Diff BW Autism and Aspergers

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They are not the same but both Classic Autism (Autistic Disorder) and Asperger's are on the

Autism Spectrum.

Asperger's: * Present from birth but usually doesn't become apparent until later than Classic Autism. * Much higher hereditary (genetic) component than Autism. * All Aspergers are High-Functioning, meaning they can live independently without they need for a carer or someone to supervise them. * Did not experience a delay in language acquisition as children. * Cannot have an Intellectual Impairment (retardation). Can only have an IQ in the normal range or higher (up to Genius). While still a tiny fraction of the population, no other group in society is as likely to be a Genius as someone with Asperger's. The average Asperger IQ is slightly higher than the general population. * Aspergers are more likely to suffer Social Anxiety than those with Autistic Disorder.

Autism (Autistic Disorder): * Present from birth but becomes obvious much sooner than AS. * Autism is (most likely) a result of both genetic and environmental factors. * Can be Low or High Functioning. * Experienced a language delay. * Can have IQ's anywhere on the scale, from profoundly Intellectually Impaired (profound retardation) to Genius, though IQ's above the normal range are far less common than with Asperger's. It is possible to have a normal to superior IQ and still be Low-functioning. * Approximately 30 - 50% of those with Autistic Disorder have an Intellectual Impairment (Mental Retardation). Those with Asperger's walk differently (determined by Gait Analysis) to those with Autistic Disorder - both walk differently to everyone else - and Aspergers have normal levels of the brain Neurotransmitter GABA whereas there are reduced levels in those with Autistic Disorder.

autism is a spectrum disorder that varies from mild to severe. aspergers syndrome is a type of mild autism, at the higher functioning end of the spectrum.

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