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Filling Station

Elizabeth Bishop

In this poem we, once again, see Bishops photographic eye for detail. The theme of this poem is the unique beauty of everyday life. As the curious poet probes beneath the surface of the greasy, grimy, filling station, she discovers that love can be found even in the midst of filth and ugliness.

Stanza One
Opening colloquial line- sense of immediacy The phrase black translucency serves as a good example of Bishops talent for exact description.

Stanza 2
The extent of the dirt fascinates the poet. Everything is quite thoroughly dirty However, the reference to a father and sons gives the dirty filling station an unexpected domestic dimension. The colloquial language employed to describe the dog reinforces the sense of a home in a world of grime.

Stanzas 3 and four

The poets sharp eye takes in every detail, including some surprising decorative touches that sharply contrast with the overall filth of the filling station. Her curious mind probes beneath the surface of the scene, prompting her to ask a series of questions An unseen hand has attempted to create some degree of domestic order and beauty in this world of filth.

Stanza Five
The somebody () who embroidered the doily is never named. However, the suggestion is that a woman has done her best to fashion a home in a world of overwhelming ugliness. Through a process of close observation and detailed description, Bishop acquires a further insight into human nature.

The world of squalor that is the filling station is given a certain beauty and harmony by a nameless womans homemaking efforts prompted by the live for her family.

Stanza 6
The arrangement of the cans of oil also reflects a desire to bring order to a depressingly filthy world. The very positive, concluding line encapsulates the insight that the poet has gained. Put simply, the poet concludes that there is always someone quietly doing their best to improve the quality of our lives through generally unnoticed acts of love.

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