English Spanish Basic Dictionary

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Espaol Hola Cmo ests? Estoy bien, gracias. Y t? Qu tal? Me llamo Cmo te llamas? De dnde eres? Soy de espaa.

. Cuantos aos tienes? Tengo 24 aos. Dnde vives? Vivo en Madrid. Por favor Gracias / De nada S / No Yo Tu/Usted El / Ella Nosotros Vosotros/Ustedes Ellos Cmo? Qu? Quin? Cundo? Dnde? Por qu? Ser/Estar Hacer Tener Querer Gustar

English Hello/ Hi/ Hey How are you? Im fine, thanks. And you? Hows it going? My name is ... Whats your name? Where are you from? Im from Spain. How old are you? Im twenty-four. Where do you live? I live in Madrid. Please Thank you / Youre welcome Yes / No I You He / She We You They How? What? Who? When? Where? Why? To be To do To have To want To like

Presente To be I am You are He/She is To do I do You do He/She does We do You do They do I did We are You are They are I was

Pasado We were You were They were

You were He/She was

We did You did They did

You did He/She did

To have (something) I have it You have it He/She has it We have it You have it They have it I had it You had it He/She had it We had it You had it They had it

To want (something) I want it You want it He/She wants it We want it Tou want it They want it I wanted it You wanted it He/She wanted it We wanted it You wanted it They wanted it

To like (something) I like it You like it He/She likes it We like it You like it They like it I liked it You liked it He/She liked it We liked it You liked it They liked it

Formula de frases y preguntas S + V (be) S + V (be) + not V(be) + S ? S+V S + Aux + not + V Aux + S + V ? I am. I am not. Are you? I have it. I dont want it. Do you like it? He was. He was not. Was he? He had it. He didnt want it. Did you like it?

Countries (Pases) Nationalities North America 1. U.S.A. / United States / the States / America 2. Canada Europe 3. U.K. / United Kingdom / Great Britain / England 4. The Netherlands / Holland 5. Spain 6. Italy 7. France 8. Germany 9. Portugal 10. Ireland 11. Switzerland 12. Sweden 13. Norway 14. Denmark 15. Russia Latin America 16. Mexico 17. Brazil Asia 18. China 19. Japan 20. Thailand 5. Spanish 6. Italian 7. French 8. German 9. Portuguese 10. Irish 11. Swiss 12. Swedish 13. Norwegian 14. Danish 15. Russian Hispanic / Latino 16. Mexican 17. Brazilian Asian 18. Chinese 19. Japanese 20. Thai 18. Chinese 19. Japanese 20. Thai 16. Spanish 17. Portuguese 5. Spanish 6. Italian 7. French 8. German 9. Portuguese 10. English 11. French, German, Italian 12. Swedish 13. Norwegian 14. Danish 15. Russian 4. Dutch 4. Dutch 2. Canadian European 3. British / English 3. English 2. English, French (Nacionalidades) North American 1. American 1. English Languages (Idiomas)

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