Impaired Ability To Exercise

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Nursing Diagnosis Cues Impaired religiosity related to anxiety; fear of death.

S: Expresses emotional distress because of separation from faith community. Expresses a need to reconnect with previous belief patterns/custom s.


Goal Objectives

Nursing Interventions



Impaired ability to exercise

Goal: After the nursing

Does the client able to verbalize concerns about end-of-life issues and fear of death?

reliance on beliefs intervention, the client and/or participate in rituals of a particular faith tradition. will be able to verbalize concerns about end-oflife issues and fear of death.

Objectives: After the nursing intervention, client will be able to express anger, alienation from God, sense of guilt or retribution. After the nursing Assess extent of Note clients reports and expressions of anger, alienation from God, sense of guilt or retribution. Perception of guilt may cause spiritual crisis and suffering resulting in rejection of religious symbols. Some studies

Difficulty adhering to prescribed religious beliefs and rituals.

intervention, the client will be able to express extent of depression he is experiencing.

depression client may be experiencing.

suggest that a focus on religion may protect against depression. Communicates

After the nursing intervention, the client will be able to find own solutions to concern.

Use therapeutic communication skills of reflection and active listening.

acceptance and enables client to find own solutions to concerns. Promotes life

After the nursing intervention, the client will be able to clarify values and ideas, recognize and resolve feelings or situation.

Suggest use of journaling and reminiscence.

review and can assist in clarifying values and ideas, recognizing and resolving feelings or situation.

After the nursing intervention, the client will be able to check reality of perceptions and identify personal options and willingness to resume desired activities.

Provide opportunity for nonjudgmental discussion of philosophical issues to religious belief patterns and customs.

Open communication can assist client to check reality of perceptions and identify personal options and willingness to resume desired activities.

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