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Working together to establish policies and priorities, to ensure success and challenge for every child, every day.

September 25, 2013

6:30 p.m.

Meeting to be held at Richmond Elementary School

GENERAL ITEMS 1. Comments and statements from Richmond community members.

DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS 1. Appoint the 2013-14 truant officer 2. Approve the 2013-14 meal pricing 3. Voluntary Merger Planning Committee a. Approve representation b. Approve VMPC budget c. Appoint representatives 4. Superintendents report: a. Calendar 2.0

60 minutes

CONSENT AGENDA 1. Principals Report a. Staff evaluation report b. Projected enrollment figures c. 2013-14 goals 2. Approve minutes of previous meeting 3. Authorize payment of warrants 4. Committee Reports:
Policy, Executive, Negotiations, VSBA

30 minutes

OTHER BUSINESS 1. Date, time and agenda for next meeting. 2. Executive Session: Title I, Sec 313(a)3 Personnel

15 minutes

UPCOMING MEETINGS (To view school district meetings, agendas and minutes go to 9/30/13 CESU Negotiations Committee meeting, 4:30 pm, Central Office 10/7/13 CESU Policy Committee meeting, 6:30 pm, Central Office 10/16/13 Richmond School Board meeting, 6:30 pm, RES 10/21/13 CESU Executive Committee meeting, 6:30 pm, Central Office

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