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Ba'Keel Smugglers

Leader: Aradask (Duros) Lvl of Leader: 3 Charismabonus: 2 Organisationscore: 11 Title: The Other One: Nebara (Duros) Lvl: 3 Charismabonus: 0 Organisationscore: 1 Title:

Scale: Type: Enemies: Allies: Score criteria:

3 Outlaw Band (Knowledge: Social Sciences for Info) Law Enforcement, Empire Rebel Fighter Wing 207 (Base: Belsavis) Experience +1/2 Lvl Charisma 13+ +1 Dex or Int 15+ +1 Trained (Pilot) +1 Trained (Mechanics) +1 Trained (Persuasion) +1 Skill Focus (Pilot) +2 Class (Ace Pilot) +1 Class (Officer) +1 Class (Master Privateer) +1 Class (Noble) +1 Feat (Vehicular Combat) +1 Feat (Starship Tactics) +1 Feat (Flawless Pilot) +1 Own Spaceship +2 BAB +5 +1 Species (Duros) +1 Captures Enemy Starship +1/4 CL (max. 5, CL must be equal+ to Lvl) Captures valuable Cargo +1/10000$ (sell, max. +5) Establishes Shadowport +1 Destroys Stronghold +8 Donation +1/10000$ (max. +5) Participation in Great Battle +1

Titles: Benefits (Score 10-19):0-3: Outcast 4-10: A: +2 Will Defense 11-17: B: Force Point 2D6 on Pilot //Duties: Train a new member Benefits (Score 20-29):18-25: C: 10% discount 26-32: D: +1 circumstance BAB against Empire 33+: Master of Desaster: No license fee on military goods Duties (Score 10-19): Duties (Score 20-29): Goals: Freedom for Duros, (Rebellion against the Empire, Pirating, Smugling) Members: Who runs it:

Area of Operation:

Regular Ops:


Working Against:

smaller Crime Syndicates

ces for Info)

Species (Neimoidianer) -2 Charisma 8-2 Dex 8-2 Int 8-2 Friendly with Enemy -3 Loses or Destroys Cargo -1/10000$ Destroys Spaceship wich could -2 have been captured Fails Mission -2 Loses own Spaceship -4 Steals from Organisation -10 Kills Member of Org. -20 Provides Information -10 Provides Bounty on Member -10

1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1

1 1

x. 5, CL must be equal+ to Lvl) sell, max. +5)

max. +5) 11 4

ties: Train a new member

st Empire e on military goods

st the Empire, Pirating, Smugling)

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