are to create a population pyramid for a country of their choice and write a statement of rationale as to why this pyramid looks like it does. Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. Create a population pyramid using Microsoft Excel ( and base this on current data) Write a minimum of 400 words and an maximum of 600 words Some research about the country will be required Ensure that you follow the correct referencing style

Advice: Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGSSfvpCGn4, which provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a population pyramid using excel. In your statement of rationale, make sure that you use the key terms that we have discussed in class. Offer an explanation of what conclusions could be made from the population pyramid. What uses would this information have? Remember when writing your paragraph follow the structure of point, evidence and example. Format: The population pyramid must be completed on excel. The statement of service can either be typed or neatly hand written. They must both be printed and attached to this rubric. Grading: This will be part of your homework grade for this quarter, therefore it is 5% of the 10% allocated for in-class tasks. This task will meet one of the MYP assessment criterion as detailed on the rubric below. Assessment criterion rubric Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding; 8-7 6-5 4-3 Uses terminology that is accurate and/or appropriate ~Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through adequate descriptions, explanations or examples. Student used a method or methods to collect and record some information consistent with the research question. 2-0 Makes a limited attempt to use some relevant terminology ~Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of content and concepts with simple descriptions and/or examples.

Uses a wide range of Uses a range of terminology accurately terminology accurately and appropriately and appropriately ~Demonstrates ~Demonstrates detailed knowledge good knowledge and understanding and understanding of content and of content and concepts through concepts through developed and accurate descriptions, accurate descriptions, explanations and explanations and examples. examples. Criterion B: Student used methods Student used methods to Investigating, accurately to collect collect and record including and record appropriate appropriate information academic and varied information consistent with the honesty and consistent with the research question. sourcing research question. Teacher comments: (see the back of the task sheet)

Student has collected and recorded limited information not always consistent with the research question.

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