Art History

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Short paper due next week: Analysis of ORIGINAL art or architecture.

No research needed, but please have a picture with the paper. A new Vincent Van Gough was recently discovered. As we read the Jansen book we will get a better idea of how artists were viewed over time to society. Criteria to consider when reviewing a building: - Shape - Texture - Color - When was it built - How the sunlight is used - Location - Proportions (outside & inside) - How the building is laid out in direction - Architecture is constrained by its function, or what the builder/owner wants. Sculpture is like architecture as it displaces space. There are 2 basic sculptures. Taking away from something like a block and whittling it down to make it something else by subtracting parts of it so each part removed is somewhat final. The other kind is additive like a bronze or clay statute being cast. Some sculpture from South America in the 19th century was beloved by artists like Picasso. Paintings are 2 dimensional, but the creator can lend illusion to this two dimensional screen to give visual effects beyond it. Cubism is another way to view things in a painting. From Picasso his painting 20 feet wide called Guernica was about the first bombing from the air ever done. (shown below)

Van Goughs A Starry Night (below) note how the paint may have been done and the style in dabs. See how the stars are twinkling with his dabs of bright color.

Henri Rousseau (Sleeping Gypsy)

Henri Matisse (the green stripe)

Piet Mondrian (Broadway Boogie Woogie)

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